live oaks

The Southeastern Coastal Plain Project

Regional Subsurface Geology, Paleontology, and Geologic Mapping in the Carolina and Georgia Coastal Plains

An activity of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program

USGS Programs and Data
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program
Geologic Information Southeastern States
Eastern Earth Surface Processes Team
National Geologic Map Database and Geologic Names Database
Geographic Names Information System
Maps and Aerial Photo Images
National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
National Atlas
Recent Publications
Search USGS Web
U.S. Department of the Interior - - U.S. Geological Survey
Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey's Web Page for regional geologic studies in the southeastern Coastal Plains of the United States. This site provides access to USGS research activities that involve regional subsurface and geologic-map databases and related geologic and paleontologic research in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia study areas.

Recent Activities
Recent Reports
Current Studies
Project Staff
Educational Outreach at South Carolina Public Schools:
Project Reports:
Links to Earth Science in the Southeast
Maintained By: G. S. Gohn, U.S. Geological Survey, 926A National Center,
Reston, VA 20192;
Revised: 22 February 2001