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Deschutes Basin Ground-Water Study


USGS Publications

The report Ground-water and water-chemistry data for the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon, provides much of the raw hydrologic data collected during the study. It includes tabulated information for more than 1,500 field-inventoried water wells, hydrographs showing water-level fluctuations for 102 wells, and water-chemistry data for 26 wells, 7 springs, and 5 surface-water sites.

An analysis of the major ion and isotope chemistry of ground water in the basin is provided in the report Chemical study of regional ground-water flow and ground-water/surface-water interaction in the upper Deschutes Basin . The water chemistry is used to help constrain the conceptual model of regional ground-water flow.

The geologic factors controlling the occurrence and movement of ground water in the basin are described in the report Geologic Framework of the Regional Ground-Water Flow System in the Upper Deschutes Basin. This report describes the geologic history and stratigraphy of the basin, and the resulting regional permeability distribution. It provides the geologic context for the discussion of ground-water flow in other reports.

The regional ground-water hydrology is described in Ground-Water Hydrology of the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon. This report describes the quantitative understanding of the regional ground-water flow system including the rate and distribution of recharge, flow directions (head distribution), ground-water/surface-water interaction, discharge, and the response to stresses.

The hydrologic understanding of the basin is synthesized and a numerical flow model is described in the report Simulation of Regional Ground-Water Flow in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon. The report describes numerical model construction, steady-state and transient calibration, and example simulations of pumping and canal-lining scenarios.


Hydrologic, geochemical, and isotope data are combined to develop a conceptual model that is used to explain the influence of ground water on the surface-water hydrology in the following contribution to a larger monograph on the hydrology of the Deschutes River.

Gannett, M.W., Manga, Michael, and Lite, K.E., Jr., 2003, Groundwater hydrology of the upper Deschtues Basin and its influence on streamflow: in O’Connor, J.E., and Grant, G.E. eds., A Peculiar River -- Geology, geomorphology, and hydrology of the Deschutes River, Oregon: American Geophysical Union Water Science and Application 7, p. 31-49.

This entire monograph  can be obtained through the American Geophysical Union:

A field trip guide (below) was written for the 2002 meeting of the Cordilleron Section of the Geological Society of America and was published by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries:

Sherrod, D.R., Gannett, M.W., and Lite, K.E., Jr., 2002, Hydrogeology of the upper Deschutes Basin , central Oregon -- A young basin adjacent to the Cascade volcanic arc: in Moore , G.E., ed., Field guide to geologic processes in Cascadia: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Special Paper 36, p. 109-144.

This collection of field trip guides can be obtained from the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries:


In addition to the reports and articles, several abstracts prepared for scientific meetings and conferences have been published:

Gannett, M.W., Lite, K.E., Jr., and La Marche , J.L., 2003, Temporal and spatial variations in ground-water discharge to streams in the Cascade Range in Oregon , and implications for water management in the Klamath Basin [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, GSA National Meeting, Seattle , November 2003.

Gannett, M. W., and Lite, K.E., 2000, Climate-driven fluctuations in hydraulic head and ground­water discharge to streams in the upper Deschutes Basin , Oregon [abs]: Eos, v. 81, n. 48, p. 531.

Lite, K. E., Gannett, M. W., and Burgel, L.E., 2000, Mitigating the effects of groundwater development on streamflow in the upper Deschutes Basin , Oregon [abs]: Eos, v. 81, n. 48, p. 529.

Gannett, M. W., and Lite, K. E., Jr., 1999, Simulation of regional ground-water flow in a young volcanic terrane using inverse methods [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­grams, v. 31, n. 7, p. A-86.

Gannett, M. W., and Lite, K. E., Jr., 1999, The use of numerical models in conjunctive use management in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon [abs]: Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association Pacific Northwest Focus Ground Water Conference, Portland , Oregon , February 17-19, 1999.

Lite, K.E. Jr., and Gannett, M.W., 1999, The role of quantitative hydrology in conjunctive water management in the upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon [abs]: Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association Pacific Northwest Focus Ground Water Conference, Portland, Oregon, February 17-19, 1999.

Ferns, M. L., Lite, K. E., Jr., and Clark, M. D., 1996, Lithologic controls on groundwater discharge to the Deschutes River between Lower Bridge and Lake Billy Chinook, central Oregon [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, n. 5, p. 65.

Gannett, M.W., and Lite, K.E. Jr., 1996, Hydrogeology of regional ground-water flow in the middle Deschutes Basin, central Oregon [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Pro­grams v. 28, n. 5, p. 66.

Gannett, M.W., Morgan, D.S., and Lite, K.E. Jr., 1996, Groundwater/surface-water interactions in the upper Deschutes Basin, central Oregon [abs]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 77, n. 46, p. F-265.

Gates, S.M., and Gannett, M.W., 1996, Estimation of aquifer parameters for water-bearing zones in the Deschutes Formation, middle Deschutes basin, Oregon [abs]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 28, n. 5, p. 68.

Lite, K.E. Jr., and Gannett, M.W., 1996, Developing models for quantitative evaluation of ground­water/surface-water interactions in the upper Deschutes Basin, central Oregon [abs]: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 77, n. 46, F-248.

Gannett, M.W., and Lite, K.E. Jr. 1995, Effects of climate, stream stage, and irrigation canal seep­age on groundwater levels in the middle Deschutes Basin, Oregon [abs]: Oregon Section, American Institute of Hydrology 1995 meeting, Ashland , Oregon .

Lite, K.E. Jr., and Gannett, M.W., 1995, Factors controlling seasonal and long-term ground-water level variations in the middle Deschutes Basin, Oregon [abs]: Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science, v. XXXII.

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Contact: Marshall Gannett