USAID Lebanon: From the American People



Friday, February 29, 2008

Beirut, Lebanon

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) recently awarded a three year, $7 million project to the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) to work with the Lebanese judicial system.  The partnership between the Lebanese judiciary, the NCSC and USAID will enhance Lebanese judicial independence through developing the capacity of the judicial training institute.  The Ministry of Justice’s effort to improve court administration will be supported with the end result being improved access to justice for Lebanese citizens.

The NCSC is a non-governmental organization based in the United States.  Through research, consulting services, publications and educational programs, NCSC offers solutions to enhance court operations using the latest technology.  It works in a collegial manner and uses its knowledge and others to provide information based on “best practices” for improving judicial court systems.

USAID has worked in Lebanon since 1951, funding development projects to benefit Lebanese citizens. With funds from the American people, USAID creates jobs, invests in youth and protects the environment in Lebanon.  USAID’s work reflects the strong friendship between the Lebanese and American people.