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Partnerships for Safer Chemistry

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"Read about the DfE Program's January 2007 - June 2008 accomplishments."

"DfE's new Screen for Solvents in Cleaning Products."

Safer Products

Look for the DfE Label!
Design for the Environment Label

Safer Detergent Stewardship Initiative

Apply for Recognition (PDF)
(8 pp, 183K, About PDF)
by June 20, 2008.

New Publications

Wire and Cable Insulation and Jacketing: Life-Cycle Assessments for Selected Applications

Spray Booth Filters: The Key to Quality Jobs and Clean Emissions (PDF) (2 pp, 221K) (EPA 744-F-08-001)

EPA has published "Protecting the Health of Nail Salon Workers" to help workers and nail-salon owners make their salons safer workplaces.

In Vietnamese: Bảo Vệ Sức Khoẻ của Nhân Viên Tiệm Móng Tay.

In Korean: EPA에서는 네일샵의 업주와 관리자와 직원들을 위한 좀 더 안전한 작업장을 만들기 위하여 “네일 관리사들의 보건”을 출간하였습니다.

The Design for the Environment (DfE) Program works in partnership with a broad range of stakeholders to reduce risk to people and the environment by preventing pollution. DfE focuses on industries that combine the potential for chemical risk reduction and improvements in energy efficiency with a strong motivation to make lasting, positive changes. DfE convenes partners, including industry representatives and environmental groups, to develop goals and guide the work of the partnership. Partnership projects evaluate the human health and environmental considerations, performance, and cost of traditional and alternative technologies, materials, and processes. As incentives for participation and driving change, DfE offers unique technical tools, methodologies, and expertise.

EPA's DfE program has reached more than 200,000 business facilities and approximately 2 million workers. In 2006, DfE reduced the use of chemicals of concern by approximately 183 million pounds.

To learn more about DfE, For information on specific partnership projects.

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