Website Information

We've provided a site map and links to software downloads to help you find and use information on our Website. If you need additional help, please feel free to contact the Idaho Webmaster.

Website Design

The Idaho Water Science Center Website was designed with ease of use in mind. It is best viewed with Internet Explorer. Please click the Accessibility, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Privacy, and Policies and Notices links at the bottom of each page to learn more about these topics.

Use the Search Idaho field (powered by Google®) at the top of each page to search the Idaho Water Science Center domain. Click Search All USGS above to search the U.S. Geological Survey domain.

External Links Policy

Throughout this site, we've provided links to external Websites, files, and images. This type of link will open in a new browser window or tab (depending on browser settings). Close the window to return to the Idaho Water Science Center Website.