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USGS Runners Team Up for the Cape Cod Marathon

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Sandy Baldwin, Elizabeth Pendleton, John Warner, Rich Signell, and Ben Gutierrez.
Above: USGS Team A in the Cape Cod Marathon. From left to right, Sandy Baldwin, Elizabeth Pendleton, John Warner, Rich Signell, and Ben Gutierrez. Photograph by Libby Signell. [larger version]

October 28, 2007, was a pleasant day in Massachusetts for the 30th running of the Cape Cod Marathon Relay. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Woods Hole Science Center provided two teams, each of 5 people, to participate in the 26.2-mi event. The race started in historic Falmouth, Massachusetts, and traveled along scenic coastal roads and passed historic New England homes. The 10 USGS runners included (for Team A) John Warner, Rich Signell, Sandy Baldwin, Elizabeth Pendleton, and Ben Gutierrez; and (for Team B) Jeff List, Adrian Green, John Pohlman, Mike Casso, and John Bratton. Both teams completed the course in a little over 3 hours 30 minutes.

Other USGS runners included Richie Williams, who ran with the "Z" relay team (60- to 69-year-olds), which won its age group!

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Related Web Sites
Cape Cod Marathon
Falmouth, MA

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Updated February 19, 2008 @ 10:46 AM (JSS)