USAID Lebanon: From the American People



Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Beirut, Lebanon

On March 5, 2008, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires a. i. Michele J. Sison and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Lebanon Director Raouf Youssef, inaugurated two USAID-funded projects and visited another project in Zahle.  U.S. Government funding through USAID supports an orphanage, an organic products sales center and a solid waste treatment facility.

While visiting the organic products sales center in Zahle, the first of its kind in Lebanon, the Chargé saw the production facilities and sales center.   The center is affiliated with Lebanon’s first organic cooperative, BioCoop Lubnan, and benefits more than 120 farmers, who have increased their incomes by 30%.  Working in partnership with World Vision Lebanon, USAID provided the center with $64,000. 
The Chargé inaugurated the Zahle $3.9 million solid waste treatment facility which will benefit twenty-six surrounding municipalities.  In partnership with the Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF), this USAID project increased the facility’s treatment capacity from 130 tons to 300 tons per day through rehabilitation and expansion.  In addition, the leachate generated from the landfill is treated, thus reducing the risk of polluting the Litani river.  Recycling will take place  at the facility for the first time in Lebanon; and, sixty community members will be employed at the facility.

At the Zahle Infant Welfare Society orphanage, the Chargé met with the twenty-seven member staff and some of the children.  The orphanage supports girls aged five to sixteen; there are one hundred boarding students and thirty commuting students per year from throughout the Beqaa.  USAID provided a $47,390 grant for new kitchen equipment.

Visiting the Mudeirej Bridge reconstruction project was also on the Chargé’s trip itinerary.  This $30 million project, part of the $230 million granted to Lebanon through USAID for humanitarian, reconstruction and security assistance following the 2006 July war, is restoring one of Lebanon’s most important commercial links and is employing more than 150 Lebanese in the reconstruction.

USAID has worked in Lebanon since 1951, funding development projects to benefit Lebanese citizens. With funds from the American people, USAID creates jobs, invests in youth and protects the environment in Lebanon.  USAID’s work reflects the strong friendship between the Lebanese and American people.