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Interactive Mapping

EPA has created supplementary maps that allow the user to display geo-spatial data on an interactive 3D platform.

The maps come in the form of a KMZ file (a compressed KML file) that is downloaded directly to your computer. You should need to download these files only once, and then you can look at them as often as you wish.

Data can be explored in new and meaningful ways by turning different layers on and off, overlaying data points and satellite imagery, and using navigation tools to change the view of the Earth's surface.

KMZ/KML files are supported by programs such as Google Earth, ESRI Arc Explorer, and NASA WorldWind View. Read more about KMZ and KML files Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

A free version of Google Earth is available for download at http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html along with a user guide. Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Features in Google Earth

Note: The following links are outside of EPA Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

Toggle Layers by turning data on and off to choose what is visible Nasa Picture of the Eastern United States depicting points
Navigation Tools: Tilt, zoom, and rotate the Earth's surface  
Search addresses to explore points of interest  
Use layers provided by the EPA in conjunction with additional layers from different sources (i.e. boundaries, points of interest, roads)  
  Image NASA, Image © 2007 TerraMetrics, © 2007 Europa Technologies, Image © 2007 DigitalGlobe

Available Maps

NOx Budget Program 2006 Progress Report (KMZ, 2.04 MB) (10/18/07, Updated 12/19/07)

Acid Rain Program 2006 Progress Report (KMZ, 2.35 MB) (11/16/07)

Cap and Trade Programs Emissions and Heat Input Timeline (KMZ, 1.55 MB) (3/27/08, Updated 4/16/08)



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