USAID: From the American People | ASIA

RDMA Programs

Environmental experts from Vietnam and Japan working togetherDemocracy and Governance
USAID's regional programs in democracy and governance bolster democratic institutions by strengthening government transparency, promoting legal and judicial reform, increasing executive branch capacity, expanding political competition, enhancing legislatures and improving local governance. Read More
Skip Kissinger of USAID addressing participants at the South East Asia Commercial Legal and Institutional Reform Trade ForumEconomic Growth
USAID works with governments in the region to improve business law; reform banks, ministries and other institutions; and strengthen fiscal and monetary policies. Read More
Avisan Influenza clean hands at schoolEducation
USAID is focused on equipping youth with the skills necessary for full participation in the global economy. USAID works to increase access to quality education and relevant training opportunities in the region, especially for vulnerable groups. Read More
Mekong River valleyEnvironment
USAID established Environmental Cooperation-Asia (ECO-Asia) a regional program that promotes improved access to clean water and sanitation; reduction and prevention of pollution; sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity conservation; and improved tsunami reconstruction and response. Read More
Map of HIV/AIDS hotspots in Southeast Asia.Health
USAID manages HIV/AIDS programs and supports efforts to combat avian influenza, TB, and malaria in countries where there is no bilateral USAID presence: Burma, China, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and Vietnam. Read More
Picture of Burmese womanHumanitarian Assistance
Under the umbrella of its regional environment sector program, Environmental Cooperation-Asia (ECO-Asia), RDMA supports and implements several activities that provide assistance in the areas of tsunami relief, recovery, and livelihood restoration and disaster mitigation. Read More
MTV Exit campaign to prevent human traffickingVulnerable Populations
RDMA assists vulnerable populations by helping to prevent trafficking in persons and by helping marginalized communities such as ethnic minorities, victims of conflict, and the poor. Read More
This page last updated on June 27, 2008