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Gulf of Mexico Regional Sediment Management Meeting

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On September 27th and 28th, Lisa Robbins gave a presentation to the Northern Gulf of Mexico Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Demonstration Program Technical Working Group (TWG) in Destin, Fla. The RSM Demonstration Program is run by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and covers an area of approximately 245 miles of coastal shoreline along the northern Gulf of Mexico, from St. Mark's River, Fla., to Dauphin Island, Ala. The goal of the program is to manage sand for coastal projects on a regional scale, instead of using the past model of managing sand on a project-by-project basis. In order to achieve this goal, USACE acknowledges that partnering and coordination with federal and state agencies are fundamental. The product of the RSM demonstration program will be a Regional Sediment Management Plan consisting of a calibrated regional sediment budget, a calibrated numerical regional prediction system, and a regional data management and Geographic Information System. These tools will assist in making management decisions and will increase benefits resulting from improved sand management throughout the region.

Approximately 40 people attended from USACE, FDEP, USGS, FEMA, MMS, NDBC, the Air Force Naval Oceanographic Office, consultants, academics, and Northeast Gulf of Mexico State Geological Surveys. There were 2 half days of presentations by different agencies and a half-day field trip to East Pass, Fla., which is one of the Corps' project areas. Lisa presented an overview of the capabilities and some of the projects of the USGS.

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Gulf of Mexico Sediments

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)