USAID from the American People - Cyprus
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USAID/Cyprus has two main working areas:

The Action for Cooperation and Trust (ACT) program supports projects that encourage all Cypriots to work together on common areas of concerns and issues. ACT is funded through a cooperative agreement between USAID and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

USAID's Cyprus Partnership for Economic Growth Program (CyPEG), which began at the end of 2004, firmly supports the goal of reunification and empowered cooperation of all Cypriots. CyPEG aims to accelerate economic growth in the Turkish-Cypriot community to directly support north-south economic integration and the adoption and implementation of EU standards, and lead to a Turkish-Cypriot community that can shoulder its share of the economic costs of settlement and reunification. USAID will continue to support activities that strengthen the Turkish Cypriot economy by improving enterprise competitiveness at the firm and sector levels, facilitating access to capital, improving the environment in which banks and businesses operate, further professionalizing and upgrading the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector, enhancing vocational training, improving cultural heritage and natural resource management, and improving resource efficiency.

CyPEG’s projects:

Economic Development and Growth for Enterprises (EDGE)
Implemented by: BearingPoint

EDGE is working to strengthen the competitiveness of Turkish Cypriot small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and to help create a financial climate in which SMEs can thrive. 

Resource Efficiency Achievement Program (REAP)
Implemented by: CORE, International

REAP promotes more efficient use of water and energy by conducting audits and upgrades of representative business establishments and households.   REAP also provides technical assistance to Turkish Cypriot energy experts.

Supporting Activities that Value the Environment (SAVE)

Implemented by: International Resources Group

SAVE works to build local capacity to better protect and manage Cyprus’ rich natural and cultural resources.  It combines work in three inter-related areas:  environmental protection and natural resources management; cultural heritage conservation, preservation and restoration; and geographic information systems.

Promoting Private Sector Development
Implemented by:  BearingPoint

Following on EDGE, this activity will encourage private sector development and economic growth by improving business and banking practices and by strengthening the business associations that have a critical role to play in supporting enterprises, promoting trade, and advocating for economic reform. 

Capacity Development and Training
Implemented by:  TBD

The Capacity Development and Training program will complement other USG-funded programs in Cyprus by providing capacity development and training in critical areas.

Workforce Initiative for Skills and Education (WISE)
Implemented by: Educational Development Center
Duration: July 2006 – July 2007

Worked to improve workforce development systems in the Turkish Cypriot community so that they serve as a bridge between education and the economy and as a way of closing the chasm that exists between business and academia, between the entrepreneur and the educator, and between the productive sectors of the economy and those who educate the existing and future workforce.




Last Updated on: July 23, 2008  

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