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Humanitarian Assistance


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Local Governance Strategic Objective Title
  Humanitarian Assistance
Local Governance Funding and Duration
  US$115,000 in 2002
US$101,000 in 2003


Local Governance Implentation Status
  Began in 2002, and is renewed annually as necessary


USAID/Zimbabwe is currently providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Zimbabwe for emergency feeding during the current food crisis, to provide seeds to some of the poorest farmers, and to help victims of torture and violence.   The United Nations estimates that more than 6 million people face extreme hunger and starvation.  Since March 2002, the United States Government (USG) has contributed approximately 217,000 MT of food assistance to Zimbabwe, valued at US$111.6 million.  The assistance has been provided through the World Food Programme (WFP), World Vision (WV), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), and through an NGO consortium of WV, CARE, and CRS, known as C-SAFE (the Consortium for Southern African Famine Emergency).

Activity Profile 

World Food Programme (WFP)

The USG has contributed a total of 157,196 MT of food assistance in response to WFP’s two emergency appeals.  This assistance is valued at approximately US$79.3 million.  USG assistance amounts to approximately 43.4% of total contributions to WFP appeals.  WFP, through its implementing partners, is currently targeting 4.1 million beneficiaries in 49 of Zimbabwe’s 57 districts. 

Consortium for Southern African Famine Emergency

The C-SAFE program is a regional food assistance program to Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi.  The Zimbabwe program, which began in January 2003, targets 664,746 beneficiaries in seven districts.  The program is expected to provide a total of 94,840 MT of food commodities with an estimated total value of US$47,420,000.  WV is the grantee, while CRS and CARE are sub-grantees.   

World Vision (WV)

WV has been implementing a bilateral USAID/Food For Peace (FFP) food distribution program in two districts and benefiting 97,440 people.  FFP has provided WV with 19,710 MT of food commodities worth US$11,744,001.  WV is also conducting a supplemental feeding program for 147,000 extremely vulnerable beneficiaries in eight districts.  

Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

CRS is currently implementing a supplementary feeding program funded by USAID/OFDA, valued at approximately US$500,000.  The supplementary feeding program targets 149,790 beneficiaries in 39 hospitals, which are members of the Zimbabwe Association of Church-related Hospitals (ZACH) in 15 districts.  The beneficiaries are growth-faltering children, lactating mothers, and the chronically ill. 

USAID Non-Food Assistance to Zimbabwe

Since March 2002, the USG has provided more than US$3.5 million of non-food assistance to Zimbabwe.  This total assistance has been provided through five implementing partners: the United Nations’ Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), WFP, CARE International, CRS, and WVI.

UNDP/Zimbabwe Relief and Recovery Unit (RRU)

Since March 2002, USAID/OFDA has provided US$881,525 through UN OCHA to support the UNDP Relief and Recovery Unit (RRU).  The RRU serves as the primary point of coordination for humanitarian activities in Zimbabwe, consisting of information collection and sharing, Internally Displaced Persons monitoring, government liaison, and inter-agency coordination functions. 


In FY 2003, USAID/OFDA provided US$100,000 to WFP to support the second round of the emergency Vulnerability Assessments in Zimbabwe (ZimVAC).  ZimVAC is regionally coordinated by the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources (FANR) Unit, with the cooperation of international partners. 

Agricultural Reform Program

CARE International

In FY 2002, USAID/OFDA provided more than US$945,000 to CARE International to support agricultural recovery.  CARE’s Emergency Agricultural Recovery Project (EARP) seeks to improve agricultural recovery coping mechanisms of vulnerable farm households in 5 districts.  The EARP distributed 950 MT of maize seed to more than 90,000 families.   


CRS, in collaboration with the Community Technologies Development Trust, a local NGO, supported agricultural recovery/mitigation, through the organization of 21 seed trade fairs from October through December 2002.  More than 300 metric tons of seeds were traded, benefiting 25,500 communal farmers.  


In FY2002, USAID/OFDA provided approximately US$550,000 to WVI for agricultural recovery activities.  WVI distributed 450 MT of seeds to more than 30,000 beneficiaries.  WVI also provides extension services to beneficiary families to maximize returns on investment in farm inputs. 

Implementing Partners

Humanitarian Assistance has been provided through a number of implementing partners including, World Food Program, World Vision International, Catholic Relief Services and CARE International.

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