Chattahoochee Riverway BacteriALERT project List of people to answer your questions
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Contacts for the Chattahoochee Riverway BacteriALERT Network

A number of local government agencies and environmental groups are sponsoring the Chattahoochee River BacteriALERT Network. If you need more information, use the list of contact people below.

Federal agencies:
National Park ServiceDavid EkCHAT_Resource_Management@nps.gov770-399-8074 x230
U.S. Geological SurveySteve Lawrenceslawrenc@usgs.gov770-903-9100
State and local agencies:
Georgia Environmental Protection DivisionLinda
Citizen groups:
Georgia ConservancyAlice Champagneachampagne@gaconservancy.org404-876-2900 x12
Georgia ConservancyJohn Sibleyjsibley@gaconservancy.org404-876-2900
Upper Chatahoochee RiverkeeperJason Ulsethjulseth@ucriverkeeper.org404-352-9828 x. 16


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Bacteia questions/comments? Contact Steve Lawrence
Website questions/comments? Contact Howard Perlman
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Last updated: 05/22/2002 02:48:35 PM