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ESRI Conference

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The ESRI International Users Conference, held July 9th-13th in San Diego, CA, was an exciting and ideal networking experience for VeeAnn Cross and Glynn Williams, participants from the Coastal and Marine Geology Program Woods Hole Field Center. The USGS received top award(s), and WHFC's Bradford Butman, Page Valentine, William Danforth, and Laurie Serrett et al. had their work featured in the ESRI Map Gallery, #10753. Its theme was Communications/Cartography Mapping using a GIS to show sun-illuminated seafloor topography and backscatter intensity of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (Cooperative Survey, USGS, NOAA et al., 1994-96).

A USGS All Hands Special Interest Group Meeting was held at the conference. USGS employees from every region met to discuss their particular GIS concerns and how to address them better. My overall impression of the ESRI Conference is that the USGS and ESRI are leaders/partners in GIS with national/international corporate, government, academic, and private individuals from around the world.

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)