USAID Lebanon: From the American People


tourists visit temple with new interpretive signs

USAID Project Revives Ancient Archeological Sites

November 7, 2007

Within the context of USAID’s rural tourism portfolio, SRI International has installed six information panels in the Sfire Roman Temple located in Dinnieh in North Lebnaon. Each panel provides the historical context and background for the site, as well as three-dimensional drawings that feature how the structure stood two millenniums ago. The project was achieved in partnership with local historians and archeologists and aims to revive Lebanon’s rural areas by promoting long-neglected archeological sites. Similar work was also executed at the ruins of the Roman temple of Maqam Ar-Rab in Akkar. 

This activity falls under the USAID-funded Expanding Economic Opportunities (EEO) program implemented by SRI International and its partner the Social and Cultural Development Association INMA, with a level of funding of US$4.8 million over two years. The program aims to help the Lebanese economy achieve higher competitiveness and support activities that help create income-generating opportunities in Lebanon especially in the rural areas.

"Photo of the Week" is a product of U.S. Embassy Beirut to highlight the U.S. Government's development, relief, reconstruction, and humanitarian assistance to Lebanon. For more information, visit the Embassy’s website at

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