2001 Criminal Tax Manual
For more information on this work, contact the Criminal Appeals and Tax Enforcement Policy Section of the Tax Division
Completed chapters for the 2001 Criminal Tax Manual appear as underlined links in this chapter list.
Volume One
 1.00 Organization and Authority
 2.00 Practice and Procedures
 3.00 Policy Directives and Memoranda
 4.00 Policies and Procedures
 5.00 Pleas and Sentencing
 6.00 Venue
 7.00 Statute of Limitations
 8.00 Attempts to Evade or Defeat Tax
 9.00 Willful Failure to Collect or Pay Over
10.00 Failure to File, Supply Information, or Pay Tax
11.00 Fraudulent Withholding Exemption Certificate
12.00 Fraud and False Statement
13.00 Aid or Assist False or Fraudulent Document
14.00 Removal or Concealment With Intent to Defraud
15.00 Compromises and Closing Agreements
16.00 Fraudulent Returns and Statements
17.00 26 U.S.C. § 7212(a) "Omnibus Clause"
18.00 Offenses With Respect to Collected Taxes

Volume Two
21.00 Aiding and Abetting
22.00 False, Fictitious, or Fraudulent Claims
23.00 Conspiracy to Commit Offense or to Defraud the U.S.
24.00 False Statements
25.00 Tax Money Laundering
26.00 - 29.00   [Reserved]
30.00 Specific Items
31.00 Net Worth
32.00 Expenditures
33.00 Bank Deposits
34.00 - 39.00   [Reserved]
40.00 Tax Protestors
41.00 Obtaining Foreign Evidence
42.00 Restrictions on Obtaining and Using Tax Information [new for 2001]
43.00 - 59.00   [Reserved]

Volume Three
      Jury Instructions [new for 2006]
      Indictment and Information Forms [new for 2006]