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Publications—Scientific Investigations Report

Proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Fifth Biennial Geographic Information Science Workshop: March 1–5, 2004, Denver, Colorado

By Stephen J. Char and Jennifer B. Sieverling, Editors

USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5236, 41 p.--ONLINE ONLY


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The citation for this report, in USGS format, is as follows:
Char, S.J. and Sieverling, J.B., 2006, Proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Fifth Biennial Geographic Information Science Workshop: March 1–5, 2004, Denver, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5236, 41 p.


The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Fifth Biennial Geographic Information Science (GIS) Workshop (USGS–GIS 2004) was held March 1–5, 2004, at the Denver Federal Center in Denver, Colorado. In addition to topics featured in previous workshops—availability and use of national-scope data, GIS system administration, web-based GIS data dissemination, metadata generation, land and water characterization, and GIS-integrated Decision Support Systems—USGSGIS 2004 featured new topics that include the application of GIS in health sciences, integration of new elevation-data products, nonproprietary GIS software and data formats, advanced cartographic concepts, advanced scientific visualization techniques, and fundamental GIS concepts. These topics were presented in USGS–GIS 2004 through user and vendor presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on technical workshops. Many USGS–GIS 2004 participants submitted abstracts of their presentations for publication in these proceedings.

The keynote speaker at USGS–GIS 2004 was Dr. Michael Goodchild of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Morning plenary sessions, conducted Monday through Thursday, focused on trends in GIS and Remote Sensing, scientific visualization, health, and Federal and USGS-specific GIS policy issues. A new activity introduced in USGS–GIS 2004 was a Tuesday evening “Town Hall” meeting that fostered informal discussion of GIS data and policy issues in the USGS.



Purpose and Scope

Summary Description of Attendees

States Represented by USGS personnel at the 2004 GIS Workshop

Participating Organizations

Review Process

USGS–GIS 2004 Schedule

USGS–GIS 2004 Workshop Abstracts

Topographic Mapping Using GPS Receivers and GIS Software at the Osage–Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research Sites in Oklahoma

GIS Activities in the Central Energy Resources Team: A Model for Expanding GIS Utilization

Developing Decision Support Tools in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

The USGS–NPS Vegetation Mapping Program

Mapping the Distribution of a Soil-Borne Human Pathogen: Coccidioides

The Role of GIS in Addressing a Threat to Everglades’ Native Habitat within A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge

From LIDAR Data to Flood Inundation Maps: Methods and Challenges

Effectively Managing and Utilizing Large Terrain Data Sets

Surface-to-Surface Comparison of NED, SRTM, Digital Photogrammetry, and LIDAR- Derived Digital Elevation Models: Implications for Geological Mapping and Geographic Analysis

Web GIS for Water-Use Data: Arkansas Water-Users Report and Browse Water-Use Information Online

Free, Open-Source Solutions in GIS Application Development

Digital Geologic Mapping at Yucca Mountain, Nevada

Drainage Area Determination Using ArcGIS8 and the Geodatabase

Using GIS and Spatial Analysis to Guide in the Surveillance and Eradication of Animal Diseases

More Than Just a Pretty Picture—Interactive 3D Visualization

Natural Hazards Support System

GIS Alligator Tagging Allocation System

Tampa Bay Interactive Mapping System and Digital Library: Providing Accessible Data and Information for Management and Research

Visualization Techniques for Studying Landscape Pattern and Fish Distribution

GIS and USDA’s National Tick Survey

Using the National Hydrography Dataset for Water-Quality Modeling of Nutrients in New England Streams

NC OneMap: Developing Partnerships to Build The National Map and OpenGIS Interoperability

Accessing and Using USGS and Other Base Spatial Data Within ESRI GIS Software

Remote Sensing of Invasive Species: Leafy Spurge and Cheatgrass

Post-Fire Characterization of the Land Surface and Vegetation Using Imaging Spectroscopy Data for Cerro Grande, New Mexico, and Left Hand Creek, Wyoming

IFSAR and LIDAR Elevation Data: Getting Started

LIDAR Toolkit Development: The Advanced LIDAR Exploitation System Consortium

The Watershed Boundary Dataset

ArcCatalog Metadata Extensions

ArcIMS Website for District Projects and NWIS Sites

Urban Geochemistry and Health: Approaches to Understand Potential Human Health Consequences of Metals and Other Substances in Local Environments

Digital Atlas of Lake Texoma

Public Health GIS Application: The Power of Place

Use of Satellite Imagery and GIS Modeling to Derive Agricultural Chemical Exposure Metrics for Use in Human-Health Studies

Migration Path to ArcGIS Version 9

GIS and Childhood Lead Poisoning in Cleveland, Ohio

Linking Health Effects to NAWQA Data

The GAP Analysis Program and NLCD

The Role of GIS in Logistic Regression Modeling of Ground-Water Vulnerability

Comparison of Urban Structure Extraction Technologies with LIDAR and High-Resolution Imagery

Estimating Drainage Areas Using Thiessen Catchments for the National Hydrography Dataset

Data Preparation for the StreamStats Web Application

Indexing Stream Gages to the National Hydrography Dataset

Preparation and Management of Digital Raster Graphics for ArcMap and ArcIMS

RockWorks/2004: Subsurface Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization

Three-Dimensional Geological Visualization: Eye-Candy or Indispensable Tool?

The National Atlas of the United States Map Maker: Delivering Maps by Using MapObjects and ArcIMS

Natural Science Web-based Applications

Spatial Analysis of Very Low Birth-Weight Risk

The Latest Developments in LIDAR Software

Overview of the LIDAR Acquisition and Processing in Support of the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program: Lessons Learned and Advancements in LIDAR Technology

GeoPro: Technology to Enable Scientific Modeling

High Availability Web Services

Environmental Pollutants and Adverse Human Health Effects: Hazard Identification by Using Interregion Comparisons

Mapping Land-Cover Change at the National Level

A Brief Look At The National Hydrography Dataset

USS Arizona Drawings and Underwater GPS Surveys Linked by ArcIMS

Bakerville, Colorado: A Recently Established Under-Canopy Site for Performance Testing of Handheld GPS Receivers

Digital Field Mapping of Landslide Features near Golden, Colorado Batch Processing With the National Hydrography Dataset

The Monitoring of Landscape Change with Temporal Land-Use and Land-Cover Information

USGS–NPS Vegetation Mapping Program

Integration of High-Resolution LIDAR Elevation Data into The National Map

Volume Visualization of LIDAR Data for The National Map

Rapid Assessment of an Urban Hazard: Spectroscopy of the World Trade Center Dust

Applications Development Utilizing High Resolution National Hydrography Dataset and Elevation Products in North Carolina

Parcel-Attribute Analysis: Integrating Socioeconomic Data into Decision- and Planning-Support Systems

TCEQSWAPDSS—A Decision Support System for SourceWater Susceptibility Assessment in Texas

National Land-Cover Database 2001

Mapping Vegetation Type and Structure for LANDFIRE

National Overview Road Metrics — Euclidean Distance (NORMED): A National Environmental Indicator

National Hydrography Dataset

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