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The Sierra Leone Mission of the U.S. Agency for International Development: Enhancing Democratic Governance

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November 1, 2007
Success Breeds Success For Manjama Women's Agricultural Cooperative
A prospering women's agricultural cooperative supported by USAID/Sierra Leone sets an example for other farmer groups in neighboring Kono District communities. Go to story
Sign displays WOPA cooperative's motto
August 28, 2007
Challenged By Corruption, Democracy Puts Down Roots in Kono District
Members of the Bumpe/Jiama Nimikoro ward committee learn how to redress grievances after their elected district counselor embezzles funds earmarked to build a municipal center. Go to story
Members of the Bumpe/Jiama Nimikoro ward committee learn how to redress grievances
August 21, 2006
Council 'Coaches' Advance
Democratic Principles

Coaches who work with five district and town councils recently participated in workshop with their counterparts from Management Systems International, a USAID-funded partner. Go to story
Coaches who work with five district and town councils
August 15, 2006
Local Cooperatives Improve
Outlook for Diamond Sector

Through mining cooperatives, diggers learn importance of democratic governance and gain a measure of control over their destinies. Go to story
diggers learn importance of democratic governance
May 11, 2006
Girls Scholarship Program
Expands in Sierra Leone

The African Education Initiative implemented by USAID extends scholarships to encourage 3,420 girl students in six districts to stay in school. Go to story
Girls Scholarship Program Expands in Sierra Leone
May 9, 2006
Regional Center Provides
Haven for Democratic Dialog

Newly formed councils and ward committees have a new home where citizens can meet to discuss the direction of Sierra Leone's fledgling democracy. Go to story
Regional Center Provides    Haven for Democratic Dialog
May 9, 2006
LINKS Projects Cultivate
the Future for Youth

A USAID-funded program provides war-affected youth with productive outlets in agricultural production and processing. Go to story
LINKS Projects Cultivate<br>
    the Future for Youth
June 22, 2005
Girls' Scholarship Program Begins in Sierra Leone
The Ambassadors' Girls' Scholarship Program, funded by USAID, will award scholarships to 3,000 grade school girls in some of the most disadvantaged areas of Sierra Leone. Go to story
Girls' Scholarship Program Begins in Sierra Leone
April 20, 2005
Kissis Unite to Address Cross-Border Issues
USAID backs an attempt by civil socity to settle a simmering border conflict at Yenga in Koindu District. Go to story
January 24, 2005
Women's Co-ops Use Mining to Finance Agriculture and Trade
Women's groups in Tongo Fields are using their economic power in the mining business to promote agriculture and trade, and better community development. Go to story
January 24, 2005
Foday Tucker Provides for his Family with USAID Micro-Loan
Tucker, who makes his living grinding nuts and leaves in the market, helped his wife with her business, ensured children's schooling, and started construction on a house. Go to story
November 28, 2004
War Victims Grow Rice in Tongo Fields
USAID's Education for Peace program has helped one group of ex-combatants and war victims form an agricultural cooperative.
Go to story
July 15, 2004
Interview with Saran Daraba
Hadja Saran Daraba Kaba, the founding President of the Mano River Women's Peace Network (MARWOPNET), tells us about the organization, which won the 2003 United Nations Prize for Human Rights. Go to story
June 9, 2004
Radio Moa: Real Time Information Prevents Panic in Kailahun
USAID announces the opening of Radio Moa, a community radio station serving Kailahun District
Go to story
June 8, 2004
USAID Soap Opera Most Popular Show in Sierra Leone
Atunda Ayenda, or "Lost and Found," a radio soap opera sponsored by USAID, has captured the imagination of Sierra Leoneans, and has become the most popular radio show in the country. Go to story
April 29, 2004
School Reconstruction Persuades Refugees to Come Back
The reconstruction of a primary school in Koindu allows Matenneh Makasuba and her family to leave the refugee camps in Guinea and return to her community in Sierra Leone. Go to story
March 30, 2004
USAID's PDA Mediates Community Dispute in Kono
The USAID-sponsored Peace Diamond Alliance brought together community representatives and the mining company to promote greater understanding in Kono District. Go to story
March 24, 2004
USAID Helps Meet Community Needs in Rural Koinadugu
USAID, through Christian Children's Fund, supports communities Koinadugu District with interventions designed to help residents rebuild, reunite, and find viable ways to make ends meet. Go to story
March 11, 2004
USAID Rebuilds Kailahun Hospital
Looted and badly damaged during Sierra Leone's civil war, the main hospital in Kailahun District resumes providing health care services thanks to rehabilitation work funded by USAID. Go to story
February 6, 2004
Ishmael Sesay Learns a New Trade
USAID promotes peace and stability in Sierra Leone by training ex-combatants and war-affected youth in skills that yield economic benefits and contribute to the rebuilding of the country. Go to story
February 6, 2004
New Techniques Improve Rice Harvest in Rural Sierra Leone
A new 'System of Rice Intensification' being promoted in lowland swamps by USAID partner World Vision is improving rice harvests in rural Sierra Leone. Go to story
February 4, 2004
Anti-Corruption Committee Created in Kabala
Community Action on Nation Building is working to fight corruption,and resolve disputes amicably on a case-by-case basis. Go to story
January 20, 2004
Police Officer Fights Corruption
in Rural Sierra Leone

USAID works with Sierra Leone's leaders to help them understand the phenomenon of and combat corruption, one of the root causes of the civil war. Go to story

Last updated November 1, 2007.
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