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Asset Management

Rapid City, SD Regional Asset Management Conference

Updated Draft Program

May 6-7, 2008

May 5 - (OPTIONAL) HERS-ST Workshop, 8 am - 4:30 pm
(Computer with administrator's rights needed for workshop. Limited to first 30 people who register)

The HERS-ST software is an asset management decision tool used to analyze highway "needs" for programming & planning at the State and Metropolitan Planning Organization level. HERS-ST answers questions such as:

  • What level of capital expenditure is justified on benefit-cost grounds?
  • What user cost level will result from a given stream of investment?
  • What investment level is required to achieve a certain level of performance?
  • What is the cost, over 20 years, of correcting all existing and accruing highway deficiencies?

The HERS-ST workshop will provide a hands-on demonstration to the software and how to utilize the decision tool to analyze highway infrastructures.

Participants should bring their own laptops if they desire to actively participate. Please install the HERS-ST software onto your laptop prior to the workshop. You will need administrative rights to the laptop to install. The software can be downloaded from the following link: or you can request a CD-ROM version by emailing

Workshop Agenda

  • Overview of HERS-ST
  • Exercise 1 - Getting Started
  • Exercise 2 - Adjusting Initial Settings
  • Exercise 3 - Working with the Highway Data and an Overview of State Improvements feature
  • Break
  • Overview of Tabular Output & Section Output
  • Exercise 4 - Creating and Modifying Charts and an Overview of Ad-hoc Tables and Reports
  • Exercise 5 - GIS Features
  • Wrap-up (final question & answer session, general discussion)

May 6 - (OPTIONAL) Asset Management Workshop, 8 am - noon

This workshop will cover the principles, concepts, components, techniques, and benefits of asset management:

Some of the topics include:

  • Asset Management Framework and Principles
  • AM and Policy-making
  • Economics for Highway Decision Makers
  • Good Practices in Planning and Programming
  • Asset Management and Data Requirements
  • Use of Management Systems in Asset Management
  • Performance Measures in Asset Management

At the conclusion of the workshop, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify the fundamentals of transportation asset management and its benefits.
  2. Be able to identify how the principles of transportation asset management fit into their own agencies' business process.
  3. Be able to list resources available from the FHWA Office of Asset Management
May 6 - Regional Asset Management Conference Begins
Conference MC: Ms. Francine Shaw-Whitson, FHWA
1 pm Opening Remarks and Introductions
Ben Orsbon, Office of the Secretary, SDDOT
John G. Rohlf, Division Administrator, FHWA
1:30 pm Asset Management Conversations, Part I -
Hyun-A Park, Spy Pond Partners, presiding
Gordon Proctor, Former Director, Ohio DOT will provide a perspective on Organizational Structure and how it impacts implementation of Asset Management in terms of decision-making. This will be followed by an open forum with leading questions for each regional state to address during peer exchange format
2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm Asset Management Conversations, Part I, continues
4:00 pm AM Basics - Stephen Gaj, FHWA, Office of Asset Management
5 pm End of Day One
May 7 - Regional Asset Management Conference Continues
8 am Overview/Outcomes of First Day - Francine Shaw-Whitson, FHWA, Office of Asset Management
8:15 am State of the Practice in Asset Management - Ken Leonard, Cambridge Systematics
9:45 am Break
10 am Current Research in AM - Jason Bittner, MRUTC
11 am Overview of FHWA AM Services - FHWA HQ Staff
12 noon LUNCH on your own
1 pm Asset Management Conversations, Part II -
Katie Zimmerman, Applied Pavement Technologies, Inc. presiding
Peer exchange format again. MT (Paul Johnson) and WY (Larry Redd) presenting. Presentations from regional transportation agencies on what's working, what's not and sharing of experiences
2:30 pm Break
3:30 pm Asset Management Conversations, Part II- continued - Katie Zimmerman, Applied Pavement Technologies, Inc., presiding
4:30 pm   Conference Summary and Wrap-up - Francine Shaw-Whitson
5 pm Adjourn


More Information


Francine Shaw-Whitson
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Francine

This page last modified on 04/29/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration