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Tools and Literature

Green Chemistry Expert System

The Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES) allows users to build a green chemical process, design a green chemical, or survey the field of green chemistry. The system is equally useful for new and existing chemicals and their synthetic processes. It includes extensive documentation.

Instructions and to download the Green Chemistry Expert System.

The GCES features are contained in five modules:

Green Chemistry Assistant

The Green Chemistry Assistant (GCA) Exit EPA, a Web application currently under development at St. Olaf college, is based on the Synthetic Methodology Assessment for Reduction Techniques (SMART) Review module of the Green Chemistry Expert System. It allows improved input of reaction data and a more thorough analysis of overall process mass inputs and outputs. The GCA does not yet incorporate the hazard tiers from the GCES SMART module.

Other Resources

Green Chemistry Resource Exchange Exit EPA
The ACS Green Chemistry Institute Exit EPA developed the Green Chemistry Resource Exchange Exit EPA as a place for users to exchange green chemistry information resources.

Green Chemical Alternatives Wizard Exit EPA
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed the Green Chemical Alternatives Purchasing Wizard to reduce the hazardous waste profile in research labs, an effort that ultimately saves MIT, and its researchers, money while reducing hazard potentials and the burden to our environment.

Next Generation Environmental Technologies: Benefits and Barriers Exit EPA
Next Generation Environmental Technologies (NGETs) focus on the redesign, at the molecular level, of manufacturing processes and products, with the aim of reducing or eliminating the use of hazardous materials. This report makes known the broader context for the use of NGETs and serves as a resource to systematically assess their benefits. In addition to the main report, an appendix examines 25 existing NGETs that span a range of development, from early research to full use in profitable businesses.

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