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3/10/05 - NOTIFICATION - EPA received no requests on or before close of business March 9, 2005 for a public hearing on the rule entitled, "Stay of the Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Georgia for Purposes of Reducing Ozone Interstate Transport." Therefore the hearing originally scheduled for March 15, 2005 in Atlanta, Georgia has been cancelled.

4/10/03 - NOTIFICATION ON Section 126 Rule: Withdrawal Provision.

4/7/03 - Fact sheet - Proposed revisions to ozone transport rule - dated March 27, 2003. The provision allows the Section 126 Rule to be withdrawn in States that control transport under another ozone transport rule known as the NOx SIP Call. (WPD or PDF Versions).

4/7/03 - The Section 126 Rule: Withdrawal Provision - Proposed rule). Signed by the Administrator on Thursday, March 27, 2003 can be found on the Rulemaking for the Section 126 Petitions page.

9/3/02 - A memorandum providing guidance to States that choose to adopt rules covering stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines as part of their response to the NOx SIP call. Specifically, EPA is providing guidance on the following issues: State flexibility, periodic monitoring, new source review, and early reductions is now available by clicking here.

4/25/02 - The Section 126 Rule: Revised Deadlines can be found on the Rulemaking for the Section 126 Petitions page.

4/25/02 - The Fact Sheet for Revised Deadlines for Section 126 Ozone Transport Rule can be found on the Related Documents and Data for the Section 126 Petitions page under Documents and Data.

4/25/02 - The following is now available on the Rulemaking for the SIP page: Notice in Response to Court Remand on NOx SIP Call and Section 126 Rule - dated 4/23/02. It should be published in the Federal Register by May 1, 2002.

4/25/02 - The Fact Sheet for EPA's response to the court remands on electric generating unit growth factors is now available. It can be found on the Documents & Data section of the SIP page.

4/10/02 - The following is now available on the Rulemaking for the SIP page. Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 - Extension of Comment Period - This notice extends the comment period from April 15, 2002 to April 29, 2002. This notice was signed April 5, 2002 by Jeffrey R. Holmstead, Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation.

3/13/02 - The "Fact Sheet -- Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions from New York and Connecticut Regarding Sources in Michigan; Revision of Definition of Applicable Requirement for Title V Operating Permit Programs" is now available and can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions & Facts portion of the Section 126 Petitions page.

3/12/02 - The reports "Technical Support Document for Stationary Internal Combustion Engines, dated 9/5/00" and "NOx emission Control Cost for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines in the NOx SIP Call States, dated 8/11/00" are now available. They can be found on the Documents & Data section of the SIP page.

3/11/02 - The Speaker List for the Public Hearing scheduled 3/15/02 in Arlington, VA on the Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments and Section 126 is now available. It can be found on the Documents & Data section of the SIP page.

3/4/02 - The Availability of Additional Documents for the Response to the Remands in the Ozone Transport Cases Concerning the Method for Computing Growth for Electric Generating Units, was signed 2/28/02 by John D. Bachmann, Acting Director, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, is now available. It can be found on the Rulemaking for the SIP page.

2/12/02 - The Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules - dated 2/12/02 can be found on the Rulemaking for the SIP page.

2/12/02- Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions from New York and Connecticut Regarding Sources in Michigan; Revision of Definition of Applicable Requirement for Title V Operating Permit Program can be found on Rulemaking for the Section 126 Petitions page.

2/12/02 - Figure F-10. Ozone Transport Assessment Group Modeling Domain (Map)can be found on Rulemaking for the Section 126 Petitions page.

1/16/02 - Memorandum, Deadlines for Electric Generating Units (EGUs) and Non-Electric Generating Units (non-EGUs) under the Section 126 Rule, which discusses EPA's intent to harmonize the compliance dates for the Section 126 Rule and the NOx SIP Call, can be found on Related Documents and Data for the Section 126 Petitions page under Documents and Data.

9/4/01 - The Announcement of Extension of Comment Period for the Availability of Documents for the Response to the Remands in the Ozone Transport Cases Concerning the Method for Computing Growth for Electric Generating Units is now available in both WordPerfect and PDF Formats.

7/30/01 - The "Availability of Documents for the Response to the Remands in the Ozone Transport Cases Concerning the Method for Computing Growth for Electric Generating Units" document was signed 7/27/01 by John Seitz, Director, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, and can now be found on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page under Documents and Data.

1/26/01 - Notice of postponement of the February 13, 2001 Public Hearing for the Proposed Rulemaking for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to March 3, 2000 Decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Court can now be found on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page under Documents and Data.

1/8/01 - Rulemaking for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to March 3, 2000 Decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Court - Proposal and Fact Sheet can now be found on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page under Rulemaking.

12/19/00 - The EPA finds that 11 States and the District of Columbia have not submitted complete plans required by the Agency's rule to reduce the regional transport of ground-level ozone (smog), also known as the NOx SIP Call. It also triggers a Clean Air Act requirement that EPA issue a Federal Implementation Plan within 2 years of making such a finding (unless the affected State has submitted a complete plan by that time). The documents can be found on the Rulemaking section of Related Documents and Data for FIP page.

10/17/00 - The update of the ACT document (1994) on NOx emissions and controls for cement kilns, which focuses on the current use, effectiveness, and cost of NOx controls can be found on the Related Documents and Data for FIP page.

10/17/00 - The "Comprehensive report on stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines dated September 1, 2000 which provides new information on cost and effectiveness", which primarily covers lean-burn engines and low emission combustion technology can be found on the Related Documents and Data for FIP page.

10/17/00 - The report on stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines dated August 11, 2000 on cost-effectiveness of implementing internal combustion engine controls in the NOx SIP call states can be found on the Related Documents and Data for FIP page.

10/16/00 - RACM Analysis for Four Serious Areas Designated Nonattainment for 1-hr Ozone NAAQS is now available in pdf format and in WordPerfect format.

10/16/00 - RACM Analysis -- Attachment 2 (RACM stationary source analysis) is now available in Excel spreadsheet format.

10/16/00 - Attachment 3 (Georgia Analysis of Additional Measures in Support of Gasoline Fuel Waiver) is now available in pdf format.

10/16/00 - Attachment 5 (Recalculation of Emission Reductions Needed for Attainment for Atlanta) is now available in pdf format.

10/16/00 - Attachment 6 (Southern Oxidants Study 1993 Data Analysis Workshop Report (Excerpt)) is now available in pdf format.

9/20/00 - The EPA is staying its findings in the NOx SIP Call related to the 8-hour ozone NAAQS. The EPA proposed to stay the 8-hour basis of the NOx SIP call rule based on the uncertainty created by the DC Circuit's decision. After considering comments from four parties, EPA has determined to finalize its proposed stay of the 8-hour basis of the NOx SIP call rule. The document can be found on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page.

8/25/00 - The "Federal Register Notice of Availability of Response to Comments on Section 126 Rule" and the "Response to Comments Which are Outside the Scope of the June 24, 1999 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Section 126 Petitions" can be found on the Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions page.

8/22/00 - The "Small Entity Compliance Guide" -- Compliance assistance for sources affected by the Federal NOx Budget Trading Program under the Section 126 final rule can be found on the Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions page.

7/21/00 - The "Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Section 126 Petition Rule - Supplementary volume - Ozone-Related Benefits of Regional NOx Emission Reductions" can be found on the Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions page.

6/13/00 - The "Summary of EPA's Approach to the NOx SIP Call in light of the March 3rd Court Decision" and "Letters to 23 States and the District of Columbia explaining the March 3rd Court Decision" can be found on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page.

4/16/00 - There is a new Web site which presents state, C/MSA and county summaries and detailed data for use with designations of 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas and other air quality planning activities. It includes summaries and detailed plant data from the 1996 National Emission Trends Inventory and Emission Tracking System/Continuous Emissions Monitoring data, Census related data (population projections and journey to work data), air quality and modeling data, and state and C/MSA maps of monitors and sources. The site is called "Data for ozone planning - designations, etc." and can be accessed via either the RTO Home Page or by clicking here.

4/4/00 - The "Response to Comments Document for March 2, 2000 Technical Amendment to the NOx SIP Call" document can be found on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page.

4/4/00 - The "Development of Emission Budget Inventories for Regional Transport NOx SIP Call - March 2, 2000 Technical Amendment Version" document can be found on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page.

4/4/00 - Published in the Federal Register March 2, 2000: "Technical Amendment to the Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone." can now be found on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page.

2/2/00 - The "Regulatory Impact Analysis For The Final Section 126 Petition Rule" can be found on Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions Documents and Data.

1/4/00 - Notice of Availability of Report by Stratus Consulting, Inc. "Development and Evaluation of a Targeted Emission Reduction Scenario for NOx Point Sources in the Eastern United States: An Application of the Regional Economic Model for Air Quality (REMAQ)" dated November 24, 1999. pdf or WordPerfect version.

12/17/99 - Section 126 Petitions: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking: Final Rule. pdf or WordPerfect version. Included also is Appendix A: EGU Allocations (pdf) (wpd), Appendix B: Non-EGU Allocations (pdf) (wpd), Appendix C: Trading Program Budget (pdf) (wpd), and Appendix D: Compliance Supplement Pool (pdf) (wpd).

12/17/99 - Section 126 Petitions: Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking: Fact Sheet. pdf or WordPerfect version.

11/30/99 - EPA is taking final action to extend the temporary stay of the effective date of the May 25, 1999 final rule (64 FR 28250) regarding petitions filed under Section 126 of the Clean Air Act until January 10, 2000. The stay provides EPA time to finalize its work on these petitions and publish its decision in the Federal Register. On June 24, 1999 EPA issued an interim final rule that temporarily stated the effective date of the May 25 final rule regarding petitions filed under Section 126 of the CAA until November 30, 1999. This final action to extend the temporary stay will prevent the findings under Section 126 from being triggered automatically on November 30. The final rule itself can be found on the "Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions" under Rulemaking. The Fact Sheet can also be found at "Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions" under Frequently Asked Questions & Facts.

9/10/99 - Announcement that EPA has reopened the comment period until September 24, 1999, for the August 9, 1999 Notice of Availability of Unit-specific Information for Affected Boilers and Turbines Under Section 126 and Proposed Section 110 FIP Rulemakings can be found on Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions Rulemaking.

8/12/99 - Announcement that EPA has reopened the comment period until August 25, 1999, to allow the public additional time to comment on the June 24, 1999, proposed rule regarding Section 126 petitions". The summary announcement can be found on Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions Frequently Asked Questions & Facts and the announcement can be found on Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions Rulemaking.

8/9/99 - "Notice of Availability of Unit-specific Information for Affected Boilers and Turbines Under Section 126 and Proposed Section 110 FIP Rulemakings: Notice of Data Availability and Fact Sheet.

7/27/99 - "Transcript of public hearing on notice of proposed rulemaking for Section 126 amending two respects of May 25, 1999 Final Rule (64 FR 28250)" on the Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions page.

7/1/99 - In a brief filed July 1, 1999 with the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, EPA responded to petitions filed by several Midwestern and southern states, and industry on the merits of the NOx SIP Call.

6/15/99 - Section 126 Petitions

On June 11, 1999, EPA temporarily stayed the effectiveness of its final action on the Section 126 petitions submitted by eight northeastern states. The stay is effective until November 30, 1999. It separates the Section 126 petitions from the recent court decisions so that EPA can proceed with regional reductions of ozone under the 1-hour national ambient air quality standards. On June 14, EPA sent letters to Governors of several northeastern states notifying them of this action.

Also on June 14, EPA issued a final rule extending the timeframe for consideration and action on the Section 126 petitions submitted by Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland. The six month extension allows EPA adequate time to develop its' proposed action and provide time for public comment.

On June 15, EPA proposed to amend the April 30, 1999 rule on Section 126 petitions to remove the link between the NOx SIP call deadlines and the final action granting the Section 126 petitions from the eight northeastern states. In this notice, EPA is proposing to indefinitely stay the determinations of technical merit based on the 8-hour ozone standards, pending further developments in the litigation of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone.

See EPA's Fact Sheet summary for all three rule actions signed on June 11, 14, and 15.

5/25/99 - On May 25, 1999, a 3-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit issued an order partially staying the implementation of EPA's plan to reduce the state-to-state transport of smog ("NOx SIP call"). This is not a ruling on the merits of the plan, but a delay to allow all parties to argue their case before the court. EPA is evaluating the order, and, in the fall, will join a number of states in arguing before the court the need to move forward with these important health protections.

5/14/99 - Published in the Federal Register May 14, 1999: "Technical Amendment to the Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone. "This action revises the SIP call's Statewide NOx emissions budgets.

5/12/99 - "May revision to emissions inventory information related to NOx SIP call" on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page.

5/6/99 - Technical Amendment to the Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking for Certain States for Purposes of Reducing Regional Transport of Ozone on the Related Documents and Data for SIP page.

4/30/99 - Response to Comments Document for Section 126 Petitions Rulemaking on the Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions page under Documents & Data.

4/30/99 - Findings of Significant Contribution and Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions for Purposes of Reducing Interstate Ozone Transport on the Related Documents and Data for Section 126 Petitions page under Rulemaking.

4/14/99 - Completeness/approvability checklist for the NOx SIP call on the Related Documents and Data section of NOx Sip Call page under Documents & Data.

4/14/99 - Transcript for Public Hearing on Supplemental Notice for Section 126 Petitions Rulemaking on the Related Documents and Data section of Section 126 Petitions page under Documents & Data.

3/23/99 - The new Regional Transport of Ozone (RTO) site replaces, but still includes OTAG and all information for the NOx SIP call, 126 Petitions, and everything else related to ozone transport.

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