USAID Lebanon: From the American People


students display certificates in front of USAID banner

Public Schools Incorporate Information Technology into Classrooms

June 2, 2008

Under the Lebanon Education Assistance for Development (LEAD) program, USAID funded the Learning Enhances Awareness (LEA) training sessions in partnership with the Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) and local partner IJMA3. As part of the LEA project, the El-Mourabi Fadl El-Moukadam Secondary School for Girls in Tripoli – one of seven schools participating in the LEA project – benefited from the information technology training. Nine students and seven teachers received training on how to use IT to improve students’ learning process. The goal of the LEA project is to introduce information technology into classrooms and encourage teachers and students to integrate IT into their teaching methods. Also under the LEA project, the school received computer equipment to apply the newly taught methods.

USAID awarded $9.4 million to two organizations – International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) – to carry out the school rehabilitation project. Schools in economically disadvantaged areas will receive special attention. Through LEAD, the United States will fund 1) repairs to school infrastructure to enhance the physical capabilities of public schools; 2) school equipment such as laboratory equipment, supplies and books; 3) awareness programs on health, nutrition and social awareness for a better learning environment; and 4) extracurricular activities to enhance the skills and learning experiences of students

The "Bi-Weekly Photo" is a product of U.S. Embassy Beirut to highlight the U.S. Government's development, relief, reconstruction and humanitarian assistance to Lebanon. For more information, visit the Embassy’s website at

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