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About Guinea
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Since its creation in 1961, USAID has become the principal US agency operating worldwide in support of democracy, health, economic development, humanitarian assistance and food security. USAID works through non-governmental and international organization and in cooperation with host governments to improve living conditions in the developing world.


The Republic of Guinea is abundantly rich in natural resources. It possesses over one third of the world’s known reserves of bauxite, which is used to produce aluminum, and a considerable quantity of gold, diamonds, uranium, and iron ore. In addition, Guinea’s soil, water and climate conditions give the country enormous agricultural potential. However, factors such as political instability, corruption, lack of a well defined fiscal policy and lack of a rational use and distribution of resources are hampering economic growth, resulting in a population that largely lives in condition of poverty.


USAID takes on these challenges by promoting programs that strengthen democracy and economic growth, that invest in people and provide health and humanitarian assistance.

woman votes


Democratic stability and good governance are the keys to helping the people of Guinea achieve their potential. USAID is working to improve good governance by promoting fiscal transparency and accountability. USAID's projects aim to train state national institutions to improve their efficiency by responding to Guinean needs, and is also involved at the grass roots level, working with Rural Development Communities, Community-based organizations (CBO), local government councils, and NGOs to increase community participation in the democratic process. Also, in order to improve governance and better control corruption in Guinea, USAID is providing substantial assistance to the GOG to create a Communication System among the GOG’s ministries ; 13 departments are now connected with each other, and some have launched their own web connections designed to improve the efficiency of public services.

The Mission is providing strong support to the election and political processes. As such, funds have been allocated to the CENI (National Independent Electoral Commission) and MIS (Ministry of Security). In addition, the Mission has allocated funds for women’s rights, training of women in the political processes and also to enable them to participate as candidates in the elections.

USAID considers female genital cutting and early forced marriages as major violations of women’s human rights, as well as a serious health risk, and consequently has allocated substantial resources to educate the population to combat and reject these practices.

children in school


USAID is engaged in promoting education in Guinea, particularly in increasing access to schools for girls. USAID programs provided teacher training to over 25,000 teachers in Grades 1-6 in FY 2004, and in 2007 distributed textbooks and teaching guides to all the primary schools in Guinea. Also, in 2007 USAID brought adult literacy training to over 12,000 Guineans, most of them women, a group that has traditionally been denied equal access to education.
In combining education and democratic principles, USAID works closely with the Ministry of Education to promote a curriculum that teaches middle school students their rights and duties as citizens as well as the value of good governance.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, USAID supports vocational training programs for youth in order to prepare them to find jobs in the mining and other work sectors.

women at the market

Economic Growth And Agriculture

USAID is helping Guinea to meet its agricultural, forestry, and fishing potential. USAID has assisted farmers to increase agricultural production through stronger management practices. The initiative has helped launch over 2,800 new businesses and provided farmers with access to effective and practical agricultural technologies that will increase harvests, and will improve their economic condition.
USAID is jointly working with the Ministry of Agriculture's Department of Water and Forestry to improve the management of forests and strengthen the philosophy of Forest Co-Management, providing the population that resides near the forest with technical assistance to better manage their natural resources.

                            women and child                              


Health care constitutes a serious challenge in this country where life expectancy is 49 years and HIV and malaria threats are serious matters.
USAID is working to improve medical facilities, train health care providers, and strengthen government institutions and civil society in the management of health care resources.
USAID is providing assistance to reinforce the national pharmaceutical system through the distribution of condoms, vaccines, malaria treatments and nutrition to affected populations. In the area of maternal and child health protection, USAID supports the National Midwifery School. It also promotes fistula prevention and repair, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and provides resources to put an end to the practice of female genital cutting and early, forced marriages.

Population July 2005 estimate: 9,402,000(83rd)
Capital Conakry
Official Language French
Government Republic
Area Total: 245,857 sq km
GDP(2005 estimate) Total: $18.879 billion (111th)
HDI (2004) 0.445 (low) (160th)
Currency Guinean Franc (GNF)
Map of Guinea


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Last updated January 29, 2007.
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