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Documents referencing 1926

 1  2008 - 01/24/2008 - CPL 02-02-074 - Inspection Procedures for the Chromium (VI) Standards
 2  2006 - 08/11/2006 - CPL 02-00-143 - 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart T – Commercial Diving Operations
 3  2002 - 03/22/2002 - CPL 02-01-034 [CPL 2-1.34] - Inspection policy and procedures for OSHA's steel erection standards for construction
 4  1999 - 06/18/1999 - STD 03-00-001 [STD 3-0.1A] - Plain Language Revision of OSHA Instruction STD 3.1, Interim Fall Protection Compliance Guidelines for Residential Construction
 5  1989 - 02/06/1989 - CPL 02-00-034 [CPL 2.34 CH-4] - Change to the Construction Standard Alleged Violation Elements (SAVEs) Manual.

Federal Registers
 1  2009 - 01/26/2009 - Cranes and Derricks in Construction - 74:4363-4365
 2  2009 - 01/09/2009 - Clarification of Employer Duty To Provide Personal Protective Equipment and Train Each Employee - 74:858
 3  2008 - 12/12/2008 - Clarification of Employer Duty To Provide Personal Protective Equipment and Train Each Employee - 73:75568-75589
 4  2008 - 12/02/2008 - Cranes and Derricks in Construction - 73:73197-73199
 5  2008 - 10/22/2008 - Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution; Electrical Protective Equipment; Limited Reopening of Record - 73:62942-62945
 6  2008 - 09/18/2008 - Clarification of Remedy for Violation of Requirements To Provide Personal Protective Equipment and Train Employees - 73:54123-54125
 7  2008 - 08/19/2008 - Clarification of Remedy For Violation of Requirements To Provide Personal Protective Equipment and Train Employees - 73:48335-48350
 8  2008 - 04/21/2008 - Confined Spaces in Construction - 73:21292-21294
 9  2008 - 04/14/2008 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - 73:20067-20068
 10  2008 - 01/23/2008 - Confined Spaces in Construction - 73:3893-3894
 11  2007 - 11/28/2007 - Confined Spaces in Construction; Proposed Rule - 72:67351-67425
 12  2007 - 11/15/2007 - Employer Payment for Personal Protective Equipment; Final Rule - 72:64341-64430
 13  2007 - 10/26/2007 - Submission for OMB Review: Comment Request - 72:60888
 14  2007 - 09/27/2007 - Notice of Availability of the Regulatory Flexibility Act Review of the Occupational Safety Standard for Lead in Construction - 72:54826-54830
 15  2007 - 04/30/2007 - Semiannual Regulatory Agenda - 72:22828-22871
 16  2007 - 04/24/2007 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - 72:20373
 17  2007 - 03/29/2007 - Notice of Availability of the Regulatory Flexibility Act Review of the Occupational Safety Standard for Excavations - 72:14727-14728
 18  2007 - 02/08/2007 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - 72:6001
 19  2006 - 12/21/2006 - Standards Improvement Project, Phase III - 71:76623-76630
 20  2006 - 09/12/2006 - Hazard Communication - 71:53617-53627
 21  2006 - 08/24/2006 - Assigned Protection Factors; Final Rule - 71:50121-50192
 22  2006 - 07/20/2006 - Roll-Over Protective Structures - 71:41127-41161
 23  2006 - 07/05/2006 - Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium; Approval of Information Collection Requirements - 71:38085-38087
 24  2006 - 06/23/2006 - Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium; Corrections - 71:36008-36010
 25  2006 - 06/22/2006 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - 71:35954-35955
 26  2006 - 04/03/2006 - Technical Amendments - 71:16669-16675
 27  2006 - 02/28/2006 - Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium - 71:10099-10385
 28  2006 - 02/28/2006 - Roll-Over Protective Structures - 71:9909
 29  2006 - 01/18/2006 - Steel Erection; Slip Resistance of Skeletal Structural Steel - 71:2879-2885
 30  2005 - 12/29/2005 - Roll-Over Protective Structures - 70:76979-77025
 31  2005 - 12/06/2005 - International Chimney Corporation, Karrena International, LLC, and Matrix Service Industrial Contractors, Inc.; Grant of a Permanent Variance - 70:72659-72665
 32  2005 - 10/19/2005 - 13 Carcinogens Standard; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's Approval of Information Collection Requirements - 70:60856-60858
 33  2005 - 10/12/2005 - Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution; Electrical Protective Equipment; Extension of Comment Period; Change in Date of Public Hearing - 70:59290-59292
 34  2005 - 08/29/2005 - Notice of a Regulatory Flexibility Act Review of Lead in Construction - 70:50996-50997
 35  2005 - 06/15/2005 - Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution; Electrical Protective Equipment; Proposed Rule - 70:34821-34980
 36  2005 - 06/06/2005 - Notice of a Regulatory Flexibility Act Review of Lead in Construction - 70:32739-32742
 37  2005 - 05/12/2005 - Oregon State Plan; Final Approval Determination - 70:24947-24955
 38  2005 - 04/21/2005 - International Chimney Corporation, Karrena International, LLC, and Matrix Service Industrial Contractors, Inc., Application for Permanent Variance and Interim Order, Grant of Interim Order, and Request for Comments - 70: 20773-20780
 39  2005 - 04/20/2005 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Announcement of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - 70: 20603-20604
 40  2005 - 04/20/2005 - Electrical Standards for Construction and General Industry; Extension of the Office of Managaement and Budget's (OMB) Approval of the Information-Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - 70: 20604-20605
 41  2005 - 01/05/2005 - Standards Improvement Project-Phase II; Final Rule - 70: 1111-1144
 42  2004 - 12/27/2004 - Subpart R ("Steel Erection"); Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection (Paperwork) Requirements - 69: 77273-77274
 43  2004 - 12/06/2004 - Methylenedianiline in Construction; Correction - 69: 70373
 44  2004 - 11/24/2004 - Updating OSHA Standards Based on National Consensus Standards - 69: 68283-68285
 45  2004 - 10/04/2004 - Occupational Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium; Proposed Rule - 69:59305-59474
 46  2004 - 08/26/2004 - Concrete and Masonry Construction; Extension of the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Approval of Information Collection Requirements (Paperwork) - 69:52528-52530
 47  2004 - 08/10/2004 - Alberici Mid-Atlantic, LLC, Commonwealth Dynamics, Inc., and R and P Industrial Chimney Co., Inc., Application for Permanent Variance and Interim Order, Grant of Interim Order, and Request for Comments; Notice - 69:48753-48760
 48  2004 - 08/09/2004 - Oregon State Plan: Request for Public Comment on Oregon State Standards - 69:48253-48256
 49  2004 - 07/15/2004 - Steel Erection; Slip Resistance of Skeletal Structural Steel - 69:42379-42381
 50  2004 - 07/08/2004 - Employer Payment for Personal Protective Equipment - 69:41221-41225
 51  2004 - 06/08/2004 - Mechanical Power -- Transmission Apparatus; Mechanical Power Presses; Telecommunications; Hydrogen - 69:31880-31882
 52  2004 - 06/07/2004 - Announcement of Stakeholders Meetings for Hearing Conservation Program for Construction Workers - 69:31777-31778
 53  2004 - 05/17/2004 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 69:27870
 54  2004 - 04/27/2004 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 69:22748-22749
 55  2004 - 04/19/2004 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 69:20840-20841
 56  2004 - 01/08/2004 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 69:1277-1278
 57  2003 - 11/18/2003 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 68:65018-65019
 58  2003 - 11/12/2003 - Assigned Protection Factors - 68:64036-64038
 59  2003 - 09/15/2003 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 68:53927-53928
 60  2003 - 09/10/2003 - Assigned Protection Factors - 68:53311
 61  2003 - 09/08/2003 - Oak Park Chimney Corp. and American Boiler & Chimney Co.; Grant of a Permanent Variance - 68:52961-52970
 62  2003 - 08/15/2003 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 68:48843-48844
 63  2003 - 07/03/2003 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 68:39877-39880
 64  2003 - 07/03/2003 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 68:39880-39881
 65  2003 - 06/12/2003 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 68:35172
 66  2003 - 06/06/2003 - Assigned Protection Factors; Proposed Rule - 68:34035-34119
 67  2003 - 05/23/2003 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Announcement of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - 68:28299-28300
 68  2003 - 04/21/2003 - Standards Improvement Project -- Phase II - 68:19472-19474
 69  2003 - 02/27/2003 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 68:9036-9037
 70  2002 - 10/31/2002 - Standards Improvement Project - Phase II; Proposed Rule - 67:66493-66517
 71  2002 - 10/03/2002 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - 67:62077-62078
 72  2002 - 09/12/2002 - Safety Standards for Signs, Signals, and Barricades - 67:57722-57736
 73  2002 - 08/21/2002 - Regulatory Flexibility Act Review of the Excavations Standard - 67:54103-54104
 74  2002 - 08/16/2002 - Hearing Conservation Program for Construction Workers - 67:53644
 75  2002 - 08/06/2002 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - 67:50901
 76  2002 - 07/16/2002 - Safety Standards for Cranes and Derricks - 67:46612-46616
 77  2002 - 07/15/2002 - Safety Standards for Signs, Signals, and Barricades - 67:46375-46376
 78  2002 - 07/03/2002 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment - 67:44533-44546
 79  2002 - 05/06/2002 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - 67:30401-30402
 80  2002 - 04/15/2002 - Safety Standards for Signs, Signals, and Barricades; Direct Final Rule, request for comments. - 67:18091-18112
 81  2002 - 04/15/2002 - Safety Standards for Signs, Signals, and Barricades; Proposed Rule, request for comments. - 67:18145-18146
 82  2002 - 02/08/2002 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request - 67:6053-6056
 83  2001 - 12/17/2001 - Indoor Air Quality - 66:64946
 84  2001 - 11/06/2001 - Submission for OMB review; Comment Request - 66:56118-56120
 85  2001 - 07/17/2001 - Safety Standards for Steel Erection - 66:37137-37139
 86  2000 - 10/19/2000 - North Carolina State Plan: Coverage of the American National Red Cross; Change in Level of Federal Enforcement. - 65:62610-62612
 87  2000 - 09/15/2000 - Agency Information-Collection Activities; Announcement of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Approvals. - 65:56007
 88  2000 - 07/31/2000 - Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories -- Fees;Public Comment Period on Recognition Notices. - 65:46797-46819
 89  2000 - 06/09/2000 - State Plans: Coverage of the United States Postal Service and Other Coverage Issues -- Changes to Level of Federal Enforcement for Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, the Virgin Islands, Washington and Wyoming. - 65:36617-36630
 90  2000 - 04/18/2000 - Nevada State Plan; Final Approval Determination. - 65:20735-20743
 91  2000 - 02/25/2000 - Ergonomics Program. - 65:10042
 92  2000 - 01/12/2000 - Nevada State Standards; Notice of Approval - 65:1915-1916
 93  1999 - 11/29/1999 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee. - 64:66595
 94  1999 - 09/24/1999 - Safety Standard for Fall Protection in the Construction Industry; Extension of Written Comment Period. - 64:51722
 95  1999 - 08/31/1999 - Safety Standards for Fall Protection in the Construction Industry; Correction. - 64:47461
 96  1999 - 08/18/1999 - Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories; Fees; Reduction of Public Comment Period on Recognition Notices. - 64:45098-45114
 97  1999 - 07/14/1999 - Safety Standards for Fall Protection in the Construction Industry. - 64:38077-38086
 98  1999 - 04/27/1999 - Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training; Correction to Final Rule - 64:22552-22553
 99  1999 - 04/26/1999 - Semiannual Agenda of Regulations. - 64:21485-21556
 100  1999 - 04/16/1999 - Office of Management and Budget Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act for Miscellaneous Construction Industry Rules. - 64:18809-18810
 101  1999 - 03/31/1999 - Employer Payment For Personal Protective Equipment. - 64:15401-15441
 102  1998 - 12/01/1998 - Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training; Final Rule. - 63:66237-66274
 103  1998 - 08/13/1998 - Safety Standards for Steel Erection. - 63:43451-43513
 104  1998 - 07/21/1998 - Respirator Cartridge and Canister Change-Out Schedules; Notice of Public Meeting. - 63:39029
 105  1998 - 06/29/1998 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos. - 63:35137-35138
 106  1998 - 06/18/1998 - 29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1926 Standards Improvement (Miscellaneous Changes) For General Industry and Construction Standards; Paperwork Collection for Coke Oven Emissions and Inorganic Arsenic; Final Rule. - 63:33450-33469
 107  1998 - 04/23/1998 - Respiratory Protection; Correction - 63:20098-20099
 108  1998 - 04/08/1998 - Office of Management and Budget Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - 63:17093-17094
 109  1998 - 03/19/1998 - Office of Management and Budget Control Numbers Under Paperwork Reduction Act for Miscellaneous General Industry, Shipyard Employment and Construction Industry Rules and Regulations - 63:13338-13340
 110  1998 - 01/27/1998 - Safety Standards for Scaffolds Used in the Construction Industry (Aerial Lifts);Effective Date and Office of Management and Budget Control Numbers Under Paperwork Reduction Act - 63:3813-3814
 111  1998 - 01/13/1998 - Scaffolds. - 63:1919
 112  1998 - 01/08/1998 - Respiratory Protection - 63:1152-1300
 113  1997 - 12/17/1997 - Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Hazard Communication - 62:66132-66133
 114  1997 - 11/21/1997 - Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Hazard Communication - 62:62355-62356
 115  1997 - 07/23/1997 - New Mexico State Standards; Notice of Approval - 62:39551-39553
 116  1997 - 07/11/1997 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee (SENRAC) - 62:37134
 117  1997 - 05/30/1997 - Directorate of Construction - 62:29373-29376
 118  1997 - 05/09/1997 - Puerto Rico State Standards; Notice of Approval - 62:25668-25671
 119  1997 - 04/25/1997 - Unified Agenda - 62:21934-21939
 120  1997 - 04/08/1997 - Maryland State Standards; Approval - 62:16873-16874
 121  1997 - 01/10/1997 - Occupational Exposure to Methylene Chloride - 68:1494-1619
 122  1996 - 11/25/1996 - Safety Standards for Scaffolds Used in the Construction Industry - 61:59831-59832
 123  1996 - 11/04/1996 - Occupational Exposure to 1,3-Butadiene - 61:56746-56856
 124  1996 - 08/30/1996 - Safety Standards for Fire Protection for Shipyard Employment - 61:45923-45925
 125  1996 - 08/30/1996 - Safety Standards for Scaffolds Used in the Construction Industry;Final Rule - 61:46025-46075
 126  1996 - 08/23/1996 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite - 61:43454-43459
 127  1996 - 08/12/1996 - Incorporation of General Industry Health and Safety Standards Applicable to Construction Work - 61:41738-41739
 128  1996 - 02/13/1996 - Office of Management and Budget Control Numbers Under the Paperwork Reduction Act - 61:5507-5510
 129  1996 - 01/30/1996 - Powered Industrial Truck Operator Training - 61:3094-3115
 130  1996 - 01/23/1996 - Respiratory Protection - 61:1725
 131  1995 - 12/06/1995 - Occupational Exposure to Methylene Chloride - 60:62360-62361
 132  1995 - 11/28/1995 - Unified Agenda - 60:60275-60285
 133  1995 - 11/08/1995 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee - 60:56279
 134  1995 - 11/07/1995 - Respiratory Protection - 60:56127
 135  1995 - 10/24/1995 - Occupational Exposure to Methylene Chloride - 60:54462-54465
 136  1995 - 09/29/1995 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos - 60:50411-50413
 137  1995 - 09/13/1995 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee - 60:47512-47513
 138  1995 - 08/30/1995 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee - 60:45111-45112
 139  1995 - 08/02/1995 - Safety Standards for Fall Protection in the Construction Industry - 60:39254-39255
 140  1995 - 07/13/1995 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos; Corrections - 60:36043-36044
 141  1995 - 06/29/1995 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos; Corrections - 60:33973-34002
 142  1995 - 06/28/1995 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos - 60:33343-33345
 143  1995 - 06/19/1995 - Connecticut State Standards, Notice of Approval - 60:32032-32033
 144  1995 - 05/25/1995 - Respiratory Protection - 60:27707-27708
 145  1995 - 05/08/1995 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee - 60:22539-22540
 146  1995 - 05/08/1995 - Connecticut State Standards; Approval - 60:22588-22589
 147  1995 - 04/17/1995 - Respiratory Protection; Proposed Rule - 60:19192-19193
 148  1995 - 03/23/1995 - Respiratory Protection; Proposed Rule - 60:15263-15264
 149  1995 - 03/01/1995 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos - 60:11194
 150  1995 - 02/21/1995 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos - 60:9624-9626
 151  1994 - 12/22/1994 - Hazard Communication; Correction - 59:65947-65948
 152  1994 - 12/13/1994 - OSHA Training Institute Education Centers - 59:64213-64218
 153  1994 - 11/15/1994 - Respiratory Protection - 59:58884-58956
 154  1994 - 11/01/1994 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee - 59:54540
 155  1994 - 09/30/1994 - Indoor Air Quality - 59:49874-49875
 156  1994 - 09/06/1994 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee - 59:46012-46013
 157  1994 - 08/09/1994 - Safety Standards for Fall Protection in the Construction Industry - 59:40672-40753
 158  1994 - 07/26/1994 - Steel Erection Negotiated Rulemaking Advisory Committee - 59:37951-37952
 159  1994 - 06/14/1994 - Indoor Air Quality; Proposed Rule - 59:30560-30562
 160  1993 - 06/30/1993 - Incorporation of General Industry Safety and Health Standards Applicable to Construction Work. - 58:35076-35306
 161  1993 - 06/30/1993 - Safety Standards for General Industry and Construction - 58:35306-35337
 162  1993 - 03/29/1993 - Safety Standards for Scaffolds Used in the Construction Industry - 58:16509-16515
 163  1993 - 03/29/1993 - Safety Standards for Fall Protection in the Construction Industry. - 58:16515-16517
 164  1993 - 02/03/1993 - Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health; Full Committee Meeting. - 58:6989
 165  1992 - 12/29/1992 - Safety Standards for Steel and Other Metal and Non-Metal Erection - 57:61680
 166  1992 - 10/09/1992 - Notice of meeting on Construction Safety and Health - 57:46601
 167  1992 - 09/14/1992 - Occupational exposure to Cadmium - 57:42388
 168  1992 - 08/18/1992 - Air Contaminants/ Extension of comment period and postponement of hearings. - 57:37126
 169  1992 - 08/17/1992 - Occupational Exposure to Methylene Chloride - 57:36965
 170  1992 - 06/30/1992 - Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite - 57:29119
 171  1992 - 06/12/1992 - Air Contaminants proposed rule - 57:26002
 172  1992 - 06/09/1992 - Occupational Exposure to Methylene Chloride; Proposed rule; notice of informal public hearing; reopening of written comment period. - 57:24438
 173  1991 - 09/18/1991 - Limited Reopening of Rulemaking Record on Occupational Exposure to Cadmium - 56:47348
 174  1990 - 11/14/1990 - Notice of Informal Public Hearing and Extension of Written Comment Period for Proposed Standard on Occupant Protection in Motor Vehicles - 55:47487
 175  1990 - 10/04/1990 - Re-opening of the Rulemaking Record on Proposed Rule on Occupational Exposure to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite and Actinolite;Reconvening of Informal Public Hearing - 55:40676
 176  1990 - 07/12/1990 - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Occupant Protection in Motor Vehicles - 55:28728-43
 177  1990 - 02/12/1990 - Advisory Committee on Construction; Request for Nomination of Members - 55:4919
 178  1990 - 02/06/1990 - Occupational Exposure to Cadmium; Proposed rule and notice of hearing - 55:4052-4146
 179  1989 - 12/27/1989 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards - Excavations; Delay of final rule effective date - 54:53055
 180  1989 - 10/04/1989 - Meeting cancellation; Shipyard Employment Standards; Advisory Committee - 54:40920-40921
 181  1989 - 09/15/1989 - Meeting; Shipyard Employment Standards; Advisory Committee - 54:38298
 182  1989 - 06/07/1989 - OMB Information Collection- Technical Amendments to CFR - 54:24333-4
 183  1989 - 01/26/1989 - Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines; Issuance of Voluntary Guidelines - 54:3904-3916
 184  1988 - 10/03/1988 - Hazard Communication - 53:38738-9
 185  1988 - 01/26/1988 - Stairways and Ladders - 53:2048-55
 186  1988 - 01/26/1988 - Scaffolding - 53:2048-55
 187  1988 - 01/26/1988 - Fall Protection - 53:2048-55
 188  1987 - 11/24/1987 - Formaldehyde - 52:44996
 189  1987 - 06/02/1987 - Scaffolding - 52:20616-17
 190  1987 - 06/02/1987 - Fall Protection - 52:20616-17
 191  1987 - 06/02/1987 - Stairways and Ladders - 52:20616-17
 192  1987 - 04/17/1987 - Manual Lifting - 52:12559
 193  1987 - 04/14/1987 - Construction - 52:12120-23
 194  1987 - 02/26/1987 - Scaffolding - 52:5790-91
 195  1987 - 01/02/1987 - Variance - 52:184-87
 196  1986 - 11/25/1986 - Scaffolding - 51:42680-715
 197  1986 - 11/25/1986 - Fall Protection - 51:42718-47
 198  1986 - 11/25/1986 - Stairways and Ladders - 51:42750-66
 199  1986 - 07/11/1986 - Electrical - 51:25294-335
 200  1986 - 03/14/1986 - Recordkeeping Requirements - 51:8844-46
 201  1986 - 01/03/1986 - Recordkeeping Requirements - 51:312-15
 202  1985 - 09/16/1985 - Concrete and Masonry Construction - 50:37543-55
 203  1985 - 08/02/1985 - Variance - 50:31441-5
 204  1982 - 02/09/1982 - Concrete - 47:5910-11
 205  1980 - 10/10/1980 - Lockout/Tagout - 45:67361
 206  1980 - 06/17/1980 - Lockout/Tagout - 45:41015-6
 207  1980 - 04/04/1980 - Confined Spaces - 45:22977
 208  1980 - 04/01/1980 - Grain Handling - 45:21265
 209  1980 - 03/25/1980 - Confined Spaces - 45:19266-7
 210  1980 - 02/15/1980 - Grain Handling - 45:10732-7
 211  1979 - 10/16/1979 - Guarding Roof Perimeters - 44:59561
 212  1979 - 04/06/1979 - Construction/General Industry - 44:20940-60
 213  1979 - 02/09/1979 - Construction/General Industry - 44:8577-858
 214  1976 - 06/11/1976 - Abrasive Blasting - 41:23721
 215  1975 - 09/08/1975 - Confined Spaces - 40:41530
 216  1975 - 07/24/1975 - Confined Spaces - 40:30980
 217  1974 - 06/24/1974 - Construction - 39:22801-3893
 218  1974 - 06/12/1974 - Construction - 39:0
 219  1974 - 06/03/1974 - Construction - 39:19470
 220  1972 - 12/16/1972 - Construction - 37:27503
 221  1972 - 02/17/1972 - Construction - 37:3512
 222  1972 - 02/16/1972 - Applicability/1910 - 37:3431
 223  1971 - 05/25/1971 - Construction - 36:0
 224  1971 - 04/17/1971 - Construction - 36:7340-7410

Standard Interpretations
 1  2007 - 11/28/2007 - Whether OSHA requirements prohibit working from a portable stepladder and, if not, whether fall protection is required. 29 CFR 1926.1053(b).
 2  2005 - 04/05/2005 - Evaluation if moving point-to-point on concrete wall to make initial connections of structural steel is "connecting" work; landing loads on systems-engineered metal building.
 3  2005 - 02/07/2005 - Requirements of 1926.404(b)(1) application to 208-volt branch circuits; electrical subcontractor requirements under 1926.404(b)(1) to monitor other on-site subcontractors.
 4  2004 - 05/11/2004 - Requirements for use of high-visibility warning garments by construction workers in highway work zones.
 5  2003 - 12/15/2003 - Requirement to use seat belts during the operation of earthmoving equipment.
 6  2003 - 04/09/2003 - OSHA standards set minimum safety and health requirements;they do not prohibit employers from adopting more stringent requirements.
 7  2003 - 02/25/2003 - Tunnel/Underground construction requirements: use of flexible bag lines for ventilation; location of main ventilation fan; and reversible ventilation.
 8  2002 - 09/10/2002 - There are no specific OSHA standards or requirements applicable to overhead doors.
 9  2001 - 08/16/2001 - Clarification of residential construction and fall protection requirements.
 10  2000 - 04/10/2000 - Use of electronic signature pad to record signatures for training certification.
 11  1997 - 08/14/1997 - Electronic recordkeeping of employee safety training records.
 12  1997 - 06/15/1997 - Scaffolds used in the Construction Industry.
 13  1997 - 02/25/1997 - PVC used in window frames and siding.
 14  1997 - 02/24/1997 - Scaffolds used in the Construction Industry.
 15  1997 - 01/16/1997 - Fall Protection requirements in the Construction Standard.
 16  1996 - 02/01/1996 - Contractors and the criteria for applying the Construction Work Standard.
 17  1995 - 11/21/1995 - Most cited standards for fiscal year 1995
 18  1995 - 10/12/1995 - General concerns in the Construction Industry.
 19  1995 - 03/27/1995 - The new fall protection provisions of Subpart M and their application to various types of aerial lifts.
 20  1994 - 08/22/1994 - Guidance to Compliance Officers for Focused Inspections in the Construction Industry.
 21  1993 - 10/28/1993 - The soil classification system.
 22  1993 - 04/19/1993 - Toilets are not required at construction jobsites if transportation is readily available to nearby facilities.
 23  1992 - 02/25/1992 - Elevator Hazards During Construction.
 24  1992 - 02/13/1992 - Timber shoring for trenches
 25  1991 - 02/19/1991 - Application of the OSHA standards 1910 and 1926 to "Operating Plant Services"
 26  1990 - 08/31/1990 - Construction multi-employer worksites.
 27  1987 - 10/01/1987 - Appeal's court rules that modular housing assembly will be regulated as manufacturing.
 28  1983 - 05/02/1983 - Requirements for the use of stilts in the construction industry.
 29  1978 - 08/09/1978 - Twist lock receptacles and attachment plugs.
 30  1976 - 05/24/1976 - Personnel Protective Equipment - Steel Erection.

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
 1  1926 - Table of Contents

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Washington, DC 20210