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September 2006 Report:
NOx Budget Trading Program: 2005 Program Compliance and Environmental Results

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Cover (PDF) (2 pp, 506 KB)  

Ozone NOx Budget Trading Program, 2005 cover
Download the entire report (PDF) (44 pp, 5.9 MB)

Contents, Executive Summary, and Introduction (PDF) (3 pp, 92 KB)  
Section 1 — Background: Ozone and Major Control Programs (PDF) (6 pp, 226 KB)  
Section 2 — Changes in Emissions (PDF) (6 pp, 309 KB)  
Section 3 — Environmental Results (PDF) (10 pp, 2.9 MB)  
Section 4 — Compliance and Market Activity (PDF) (8 pp, 260 KB)  
Section 5 — Future NOx Reductions and Ozone Improvements: Transition to the Clean Air Interstate Rule (PDF) (6 pp, 1.9 MB)  

For more information on Cap and Trade and the NOx Budget Trading Program visit EPA’s Clean Air Market’s Web site at www.epa.gov/airmarkets/progsregs/nox/index.html.

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