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Staff & Center News

Woods Hole Field Center Visitors

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On September 20th, five scientists from China, including Chen Yiyu (Vice President of the Chinese National Academy of Sciences) visited the WHFC as part of a tour of U.S. Research Institutions. Their visit included an overview of Coastal and Marine Research in the Program and the Center (Debbie Hutchinson) and tours of the Geochemistry Lab (Marilyn ten Brink), Sediment Lab (Dave Walsh), GHASTLI facility (Bill Winters and Bill Dillon), and Marine Operations Facility (Marinna Martini). Although the scientists were mostly terrestrial and ecological specialists, they had many questions about environmental studies and field techniques. Jerry Melillo, co-Director of the Marine Biological Laboratory Ecosystems Center, was hosting their Woods Hole visit and participated in the tours.

Chris Brehme (GIS Manager) and Paul Schroeder (GIS Intern) with the Island Institute based in Rockland, Me., visited the WHFC on August 30th. The Island Institute is building an "E-Atlas of the Gulf of Maine." This innovative project will use interactive maps to describe the Gulf and highlight the projects and people who are working to sustain this unique region. Chris and Paul met with Barb Seekins, Laura Hayes, Valerie Paskevich, Fausto Marincioni, and Tammie Middleton. Chris Polloni had already sent them numerous CDs of Center data and projects. Discussions revolved around government agency roles, available data, the Island Institute's work and goals, and technology. Chris Brehme showed the participants the e-Atlas Web site and described future plans. Presentations were made by Valerie (Gulf of Mexico ArcView IMS Web site), Fausto (Marine Realms Information Bank), and Tammie (Georges Bank and Stellwagen Bank efforts). Laura and Barb provided printouts of other Center project work.

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Woods Hole Field Center
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Boston Harbor Clean-Up

Sea Floor Mapping DVD-ROM

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Mapping Tools for Fisheries

Alaska Geologic Mapping

Coral Reef Task Force

Gulf of Mexico Sediments

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Iceland Lecture



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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)