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Heritability of Disease Resistance and Immune Function in Chinook Salmon, with Special Emphasis on Broodstock Culling to Control Bacterial Kidney Disease

Many diseases of trout and salmon persist in our cultured fish stocks today, despite improvements in fish culture practices and years of research on vaccines and chemotherapeutants. An excellent example is bacterial kidney disease (BKD), caused by the bacterium Renibacterium salmoninarum. Infections by R. salmoninarum are considered by many to be More...

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Effects of Swimming and Exhaustive Stress in Pacific Lamprey (Lampetra tridentata)

A management decision was made in 1994 to increase survival of migrating juvenile salmon by increasing the proportion of river water and fish passed via spill at Snake and Columbia river dams. One result of this action was an increase in dissolved gas supersaturation, which can lead to gas bubble disease in fish. This disease can lead to More...

  • Image of as bubbles in gill filaments.