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Staff & Center News

Invited Lecture

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On September 20th, Richie Williams (WHFC) presented an invited lecture on "Iceland: Magical Land of Ice and Fire" to the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences at the Kline Geology Laboratory, Yale University in New Haven, CT. The lecture was part of Iceland's Millennium Celebration and the program associated with the 4-day visit of the Islendingur to New Haven during its 3-month voyage from Reykjavik, Iceland, to Greenland, eastern Canada, New England, and New York. The Islendingur is a replica of the Gokstad, a Viking ship exhumed from a burial site in Norway and on display, with another burial ship, the Oseburg, in the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway. Iceland's Millennium Celebration honors the Norse discovery of North America in ca. A.D. 1000, the ephemeral settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows, northern Newfoundland, and the conversion of Icelanders to Christianity at the annual meeting of the Althing at Thingvellir, Iceland, in A.D. 1000.

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in this issue: Fieldwork Florida Bay Red Grouper

Divers at Turners Falls

Long Island Sound

Research cover story:
Boston Harbor Clean-Up

Sea Floor Mapping DVD-ROM

Outreach Santa Cruz Shark Festival

Meetings Natural Systems Restoration

Mapping Tools for Fisheries

Alaska Geologic Mapping

Coral Reef Task Force

Gulf of Mexico Sediments

Staff & Center News Viking Celebration

Iceland Lecture



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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)