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Natural Resources Strategic Objective Title: 
  Strengthened Natural Resources Management in CAMPFIRE Areas
Natural Resources Funding and Duration
  US$28.1 million over 14 years

Natural Resources Implementation Status
  Final Year of Implementation. Program ends in September 2003.


USAID/Zimbabwe has been assisting Zimbabwe's Communal Areas Management Program for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) since 1989 through the US$28.1 million Natural Resources Management (NRM) Program.  The program’s purpose is to strengthen the capacities of participating rural communities for sustainable natural resources management and use. 

Activity Profile

Despite the tremendous turmoil and increasingly negative country image and condition, this program continues to achieve tangible progress towards its conservation-based community development (CBNRM) objectives.  CAMPFIRE membership has now expanded to 49 districts, representing almost the entirety of the country’s poor rural Communal Area population.  Active program participants (those who manage projects and regularly benefit from program revenues) consist of approximately 100,000 households scattered across some 115 wards in 18 districts throughout the country.   

For the latest year that complete figures are available (2001), CAMPFIRE earned total revenues of US$ 2.2 million, despite a significant downturn in the country’s tourism sector.  This significant Zimbabwean CBNRM program has now earned a cumulative total of more than US$ 20.1 million.   Historically, approximately half of these revenues have been disbursed directly to participating communities as cash payments to households or for community projects (with much of the balance being used in support of local program activities and objectives). 

Despite concerted efforts at program diversification, sport hunting remains the single largest source of program revenue, accounting for about 90% of total Program revenues.  In view of the negative tourism environment, this trend is expected to continue until the country situation changes to the point where (eco-) tourism is able to regain its former prominence in the nation’s economy. 

When conditions do improve, however, the program is laying a solid foundation for a significant diversification of CAMPFIRE’s revenue sources.  Under CAMPFIRE Development Fund, we are now finalizing the completion of over 50 small and large CBNRM project activities throughout the country, including bee-keeping, fisheries and eco-tourism activities, valued at over ZW$350 million. 

Ecologically, the program is also important.  In preparation for this year’s CITES conference in Chile, the program supported the completion of a major nationwide wildlife survey for Zimbabwe for the first time since 1998.  The results of this study support the contention that wildlife management in CAMPFIRE areas continues to be sustainable, with stable or increasing numbers of most major sport species evident (contrary to vast wildlife carnage that has occurred in the ex-commercial farming areas over the past several years due to the land invasions throughout the country). 


Ultimate customers are Zimbabwe's poorest rural producer communities in the country's marginal communal areas.

Local Partners

Major program partners include the lead counterpart organization - the CAMPFIRE Association, and various other local/regional CBNRM-oriented NGOs such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF/Zimbabwe).

Implementation Partners

The program's prime Institutional Contractor is Development Associates, Inc.

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