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United States Agency for International Development 50 Years of Food For Peace USAID
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50 Years of Food For Peace - Click for special coverage
Food for Peace 50th

Food For Peace 50th


USAID Administrator Andrew S. NatsiosFor fifty years, the Food for Peace program has brought hope and nourishment to the hungry corners of this earth. Approximately 3 billion people in 150 countries have benefited directly from our food.

The secret of Food for Peace’s success lies in the unique combination of American compassion together with the unmatched efficiency of our nation’s farmers. This is less a triumph of government than of working Americans, for in its essence, Food for Peace is the work of farmers, businessmen, grain elevator operators, truckers, bargemen, freight forwarders, port operators, NGOs, PVOs, and government officials. Together they form an unbroken chain of humanity stretching from this country’s fertile fields to hungry families half a world away. In the end, hope is what America has promised, and hope is what Food for Peace delivers around the world every day.

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Thu, 26 Aug 2004 16:10:39 -0500