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Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)

Teaching and Curriculum in 1999

  • Eighty-six percent of U.S. eighth-grade students reported that they worked from worksheets or textbooks on their own almost always or pretty often during mathematics lessons in 1999, which was higher than the international average of 59 percent.
  • A higher percentage of U.S. eighth graders reported using computers almost always or pretty often in mathematics classes (12 percent) and science classes (21 percent) than their international peers in 1999 (5 and 8 percent, respectively).
  • U.S. students had a high level of access to computers and the Internet at home and at school relative to eighth-graders in other nations in 1999. Eighty percent of U.S. eighth-graders reported that they had a computer in their home, a higher percentage than the international average (45 percent). Fifty-nine percent of U.S. eighth-grade students reported having Internet access at home, 76 percent reported access at school, and 81 percent reported access elsewhere; all of these percentages were greater than the international average.

The full version of Highlights from TIMSS 1999 Results is available for browsing. Additional reports and articles related to the results from the TIMSS studies are also available under Publications & Products.

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