USAID Lebanon: From the American People

PROGRAMS: Creating Jobs

Exporting to specialty markets is an important growth area for Lebanese businesses. To increase these businesses’ customers and exports, USAID helps them reach new markets, meet international quality standards, and participate in national and international trade shows. The emphasis is on small businesses in rural areas.

Growth industries – tourism and information technology
Tourism and information technology remain the backbone of the Lebanese economy. These fields employ more than 300,000 people and make of 12 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. In the Lebanese countryside, both industries have the potential to create jobs and increase incomes. USAID focuses on tourism-related training, upgrading tourism sites and wireless access for rural internet providers.

Agriculture makes up another 6 percent of Lebanon’s GDP. It is the main source of income in the Beqaa, North Lebanon and South Lebanon. However, farmers are struggling. Prices are low, costs are high, and quality control varies. Agriculture in Lebanon was also hard hit by the conflict in the summer of 2006. USAID works with farmers on quality standards, production and marketing. Currently, most participants work in olive oil and pine-nut production, beekeeping and organic crops.

Strengthening small businesses
USAID also provides training, access to credit and other support to micro businesses and entrepreneurs. In the long-term, these businesses, which are in growth sectors such as IT and hospitality, should stimulate employment and the economy.

Photo of Lebanese chicken farmer and his flock of chickens.
With access to new markets, farmers can now expand their produce and increase their incomes.