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Janet Thompson Receives USGS Western Region Diversity Award, Supervisory Category

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Jan Thompson and Anne Kinsinger
Above: Jan Thompson (left) receives the USGS Western Region Diversity Award, Supervisory Category, from Western Regional Director Anne Kinsinger. Photograph by Mike Diggles. [larger version]

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research ecologist Janet Thompson, who studies benthic (bottom dwelling) communities in San Francisco Bay, received the USGS Western Region Diversity Award, Supervisory Category, at the annual USGS Western Region Awards Ceremony on November 14, 2007, in Menlo Park, California. Frank Shipley, Acting Deputy Western Regional Director, read the following summary of the award citation, describing the actions for which Thompson was honored:

"Jan, you are being recognized for making a difference through your efforts and commitment to a diverse USGS workplace. Your contribution to the values of diversity include active pursuit of diversity through a leadership style that fosters discussion and exploration of others' viewpoints and opinions, consistently hiring using the Survey's Workforce Diversity Programs, and supporting staff with ongoing mentoring and encouragement.

"Your belief in the value and contribution of diversity in our workplace underlies and strengthens the success of your research group, your diverse collaborations, and hence the agency in general. You represent an exemplary model of leadership, promoting diversity in the USGS workforce. You have directly hired and supervised over 14 employees, and the overwhelming majority of these individuals have been women and minorities. At this time, your research group is composed entirely of women and men of color, representing varied ethnic backgrounds. In active pursuit of diversity in your work group, you consistently hired students through the Student Interns for Workforce Diversity Program and sought out technicians with assorted backgrounds and ethnicities and varying levels of education, from local high schools and community colleges to state and private universities.

"Jan, thank you for being an exemplary role model for all USGS managers and supervisors."

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Updated February 19, 2008 @ 10:46 AM (JSS)