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Contribute Information for Template 3

Contribute issues with Template 3

For the most part, editing template 3.x-based Web pages with Contribute will not change from prior template versions. Three differences have been identified:

Adobe support for Contribute is also available Exit EPA Disclaimer.

Look-and-Feel of the Editable Page

With earlier templates, the page looked very much like the final public-ready Web page; the blue sidebar and EPA logo were shown on the Contribute editable page. With the new template, neither of these is displayed, however, the editable portions of the page are displayed normally.

screen capture of Contribute page layout

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Editing Breadcrumbs

Selected breadcrumb text will be offset by two characters (see below). Contribute users will need to keep this in mind when editing the breadcrumbs.

screen capture of Contribute breadcrumbs

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Editing Metadata

The biggest challenge for meta tags is setting them up in the Dreamweaver template, summarized below. Contribute users need only do the following to edit the meta tags.

To edit the page's keywords and description meta tags, use:
Format > Keywords and Description…

To edit the other meta tags, use:
Format > Template Properties…

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Metadata Information for Contribute Administrators

Setup Metadata for Editing

(The Keyword and Description meta tags are no different from template 2.1 and are not addressed here.)

This is an slightly modified excerpt of a Dreamweaver MX tutorial Exit EPA Disclaimer:

  1. Metadata tags that you want to be editable must not be part of an editable region because you will use parameters and expressions to designate their editability.
  2. Add a text type parameter for each editable meta data tag.
    <!-- TemplateParam name="META_Author" type="text" content="your name" -->
  3. Modify your meta data tag to use an expression for the content. The expression in this case is simply the parameter that you designated above.
    <meta name="author" content="@@(META_Author)@@">

Here are some example code:

<!-- Organizational owner of the page, e.g., US EPA, Office of this 'n that -->
<meta name="@@(Creator)@@" content="Org-owner" />

<!-- EPA controlled vocabulary keywords -->
<meta name="@@(_document['epa-vocab'])@@" content="epa-vocab" />

<!-- Text.Homepage.Organizational -->
<meta name="@@(_document['org-type'])@@" content="type" />

<!-- yyyy-mm-dd - date originally created, should never change -->
<meta name="@@(_document['origin-date'])@@" content="origdate" />

<!-- yyyy-mm-dd - date modified, should change -->
<meta name="@@(_document['modified-date'])@@" content="modified-date" />

Additional information about metadata is available.

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