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Goal: Sustainable Transformation


Sustainable transformation will have been achieved when South Africa is at the point where democracy is sufficiently consolidated; basic systems and policies for social service delivery in education and health are moving from being fragmented to being unified; and institutions are establishing mechanisms so that the historically disadvantaged and previously disempowered women and men participate in, contribute to, and benefit from the development of South Africa.

The goal of sustainable transformation is an ambitious goal that while achievable, is far more likely to be accomplished by 2010 than 2005, owing in no small measure to the challenges facing South Africa. 

The USAID/South Africa’s FY 2000-2005 strategy was extended to 2007 during FY 2003 to accommodate the 2004 national and 2005 local elections in South Africa and to allow the mission to work closely with South Africa to determine any revisions to strategic direction following the elections.

Sub-Goal: Empowerment

The sub-goal is political, social, and economic empowerment. The Mission will continue to ensure that the program strengthens the capacity of the historically disadvantaged population to take the next steps in their own and their community's development. In all our efforts we seek to empower the historically disadvantaged to sustain the transformation and development processes. USAID/South Africa's efforts towards achieving racial equality are planned to ensure gender balance as well. Our objectives will increase opportunities for women and men to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from the development of their country.

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