Water Resources of Arkansas

Flooding Photographs     Gallery 1     Gallery 2     Gallery 3

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Picture of Arkansas Flooding 1

Heavy rains (often exceeding 6 inches in 24 hours) caused major flooding across much of Arkansas. Our hydrographers captured these photographs and videos while collecting stage and streamflow information for the public, emergency officials, and water resources managers.

Flooding Videos

video of Flooding video of Flooding video of Flooding
video of Flooding video of Flooding video of Flooding

News Coverage

video of Flooding
KARK Channel 4 News Video Clip
USGS Measures Flooding along Buffalo River.

USGS Crews Work To Measure Flood
The U.S. Geological Survey has 140 locations here in Arkansas. They've been working to gauge the water levels in Arkansas streams and rivers for the past 48 hours.
Katherina- Marie Yancy, Backpack Journalist, KTHV

Flood Magnitudes Press Release
Significant flood peaks occurred across northern Arkansas and into the lower White River Basin beginning on March 18 and continuing to the present. Stage and streamflow measurements made by teams of USGS hydrographers indicate that floods at most sites were in the 25- to 100-year recurrence interval range.
Jaysson Funkhouser, USGS Arkansas Water Science Center

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Page Contact Information: GS-W-AR_webmaster@usgs.gov
Page Last Modified: Monday, 11-Aug-2008 11:49:41 CDT btj