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Institution Information
Name: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
EPA Region:2
Street Address:One Forestry Dr
Zip Code:13210

Associated Project Details for: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
11 Projects listed for this institution:
F5F11657 Controls on Rarity and Persistence in Wetland Plants Fellowship August 29, 2005 through August 28, 2008
F6E11081 Aquatic Food Web Transfer of Microcystins, a Potent Cyanobacterial Toxin, and Implications for Human Health Fellowship September 1, 2006 through September 1, 2008
F6F60550 Encroachment of Typha Stands on Open Fen Communities: Distinguishing Mechanisms Maintaining Diversity in Coastal Wetlands Fellowship September 1, 2006 through September 1, 2008
FP916937 Mercury in Terrestrial Environments: Patterns of Bioaccumulation and Food Web Transfer Along a Forested Elevational Gradient Fellowship September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2011
MA916289 Multiple Stressors Affecting Nitrogen Cycling in Forests: Effects of Forest Harvesting and Atmospheric Deposition on Multiscale Watersheds Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
MA916305 Road De-icing Salt and Amphibians: Assessing Impacts on Demography and Ecological Genetics Fellowship January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2006
R826888 A National Assessment of Low-Streamflow Estimation Using a Physically Based Statistical Methodology Grant September 1, 1998 through August 31, 2001
R827966 Onondaga Lake/Seneca River EMPACT Site Grant   December 31, 2001
R828605 Indoor Environmental Quality: Assessing and Mitigating the Impact of Exposure to Multiple Indoor Contaminants on Human Health Grant November 9, 2000 through November 8, 2004
R830897 Ecocomposites Reinforced with Cellulose Nanoparticles: An Alternative to Existing Petroleum Based Polymer Composites Grant January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2005
SU833910 A Novel Process for Biological Nitrogen Removal from Dairy Wastewater in Constructed Wetlands Grant August 15, 2008 through August 14, 2009

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