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Chapter 3: Usability, Accessibility, and Privacy Requirements

3.1 Overview

The importance of usability and accessibility in the design of voting systems has become increasingly apparent. It is not sufficient that the internal operation of these systems be correct; in addition, voters and election officials must be able to use them effectively and efficiently.

There are some properties of voting systems that make good design especially difficult:

  • The voting task itself can be fairly complex; the voter may have to navigate an electronic ballot, choose multiple candidates in a single contest, understand the effect of party-line voting, or decide on ballot questions written in legal language;
  • Voting is performed infrequently (compared with tasks such as using an ATM), so there is relatively limited opportunity for voters and poll workers to gain familiarity with the process;
  • Changes in the election process, including new voting equipment, may require voters and poll workers to use new and unfamiliar procedures; and
  • The set of "users" for voting equipment is exceptionally diverse. The voting public encompasses a broad range of factors, including physical and cognitive abilities, language skills, and technology experience.

3.1.1 Purpose

The challenge, then, is to provide a voting system that voters can use comfortably, efficiently, and with justified confidence that they have cast their votes correctly. The requirements within this section are intended to serve that goal. Three broad principles motivate this section:

  1. All eligible voters are to have access to the voting process without discrimination. The voting process must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. The voting process includes access to the polling place, instructions on how to vote, initiating the voting session, selecting among contest choices, review of the ballot, final submission of the ballot, and getting help when needed.
  2. Each cast ballot must accurately capture the selections made by the voter. The ballot must be presented to the voter in a manner that is clear and usable. Voters should encounter no difficulty or confusion regarding the process for recording their votes.
  3. The voting process must preserve the secrecy of the ballot. The voting process should preclude anyone else from determining the content of a voter's ballot, without the voter's cooperation. If such a determination is made against the wishes of the voter, then his or her privacy has been violated.

Note that these principles refer to the entire voting process. The VVSG applies only to voting systems; other aspects of the process (such as administrative rules and procedures) are outside the scope of the VVSG, but are nonetheless crucial for the full achievement of the principles.

3.1.2 Special terminology

Several uncommon terms are used in this section. For the convenience of the reader, they are defined below. Many other technical terms frequently used throughout the VVSG are defined in Appendix A. Note in particular the distinctions among these terms: voting process, voting system, voting device, voting session, and voting station.

  • Accessible Voting Station (Acc-VS) - the voting station specially equipped for individuals with disabilities referred to in HAVA 301 (a)(3)(B).
  • Audio-Tactile Interface (ATI) - a voter interface designed not to require visual reading of a ballot. Audio is used to convey information to the voter and sensitive tactile controls allow the voter to convey information to the voting system.
  • Common Industry Format (CIF) - the format to be used for summative usability test reporting, described in ISO/IEC 25062:2006 "Common Industry Format (CIF) for Usability Test Reports" [ISO06e].
  • Summative Usability Testing - evaluation of a product with representative users and tasks designed to measure the usability (defined as effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction) of the complete product. The purpose of a summative test is to evaluate a product through defined measures, rather than diagnosis and correction of specific design problems, as in formative testing.
  • Voter-Editable Ballot Device (VEBD) - voting systems such as DREs and EBMs that present voters with an editable ballot (as opposed to manually-marked paper ballots), allowing them easily to change their votes prior to final casting of the ballot. "VEBD-V" denotes the visual interface of such systems and "VEBD-A" denotes the audio interface.
  • Voting Performance Protocol (VPP) - a carefully defined method for measuring how well subjects perform various voting tasks within a controlled experiment.

3.1.3 Interaction of usability and accessibility requirements

All the requirements in Section 3 have the purpose of improving the quality of interaction between voters and voting systems. Please note how Sections 3.2 and 3.3 work together:

  • The requirements for general usability in Section 3.2 apply to ALL voting systems as indicated by their “Applies to” clause, including the Acc-VS. They cover the features that are applicable both to the general population and to voters with disabilities. In particular, note that the Acc-VS is classified as a Voter-Editable Ballot Device and therefore all VEBD requirements apply to the Acc-VS. Requirements for any alternative languages required by state or federal law are also included under Section 3.2.
  • The requirements for accessibility in Section 3.3 cover only those features that are mandatory for the accessible voting station (Acc-VS) in addition to the general usability requirements. For instance, an audio interface would be of interest mainly to those with vision or other reading disabilities, but not to those who can use a visual interface. Therefore, to determine what usability features are required of the Acc-VS, one must examine both Sections 3.2 and 3.3. The features of the Acc-VS may also assist those not usually described as having a disability, e.g., voters with poor reading vision or somewhat limited dexterity.

3.2 General Usability Requirements

The voting system should support a process that provides a high level of usability for all voters. The goal is for voters to be able to negotiate the process effectively, efficiently, and comfortably.

Many of the mandatory voting system standards in HAVA Section 301 [HAVA02] relate to the interaction between the voter and the voting system:

a. Requirements.--Each voting system used in an election for federal office shall meet the following requirements:

1. In general.--

A. Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the voting system (including any lever voting system, optical scanning voting system, or direct recording electronic system) shall--

i. Permit the voter to verify (in a private and independent manner) the votes selected by the voter on the ballot before the ballot is cast and counted;

ii. Provide the voter with the opportunity (in a private and independent manner) to change the ballot or correct any error before the ballot is cast and counted (including the opportunity to correct the error through the issuance of a replacement ballot if the voter was otherwise unable to change the ballot or correct any error); and

iii. If the voter selects votes for more than one candidate for a single office -

I. Notify the voter that the voter has selected more than one candidate for a single office on the ballot;

II. Notify the voter before the ballot is cast and counted of the effect of casting multiple votes for the office; and

III. Provide the voter with the opportunity to correct the ballot before the ballot is cast and counted.

B. A state or jurisdiction that uses a paper ballot voting system, a punch card voting system, or a central count voting system (including mail-in absentee ballots and mail-in ballots), may meet the requirements of subparagraph (A)(iii) by -

i. Establishing a voter education program specific to that voting system that notifies each voter of the effect of casting multiple votes for an office; and

ii. Providing the voter with instructions on how to correct the ballot before it is cast and counted (including instructions on how to correct the error through the issuance of a replacement ballot if the voter was otherwise unable to change the ballot or correct any error).

C. The voting system shall ensure that any notification required under this paragraph preserves the privacy of the voter and the confidentiality of the ballot.

The requirements of this section are intended to support these basic usability standards of HAVA.

3.2.1 Performance Requirements

Usability is defined generally as a measure of the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction achieved by a specified set of users with a given product in the performance of specified tasks. In the context of voting, the primary user is the voter (although the equipment is used by poll workers as well), the product is the voting system, and the primary task is the correct recording of the votes (although other tasks are associated with poll workers as users, e.g. system setup).

Additional requirements for task performance are independence and privacy: the voter should normally be able to complete the voting task without assistance from others, and the votes should be private. Lack of independence or privacy may adversely affect effectiveness (e.g., by possibly inhibiting the voter's free choice) and efficiency (e.g., by slowing down the process).

General usability is covered by both high-level performance-based requirements (in this section) and design requirements (in following sections). Whereas the latter require the presence of specific features generally thought to promote usability, the former directly address metrics for effectiveness (e.g., correct capture of voter selections), efficiency (e.g., time taken to vote), and satisfaction. The voting system is tested by having groups of people (representing voters) attempt to perform various typical voting tasks. The requirement is met only if those tasks are accomplished with a specified degree of success. Overall performance metrics

The requirements of this section set benchmarks for the usability of the voting system as a whole. There are three performance requirements that deal with effectiveness and two reporting requirements, one for efficiency and one for satisfaction.The metrics are defined as follows:

  • Total Completion Score – the proportion of users who successfully cast a ballot (whether or not the ballot contains erroneous votes). Failure to cast a ballot might involve problems such as a voter simply “giving up” during the voting session because of an inability to operate the system, or a mistaken belief that one has successfully operated the casting mechanism.
  • Perfect Ballot Index – the ratio of the number of cast ballots containing no erroneous votes to the number of cast ballots containing one or more errors (either a vote for an unintended choice, or a missing vote).
  • Voter Inclusion Index – a measure of both voting accuracy and consistency. It is based on mean accuracy and the associated standard deviation. Accuracy per voter depends on how many “voting opportunities” within each ballot are performed correctly. A low value for the standard deviation of these individual accuracy scores indicates higher consistency of performance across voters..
  • Average Voting Session Time – mean time taken per voter to complete the process of activating, filling out, and casting the ballot.
  • Average Voter Confidence – mean confidence level expressed by the voters that the system successfully recorded their votes.

Because of the statistical nature of the testing, numerical results must be interpreted very carefully. The numbers have meaning only within the context of the Voting Performance Protocol (VPP). Note especially that the tests associated with these requirements are designed as repeatable controlled experiments and not as “realistic” measures of voting behavior, as might be found in a wide variety of voting contexts. Please see [HFP07] for full details.

Preliminary research at the direction of the TGDC that included experimentation with a variety of voting systems has allowed the Human Factors Subcommittee of the TGDC to judge that the following benchmark values would allow better systems to pass the test, while preventing certification of poorer systems:

These tentative values may be adjusted based on planned research to be conducted with additional systems. The TGDC may also consider whether the benchmarks should be strengthened in anticipation of improvements in the design of future voting systems. Total completion performance

The system SHALL achieve a Total Completion Score of at least 98% as measured by the VPP.

Applies To: Voting System

Test Reference: Performance Perfect ballot performance

The system SHALL achieve a Perfect Ballot Index of at least 2.33 as measured by the VPP.

Applies To: Voting System

Test Reference: Performance Voter inclusion performance

The system SHALL achieve a voter inclusion index of at least 0.35 as measured by the VPP.

Applies To: Voting System

Test Reference: Performance Usability metrics from the Voting Performance Protocol

The test lab SHALL report the metrics for usability of the voting system, as measured by the VPP.

Applies To: Voting system

Source: New requirement Effectiveness metrics for usability

The test lab SHALL report all the effectiveness metrics for usability as defined and measured by the VPP.

Applies To: Voting system

Source: New requirement Voting session time

The test lab SHALL report the Average Voting Session Time, as measured by the VPP.

Applies To: Voting system


This requirement encourages systems to enable voters to vote with reasonable speed. Note that this requirement does not apply to the audio interface of a system, or to the use of special input devices for voters with dexterity disabilities.

Source: New requirement Average voter confidence

The test lab SHALL report the Average Voter Confidence, as measured by the VPP.

Applies To: Voting system

Source: New requirement Manufacturer testing Usability testing by manufacturer for general population

The manufacturer SHALL conduct summative usability tests on the voting system using individuals who are representative of the general population and SHALL report the test results, using the Common Industry Format, as part of the TDP.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


Voting system developers are required to conduct realistic usability tests on the final product before submitting the system to conformance testing. This is to encourage early detection and resolution of usability problems.

3.2.2 Functional capabilities

The usability of the voting process is enhanced by the presence of certain functional capabilities. These capabilities differ somewhat depending on whether or not the system presents an editable interface within which voters can easily change their votes (typically an electronic screen) or an interface in which voters must obtain a new ballot to make changes (typically a manually-marked paper ballot).

3.2.2-A Notification of effect of overvoting

If the voter selects more than the allowable number of choices within a contest, the voting system SHALL notify the voter of the effect of this action before the ballot is cast and counted.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


In the case of manual systems, this may be achieved through appropriately placed instructions. This requirement has no force for VEBD systems, since they prevent overvoting in the first place.

3.2.2-B Undervoting to be permitted

The voting system SHALL allow the voter, at the voter’s choice, to submit an undervoted ballot without correction.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.2-C Correction of ballot

The voting system SHALL provide the voter the opportunity to correct the ballot for either an undervote or overvote before the ballot is cast and counted.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


In the case of manual systems, this may be achieved through appropriately placed written instructions. Some corrections may require the voter to obtain a new paper ballot from a poll worker. Also, note the requirements on precinct-count optical scanners in Section below.

3.2.2-D Notification of ballot casting

If and only if the voter successfully casts the ballot, then the system SHALL so notify the voter.

Applies To: DRE, PCOS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


The purpose of this requirement is to provide feedback to voters to assure them that the voting session has been completed. Note that either a false notification of success or a missing confirmation of actual success violates this requirement. Editable interfaces

Voting systems such as DREs and EBMs present voters with an editable interface, allowing them to easily change their votes prior to final casting of the ballot. Prevention of overvotes

The VEBD SHALL prevent voters from selecting more than the allowable number of choices for each contest.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement does not specify exactly how the system must respond when a voter attempts to select an "extra" candidate. For instance, the system may prevent the selection and issue a warning, or, in the case of a single-choice contest, simply change the vote. Warning of undervotes

The VEBD SHALL provide feedback to the voter, before final casting of the ballot that identifies specific contests for which the voter has selected fewer than the allowable number of choices (i.e., undervotes).

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For VEBD systems, no allowance is made for disabling this feature. Also, see requirement below on "Clarity of Warnings." Independent correction of ballot

The VEBD SHALL provide the voter the opportunity to correct the ballot before it is cast and counted. This correction process SHALL NOT require external assistance. The corrections to be supported include modifying an undervote or overvote, and changing a vote from one candidate to another.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing” Ballot editing per contest

The VEBD SHALL allow the voter to change a vote within a contest before advancing to the next contest.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


The point here is that voters using an editable interface should not have to wait for a final ballot review screen in order to change a vote. Contest navigation

The VEBD SHALL provide navigation controls that allow the voter to advance to the next contest or go back to the previous contest before completing a vote on the contest(s) currently being presented (whether visually or aurally).

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, voters should not be forced to proceed sequentially through all the contests before going back to check their votes within a previous contest. Notification of ballot casting failure (DRE)

If the voter takes the appropriate action to cast a ballot, but the system does not accept and record it successfully, including failure to store the ballot image, then the DRE SHALL so notify the voter and provide clear instruction as to the steps the voter should take to cast the ballot.

Applies To: DRE

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


If a DRE fails at the point of casting a ballot, it must clearly indicate to the voter and to election officials responding to the failure whether or not the ballot was cast. Otherwise, election officials may be unable to provide substantial confirmation that the vote was or was not counted, possibly resulting in disenfranchisement or the casting of two ballots by a single voter.

A device that "freezes" when the voter attempts to cast the ballot, providing no evidence one way or the other whether the ballot was cast, would violate this requirement.

Source: 2002 VSS I. / VVSG'05 I. Non-Editable interfaces

Non-Editable interfaces, such as manually-marked paper ballots (MMPB) do not have the same flexibility as do editable interfaces. Nonetheless, certain features are required, especially in the case of precinct-based optical scanners. Note that the technical definition of "marginal mark" may be found in Appendix A. Basically, a marginal mark is one that, according the manufacturer specifications, is neither clearly countable as a vote nor clearly countable as a non-vote. Notification of overvoting

The voting system SHALL be capable of providing feedback to the voter that identifies specific contests for which the voter has made more than the allowable number of votes (i.e.,. overvotes).

Applies To: PCOS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing” Notification of undervoting

The voting system SHALL be capable of providing feedback to the voter that identifies specific contests for which the voter has made fewer than the allowable number of votes (i.e., undervotes). The system SHALL provide a means for an authorized election official to deactivate this capability entirely and by contest.

Applies To: PCOS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing” Notification of blank ballots

The voting system SHALL be capable of notifying the voter that he or she has submitted a paper ballot that is blank on one or both sides. The system SHALL provide a means for an authorized election official to deactivate this capability.

Applies To: PCOS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


One purpose of this feature is to detect situations in which the voter might be unaware that the ballot is two-sided. This feature is distinct from the ability to detect and warn about undervoting. Ballot correction or submission following notification

If the voting system has notified the voter that a potential error condition (such as an overvote, undervote, or blank ballot) exists, the system SHALL then allow the voter to correct the ballot or to submit it as is.

Applies To: PCOS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement mandates that the equipment be capable of allowing either correction or immediate submission. For instance, a questionable paper ballot might be physically ejected for possible correction. This requirement does not constrain the procedures that jurisdictions might adopt for handling such situations (e.g., whether poll worker intervention is required). Handling of marginal marks

Paper-based precinct tabulators SHOULD be able to identify a ballot containing marginal marks. When such a ballot is detected, the tabulator SHALL:

  1. Return the ballot to the voter;
  2. Provide feedback to the voter that identifies the specific contests for which a marginal mark was detected; and
  3. Allow the voter either to correct the ballot or to submit the ballot "as is" without correction.

Applies To: Precinct tabulator

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


The purpose of this requirement is to provide more certainty about the handling of poorly-marked ballots. If a given candidate or option is clearly marked as chosen, or left completely unmarked, then there is no ambiguity to resolve. However, each manufacturer should define a "gray zone" (with respect to location, darkness, etc.) in which marks will be actively flagged as ambiguous. Notification of ballot casting failure (PCOS)

If the voter takes the appropriate action to cast a ballot, but the system does not accept and record it successfully, including failure to read the ballot or to transport it into the ballot box, the PCOS SHALL so notify the voter.

Applies To: PCOS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement means that PCOS systems must detect and report electrical and mechanical failures within the system itself. It does not require the detection of errors on the part of the voter. See also Requirement Part 1: 7.7.4-B.

3.2.3 Privacy

The voting process must preclude anyone else from determining the content of a voter's ballot without the voter's cooperation. Privacy ensures that the voter can cast votes based solely on his or her own preferences without intimidation or inhibition. Privacy at the polls System support of privacy

The voting system SHALL prevent others from determining the contents of a ballot.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


The voting system itself provides no means by which others can "determine" how one has voted. Of course voters could simply tell someone else for whom they voted, but the system provides no evidence for such statements, and therefore voters cannot be coerced into providing such evidence.

It is assumed that the system is deployed according to the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. Whether the configuration of the voting system protects privacy may well depend on proper setup. Visual privacy

The ballot, any other visible record containing ballot information, and any input controls SHALL be visible only to the voter during the voting session and ballot submission.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement may involve different approaches for electronic and paper interfaces. In both cases, appropriate shielding of the voting station is important. When a paper record with ballot information needs to be transported by the voter, devices such as privacy sleeves may be necessary. This requirement applies to all records with information on votes (such as a vote verification record) even if that record is not itself a ballot. Auditory privacy

During the voting session, the audio interface of the voting system SHALL be audible only to the voter.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Voters who are hard of hearing but need to use an audio interface may also need to increase the volume of the audio. Such situations require headphones with low sound leakage. Privacy of warnings

The voting system SHALL issue all warnings in a way that preserves the privacy of the voter and the confidentiality of the ballot.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


HAVA 301 (a)(1)(C) mandates that the voting system must notify the voter of an attempted overvote in a way that preserves the privacy of the voter and the confidentiality of the ballot. This requirement generalizes that mandate. No receipts

The voting system SHALL NOT issue a receipt to the voter that would provide proof to another of how the voter voted.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing” No recording of alternative format usage

When voters use non-typical ballot interfaces, such as large print or alternative languages, their anonymity may be vulnerable. To the extent possible, only the logical contents of their ballots should be recorded, not the special formats in which they were rendered. In the case of paper ballots, where the interface is the record, some format information is unavoidably preserved. No recording of alternative languages

No information SHALL be kept within an electronic CVR that identifies any alternative language feature(s) used by a voter.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing” No Recording of Accessibility Features

No information SHALL be kept within an electronic CVR that identifies any accessibility feature(s) used by a voter.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.4 Cognitive issues

The features specified in this section are intended to minimize cognitive difficulties for voters. They should always be able to operate the voting system and understand the effect of their actions.

3.2.4-A Completeness of instructions

The voting station SHALL provide instructions for all its valid operations.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


If an operation is available to the voter, it must be documented. Examples include how to change a vote, how to navigate among contests, how to cast a straight party vote, how to cast a write-in vote, and how to adjust display and audio characteristics.

3.2.4-B Availability of assistance from the system

The voting system SHALL provide a means for the voter to get help directly from the system at any time during the voting session.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


The voter should always be able to get help from the system if needed. The purpose is to minimize the need for poll worker assistance. VEBD voting systems may provide this with a distinctive "help" button. Any type of voting system may provide written instructions that are separate from the ballot.

3.2.4-C Plain Language

Instructional material for the voter SHALL conform to norms and best practices for plain language.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Although part of general usability, the use of plain language is also expected to assist voters with cognitive disabilities. The plain language requirements apply to instructions that are inherent to the voting system or that are generated by default. To the extent that instructions are determined by election officials designing the ballot, they are beyond of the scope of this requirement.

Warnings and alerts issued by the voting system SHOULD clearly state:

  1. The nature of the problem;
  2. Whether the voter has performed or attempted an invalid operation or whether the voting equipment itself has malfunctioned in some way; and
  3. The set of responses available to the voter.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For instance, “You have not interacted with the system for the past three minutes. Please press the ‘Need more time’ button right away to tell the system that you’re still here – Thank you.” rather than “System detects imminent timeout condition.” In case of an equipment failure, the only action available to the voter might be to get assistance from a poll worker.

3.2.4-C.2 Context before action

When an instruction is based on a condition, the condition SHOULD be stated first, and then the action to be performed.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For instance, use "In order to change your vote, do X", rather than "Do X, in order to change your vote."

The system SHOULD use familiar, common words and avoid technical or specialized words that voters are not likely to understand.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For instance, "... there are more contests on the other side ..." rather than "...additional contests are presented on the reverse ..."

3.2.4-C.4 Start each instruction on a new line

The system SHOULD start the visual presentation of each new instruction on a new line.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This implies not "burying" several unrelated instructions in a single long paragraph.

3.2.4-C.5 Use of positive

The system SHOULD issue instructions on the correct way to perform actions, rather than telling voters what not to do.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, “Fill in the oval for your write-in vote to count” rather than “If the oval is not marked, your write-in vote cannot be counted.”

3.2.4-C.6 Use of imperative voice

The system's instructions SHOULD address the voter directly rather than use passive voice constructions.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, "remove and retain this ballot stub" rather than "this ballot stub must be removed and retained by the voter."

3.2.4-C.7 Gender-based pronouns

The system SHOULD avoid the use of gender-based pronouns.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, "...write in your choice directly on the ballot..." rather than "... write in his name directly on the ballot..."

3.2.4-D No bias among choices

Consistent with election law, the voting system SHALL support a process that does not introduce bias for or against any of the contest choices to be presented to the voter. In both visual and aural formats, the choices SHALL be presented in an equivalent manner.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


Certain differences in presentation are mandated by state law, such as the order in which candidates are listed and provisions for voting for write-in candidates. However, comparable characteristics such as font size or voice volume and speed must be the same for all choices.

3.2.4-E Ballot design

The voting system SHALL provide the capability to design a ballot with a high level of clarity and comprehensibility.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.4-E.1 Contests split among pages or columns

The voting system SHOULD NOT visually present a single contest spread over two pages or two columns.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Such a visual separation poses the risk that the voter may perceive one contest as two, or fail to see additional choices. If a contest has a large number of candidates, it may be infeasible to observe this guideline.

3.2.4-E.2 Indicate maximum number of candidates

The ballot SHALL clearly indicate the maximum number of candidates for which one can vote within a single contest.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.4-E.3 Consistent representation of candidate selection

The relationship between the name of a candidate and the mechanism used to vote for that candidate SHALL be consistent throughout the ballot.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, the response field where voters indicate their votes must not be located to the left of some candidates' names, and to the right of others'.

3.2.4-E.4 Placement of instructions

The system SHOULD display instructions near to where they are needed.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For instance, only general instructions should be grouped at the beginning of the ballot; those pertaining to specific situations should be presented where and when needed.

3.2.4-F Conventional use of color

The use of color by the voting system SHOULD agree with common conventions: (a) green, blue or white is used for general information or as a normal status indicator; (b) amber or yellow is used to indicate warnings or a marginal status; (c) red is used to indicate error conditions or a problem requiring immediate attention.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.4-G Icons and language

When an icon is used to convey information, indicate an action, or prompt a response, it SHALL be accompanied by a corresponding linguistic label.

Applies To: Voting device

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


While icons can be used for emphasis when communicating with the voter, they must not be the sole means by which information is conveyed, since there is no widely accepted "iconic" language and therefore not all voters may understand a given icon.

3.2.5 Perceptual issues

The requirements of this section are designed to minimize perceptual difficulties for the voter. Some of these requirements are designed to assist voters with poor reading vision. These are voters who might have some difficulty in reading normal text, but are not typically classified as having a visual disability and thus might not be inclined to use the Accessible Voting Station.

3.2.5-A Screen flicker

No voting system display screen SHALL flicker with a frequency between 2 Hz and 55 Hz.

Applies To: VEBD-V

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


Aside from usability concerns, this requirement protects voters with epilepsy.

3.2.5-B Resetting of adjustable aspects at end of session

Any aspect of the voting station that is adjustable by the voter or poll worker, including font size, color, contrast, audio volume, or rate of speech, SHALL automatically reset to a standard default value upon completion of that voter's session. For the Acc-VS, the aspects include synchronized audio/video mode and non-manual input mode.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This ensures that the voting station presents the same initial appearance to every voter.

3.2.5-C Ability to reset to default values

If any aspect of a voting system is adjustable by the voter or poll worker, there SHALL be a mechanism to reset all such aspects to their default values.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


The purpose is to allow a voter or poll worker who has adjusted the system into an undesirable state to reset all the aspects and begin again.

3.2.5-D Minimum font size

Voting systems SHALL provide a minimum font size of 3.0mm (measured as the height of a capital letter) for all text intended for voters or poll workers.

Applies To: Voting device

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.5-E Available font sizes

A voting station that uses an electronic image display SHALL be capable of showing all information in at least two font sizes, (a) 3.0-4.0 mm and (b) 6.3-9.0 mm, under control of the voter. The system SHALL allow the voter to adjust font size throughout the voting session while preserving the current votes.

Applies To: VEBD-V

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


While larger font sizes may assist most voters with poor vision, certain disabilities such as tunnel vision are best addressed by smaller font sizes. Larger font sizes may also assist voters with cognitive disabilities. This requirement mandates the availability of at least two font sizes, but additional choices (including continuous variability) are allowed.

3.2.5-F Use of sans serif font

Text intended for the voter SHOULD be presented in a sans serif font.

Applies To: Voting device

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Research has shown that users prefer such fonts.

3.2.5-G Legibility of paper ballots and verification records

Voting systems using paper ballots or paper verification records SHALL provide features that assist in the reading of such ballots and records by voters with poor reading vision.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


While this requirement may be satisfied by one of its sub-requirements, other innovative solutions are not precluded.

3.2.5-G.1 Legibility via font size

The system MAY achieve legibility of paper records by supporting the printing of those records in at least two font sizes, 3.0 - 4.0mm and 6.3 - 9.0mm.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Although the system may be capable of printing in several font sizes, the use of various font sizes in an actual election may be governed by local or state laws and regulations.

3.2.5-G.2 Legibility via magnification

The system MAY achieve legibility of paper records by supporting magnification of those records. This magnification MAY be done by optical or electronic devices. The manufacturer MAY either: 1) provide the magnifier itself as part of the system, or 2) provide the make and model number of readily available magnifiers that are compatible with the system.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


The magnifier(s) either provided or cited must, of course, provide legibility for the paper as actually presented on the system. For instance, if the paper record is under a transparent cover to prevent the voter from touching it, the means of magnification must be compatible with this configuration.

3.2.5-H Contrast Ratio

The minimum figure-to-ground ambient contrast ratio for all text and informational graphics (including icons) intended for voters or poll workers SHALL be 3:1.

Applies To: Voting device

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”

3.2.5-I High contrast for electronic displays

The voting station SHALL be capable of showing all information in high contrast either by default or under the control of the voter. The system SHALL allow the voter to adjust contrast throughout the voting session while preserving the current votes. High contrast is a figure-to-ground ambient contrast ratio for text and informational graphics of at least 6:1.

Applies To: VEBD-V

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”

3.2.5-J Accommodation for color blindness

The default color coding SHALL support correct perception by voters with color blindness.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


There are many types of color blindness and no color coding can, by itself, guarantee correct perception for everyone. However, designers should take into account such factors as: red-green color blindness is the most common form; high luminosity contrast will help colorblind voters to recognize visual features; and color-coded graphics can also use shape to improve the ability to distinguish certain features.

3.2.5-K No reliance solely on color

Color coding SHALL NOT be used as the sole means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


While color can be used for emphasis, some other non-color mode must also be used to convey the information, such as a shape or text style. For example, red can be enclosed in an octagon shape.

3.2.6 Interaction issues

The requirements of this section are designed to minimize interaction difficulties for the voter.

3.2.6-A No page scrolling

Voting systems SHALL NOT require page scrolling by the voter.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


That is, the page of displayed information must fit completely within the physical screen presenting it. Scrolling is not an intuitive operation for those unfamiliar with the use of computers. Even those experienced with computers often do not notice a scroll bar and miss information at the bottom of the "page." Voting systems may require voters to move to the next or previous "page."

3.2.6-B Unambiguous feedback for voter's selection

The voting system SHALL provide unambiguous feedback regarding the voter’s selection, such as displaying a checkmark beside the selected option or conspicuously changing its appearance.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.6-C Accidental Activation

Input mechanisms SHALL be designed to minimize accidental activation.

Applies To: Voting device

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


There are at least two kinds of accidental activation. One is when a control is activated as it is being “explored” by the voter because the control is overly sensitive to the touch. A second issue is the problem of having a control in a location where it can easily be activated unintentionally. An example would be a button in the very bottom left corner of the screen where a voter might hold the unit for support.

3.2.6-C.1 Size and separation of touch areas

On touch screens, the sensitive touch areas SHALL have a minimum height of 0.5 inches and minimum width of 0.7 inches. The vertical distance between the centers of adjacent areas SHALL be at least 0.6 inches, and the horizontal distance at least 0.8 inches.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.6-C.2 No repeating keys

No key or control on a voting system SHALL have a repetitive effect as a result of being held in its active position.

Applies To: Voting device

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This is to preclude accidental activation. For instance, if a voter is typing in the name of a write-in candidate, depressing and holding the "e" key results in only a single "e" added to the name. Timing issues

These requirements address how long the system and voter wait for each other to interact. This section uses the following terms (also defined in Appendix A: Definitions of Words with Special Meanings):

  • Initial system response time: the time taken from when the voter performs some detectible action (such as pressing a button) to when the voting system begins responding in some obvious way (such as an audible response or any change on the screen).
  • Completed system response time: the time taken from when the voter performs some detectible action to when the voting system completes its response and settles into a stable state (e.g., finishes "painting" the screen with a new page).
  • Voter inactivity time: the amount of time from when the system completes its response until there is detectible voter activity. In particular, note that audio prompts from the system may take several minutes and that this time does not count as voter inactivity.
  • Alert time: the amount of time the equipment will wait for detectible voter activity after issuing an alert before going into an inactive state requiring poll worker intervention. Maximum initial system response time

The initial system response time of the voting system SHALL be no greater than 0.5 seconds.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This is so the voter can very quickly perceive that an action has been detected by the system and is being processed. The voter never gets the sense of dealing with an unresponsive or "dead" system. Note that this requirement applies to VEBD-A (audio) as well as to VEBD-V (visual) systems. Maximum completed system response time for vote confirmation

When the voter performs an action to record a single vote, the completed system response time of the voting system SHALL be no greater than one second in the case of a visual response, and no greater than five seconds in the case of an audio response.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, if the voter touches a button to indicate a vote for a candidate, a visual system might display an "X" next to the candidate's name, and an audio system might announce, "You have voted for Smith for Governor". Maximum completed system response time for all operations

The completed system response time of the voting system for visual operations SHALL be no greater than 10 seconds.

Applies To: VEBD-V

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Even for "large" operations such as initializing the ballot or painting a new screen, the system must never take more than 10 seconds. In the case of audio systems, no upper limit is specified, since certain operations may take longer, depending on the length of the text being read (e.g., reading out a long list of candidates running in a contest). System response indicator

If the system has not completed its visual response within one second, it SHALL present to the voter, within 0.5 seconds of the voter's action, some indication that it is preparing its response.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For instance, the system might present an hourglass icon indicating that it is "busy" processing the voter's request. This requirement is intended to preclude the "frozen screen" effect, in which no detectible activity is taking place for several seconds. There need not be a specific "activity" icon, as long as some visual change is apparent (such as progressively "painting" a new screen). Voter inactivity time

The voting system SHALL detect and warn about lengthy voter inactivity during a voting session. Each system SHALL have a defined and documented voter inactivity time, and that time SHALL be between two and five minutes.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Each type of system must have a given inactivity time that is consistent among and within all voting sessions. This ensures that all voters are treated equitably. Alert time

Upon expiration of the voter inactivity time, the voting system SHALL issue an alert and provide a means by which the voter may receive additional time. The alert time SHALL be between 20 and 45 seconds. If the voter does not respond to the alert within the alert time, the system SHALL go into an inactive state requiring poll worker intervention.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.2.7 Alternative languages

HAVA Section 301 (a)(4) states that the voting system shall provide alternative language accessibility pursuant to the requirements of Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 1973aa-1a). Ideally every voter would be able to vote independently and privately, regardless of language. As a practical matter, alternative language access is mandated under the Voting Rights Act of 1975, subject to certain thresholds (e.g., if the language group exceeds 5% of the voting age population). Thus, election officials must ensure that the voting system they deploy is capable of handling the languages meeting the legal threshold within their districts.

While the following requirements support this process, it should be noted that they are requirements only for voting systems to be certified. It is anticipated that jurisdictions will apply additional requirements appropriate for their particular circumstances for procurement and deployment.

3.2.7-A General support for alternative languages

The voting system SHALL be capable of presenting the ballot, contest choices, review screens, vote verification records, and voting instructions in any language declared by the manufacturer to be supported by the system.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, if the manufacturer claims that a given system is capable of supporting Spanish and Chinese, then it must do so.

3.2.7-A.1 Voter control of language

The system SHALL allow the voter to select among the available languages throughout the voting session while preserving the current votes.

Applies To: VEBD

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For instance, a voter may initially choose an English version of the ballot, but then wish to switch to another language in order to read a referendum question.

3.2.7-A.2 Complete information in alternative language

Information presented to the voter in the typical case of English-literate voters (including instructions, warnings, messages, contest choices, and vote verification information) SHALL also be presented when an alternative language is being used, whether the language is written or spoken.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Therefore, it may not be sufficient simply to present the ballot per se in the alternative language, especially in the case of VEBD systems. All the supporting information must also be available in the alternative language.

3.2.7-A.3 Auditability of records for English readers

Any records, including paper ballots and paper verification records, SHALL have sufficient information to support auditing by poll workers and others who can read only English.SHALL

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Even though the system must be easily available to voters without a command of English, any persistent records of the vote must also be fully available to English-only readers for auditing purposes. In the case of paper, this does not imply a fully bi-lingual ballot. For instance, the full text of a referendum question might appear only in the alternative language, but the content of the vote (e.g., “yes” on ballot question 106) needs to be readable by English-only readers.

3.2.7-A.4 Usability testing by manufacturer for alternative languages

The manufacturer SHALL conduct summative usability tests for each of the system's supported languages, using subjects who are fluent in those languages but not fluent in English and SHALL report the test results, using the Common Industry Format, as part of the TDP.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”

3.2.8 Usability for poll workers

Voting systems are used not only by voters to record their votes, but also by poll workers who are responsible for set-up, operation while polls are open, light maintenance, and poll closing. Because of the wide variety of implementations, it is impossible to specify detailed design requirements for these functions. The requirements below describe general capabilities that all systems must support. Also, note that Maintainability of the voting system is covered in Part 1: 6.4.5 “Maintainability”.

3.2.8-A Clarity of system messages for poll workers

Messages generated by the system for poll workers in support of the operation, maintenance, or safety of the system SHALL adhere to the requirements for clarity in Part 1: 3.2.4 “Cognitive issues”.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing” Operation

Poll workers are responsible for opening polls, keeping the polls open and running smoothly during voting hours, and closing the polls afterwards. Operations may be categorized in three phases:

Setup includes all the steps necessary to take the system from its state as normally delivered to the polling place, to the state in which it is ready to record votes. It does not include ballot definition.

Polling includes such functions as:

  • voter identification and authorization;
  • preparing the system for the next voter;
  • assistance to voters who wish to change their ballots or need other help;
  • system recovery in the case of voters who abandon the voting session without having cast a ballot; and
  • routine hardware operations, such as installing a new roll of paper.

Shutdown includes all the steps necessary to take the system from the state in which it is ready to record votes to its normal completed state in which it has captured all the votes cast and the voting information cannot be further altered. Ease of normal operation

The procedures for system setup, polling, and shutdown, as documented by the manufacturer, SHALL be reasonably easy for the typical poll worker to learn, understand, and perform.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement covers procedures and operations for those aspects of system operation normally performed by poll workers and other "non-expert" operators. It does not address inherently complex operations such as ballot definition or system repair. While a certain amount of complexity is unavoidable, these "normal" procedures should not require any special expertise. The procedures may require a reasonable amount of training. Usability testing by manufacturer for poll workers

The manufacturer SHALL conduct summative usability tests on the voting system using individuals who are representative of the general population and SHALL report the test results, using the Common Industry Format, as part of the TDP. The tasks to be covered in the test SHALL include setup, operation, and shutdown.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Documentation usability

The system SHALL include clear, complete, and detailed instructions and messages for setup, polling, and shutdown.

Applies To: Voting system


This requirement covers documentation for those aspects of system operation normally performed by poll workers and other "non-expert" operators. It does not address inherently complex operations such as ballot definition. The instructions would usually be in the form of a written manual, but could also be presented on other media, such as a DVD or videotape. In the context of this requirement, "message" means information delivered by the system to the poll worker as he or she attempts to perform a setup, polling, or shutdown operation.

Source: New requirement Poll Workers as target audience

The documentation required for normal system operation SHALL be presented at a level appropriate for non-expert poll workers.

Applies To: Voting system


For instance, the documentation should not presuppose familiarity with personal computers.

Source: New requirement Usability at the polling place

The documentation SHALL be in a format suitable for practical use in the polling place.

Applies To: Voting system


For instance, a single large reference manual that simply presents details of all possible operations would be difficult to use, unless accompanied by aids such as a simple "how-to" guide.

Source: New requirement Enabling verification of correct operation

The instructions and messages SHALL enable the poll worker to verify that the system

  1. Has been set up correctly (setup);
  2. Is in correct working order to record votes (polling); and
  3. Has been shut down correctly (shutdown).

Applies To: Voting system


The poll worker should not have to guess whether an operation has been performed correctly. The documentation should make it clear what the system "looks like" when correctly configured.

Source: New requirement Safety

All voting systems and their components must be designed so as to eliminate hazards to personnel or to the equipment itself. Hazards include, but are not limited to:

  • fire hazards;
  • electrical hazards;
  • potential for equipment tip-over (stability);
  • potential for cuts and scrapes (e.g., sharp edges);
  • potential for pinching (e.g., tight, spring-loaded closures); and
  • potential for hair or clothing entanglement. Safety certification

Equipment associated with the voting system SHALL be certified in accordance with the requirements of UL 60950-1, Information Technology Equipment – Safety – Part 1 [UL05] by a certification organization accredited by the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory program. The certification organization’s scope of accreditation SHALL include UL 60950-1.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


UL 60950 is a comprehensive standard for IT equipment and addresses all the hazards discussed above under Safety.

3.3 Accessibility requirements

HAVA Section 301 (a) (3) [HAVA02] reads, in part:


(A) be accessible for individuals with disabilities, including nonvisual accessibility for the blind and visually impaired, in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation (including privacy and independence) as for other voters;

(B) satisfy the requirement of subparagraph (A) through the use of at least one direct recording electronic voting system or other voting system equipped for individuals with disabilities at each polling place;

The voting process is to be accessible to voters with disabilities through the use of a specially equipped voting station. A machine so equipped is referred to herein as an Accessible Voting Station (Acc-VS).

The requirements in this section are intended to address this HAVA mandate. Ideally, every voter would be able to vote independently and privately. As a practical matter, there may be some number of voters who, because of the nature of their disabilities, will need personal assistance with any system. Nonetheless, these requirements are meant to make the voting system independently accessible to as many voters as possible.

This section is organized according to the type of disability being addressed. For each type, certain appropriate design features are specified. Note, however, that a feature intended primarily to address one kind of disability may very well assist voters with other kinds.

There are many other requirements that apply to the Acc-VS besides those in this section. Please see Part 1: 3.1.3 “Interaction of usability and accessibility requirements” for a full explanation.

3.3.1 General

The requirements of this section are relevant to a wide variety of disabilities.

3.3.1-A Accessibility throughout the voting session

The Acc-VS SHALL be integrated into the manufacturer’s complete voting system so as to support accessibility for disabled voters throughout the voting session.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement ensures accessibility to the voter throughout the entire session. Not only must individual system components (such as ballot markers, paper records, and optical scanners) be accessible, but also they must work together to support this result.

3.3.1-A.1 Documentation of Accessibility Procedures

The manufacturer SHALL supply documentation describing 1) recommended procedures that fully implement accessibility for voters with disabilities and 2) how the Acc-VS supports those procedures.

Applies To: Acc-VS


The purpose of this requirement is for the manufacturer not simply to deliver system components, but also to describe the accessibility scenarios they are intended to support.

3.3.1-B Complete information in alternative formats

When the provision of accessibility involves an alternative format for ballot presentation, then all information presented to non-disabled voters, including instructions, warnings, error and other messages, and contest choices, SHALL be presented in that alternative format.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.3.1-C No dependence on personal assistive technology

The support provided to voters with disabilities SHALL be intrinsic to the Accessible Voting Station. It SHALL NOT be necessary for the Accessible Voting Station to be connected to any personal assistive device of the voter in order for the voter to operate it correctly.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement does not preclude the Accessible Voting Station from providing interfaces to assistive technology. (See definition of "personal assistive devices" in Appendix A..) Its purpose is to assure that disabled voters are not required to bring special devices with them in order to vote successfully. The requirement does not assert that the Accessible Voting Station will eliminate the need for a voter’s ordinary non-interfacing devices, such as eyeglasses or canes.

3.3.1-D Secondary means of voter identification

If a voting system provides for voter identification or authentication by using biometric measures that require a voter to possess particular biological characteristics, then the system SHALL provide a secondary means that does not depend on those characteristics.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, if fingerprints are used for voter identification, another mechanism must be provided for voters without usable fingerprints.

3.3.1-E Accessibility of paper-based vote verification

If the Acc-VS generates a paper record (or some other durable, human-readable record) for the purpose of allowing voters to verify their votes, then the system SHALL provide a means to ensure that the verification record is accessible to all voters with disabilities, as identified in Part 1: 3.3 “Accessibility requirements”.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


While paper records generally provide a simple and effective means for technology-independent vote verification, their use can present difficulties for voters with certain types of disabilities. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that all voters have a similar opportunity for vote verification. Note that this requirement addresses the special difficulties that may arise with the use of paper. Verification is part of the voting process, and all the other general requirements apply to verification, in particular those dealing with dexterity (e.g. 3.3.4-C “Ballot Submission and Vote Verification”), blindness (e.g. 3.3.3-E “Ballot Submission and Vote Verification”), and poor vision issues (e.g. 3.2.5-G “Legibility of Paper Ballots and Verification Records”).

3.3.1-E.1 Audio readback for paper-based vote verification.

If the Acc-VS generates a paper record (or some other durable, human-readable record) for the purpose of allowing voters to verify their votes, then the system SHALL provide a mechanism that can read that record and generate an audio representation of its contents.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Sighted voters can directly verify the contents of a paper record. The purpose of this requirement is to allow voters with visual disabilities to verify, even if indirectly, the contents of the record. It is recognized that the verification depends on the integrity of the mechanism that reads the record to the voter. The audio must be generated via the paper record and therefore not depend on any electronic or other "internal" record of the ballot. Note that the paper record and its audio representation may be rendered in an alternative language. See also Requirements Part 1: 4.2.4-A, B.

3.3.2 Low vision

These requirements specify the features of the accessible voting station designed to assist voters with low vision.

Low (or partial) vision includes dimness of vision, haziness, film over the eye, foggy vision, extreme near-sightedness or far-sightedness, distortion of vision, color distortion or blindness, visual field defects, spots before the eyes, tunnel vision, lack of peripheral vision, abnormal sensitivity to light or glare and night blindness. For the purposes of this discussion low vision is defined as having a visual acuity worse than 20/70.

People with tunnel vision can see only a small part of the ballot at one time. For these users it is helpful to have letters at the lower end of the font size range in order to allow them to see more letters at the same time. Thus, there is a need to provide font sizes at both ends of the range.

People with low vision or color blindness benefit from high contrast and from a selection of color combinations appropriate for their needs. Between 7% and 10% of all men have color vision deficiencies. Certain color combinations in particular cause problems. Therefore, use of color combinations with good contrast is required. Note also the general Requirement Part 1: 3.2.5-J.

However, some users are very sensitive to very bright displays and cannot use them for long. An overly bright background causes a visual white-out that makes these users unable to distinguish individual letters. Thus, use of non-saturated color options is an advantage for some people.

It is important to note that some of the requirements in Part 1: 3.2.5 “Perceptual issues” also provide support for voters with certain kinds of vision problems.

3.3.2-A Usability testing by manufacturer for voters with low vision

The manufacturer SHALL conduct summative usability tests on the voting system using individuals with low vision and SHALL report the test results, using the Common Industry Format, as part of the TDP.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”

3.3.2-B Adjustable saturation for color displays

An Accessible Voting Station with a color electronic image display SHALL allow the voter to adjust the color saturation throughout the voting session while preserving the current votes. At least two options SHALL be available: a high and a low saturation presentation.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


It is not required that the station offer a continuous range of color saturation. "High saturation" refers to bright, vibrant colors. "Low saturation" refers to muted (or grayish) colors.

3.3.2-C Distinctive buttons and controls

Buttons and controls on Accessible Voting Stations SHALL be distinguishable by both shape and color. This applies to buttons and controls implemented either "on-screen" or in hardware. This requirement does not apply to sizeable groups of keys, such as a conventional 4x3 telephone keypad or a full alphabetic keyboard.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


The redundant cues assist those with low vision. They also help individuals who may have difficulty reading the text on the screen.

3.3.2-D Synchronized audio and video

The voting station SHALL provide synchronized audio output to convey the same information as that which is displayed on the screen. There SHALL be a means by which the voter can disable either the audio or the video output, resulting in a video-only or audio-only presentation, respectively. The system SHALL allow the voter to switch among the three modes (synchronized audio/video, video-only, or audio-only) throughout the voting session while preserving the current votes.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This feature may also assist voters with cognitive disabilities.

3.3.3 Blindness

These requirements specify the features of the Accessible Voting Station designed to assist voters who are blind.

3.3.3-A Usability testing by manufacturer for blind voters

The manufacturer SHALL conduct summative usability tests on the voting system using individuals who are blind and SHALL report the test results, using the Common Industry Format, as part of the TDP.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”

3.3.3-B Audio-tactile interface

The Accessible Voting Station SHALL provide an Audio-Tactile Interface (ATI) that supports the full functionality of the visual ballot interface, as specified in Part 1: 6.2 “Voting Variations”.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Note the necessity of both audio output and tactilely discernible controls for voter input. Full functionality includes at least:

  1. Instructions and feedback on initial activation of the ballot (such as insertion of a smart card), if applicable;
  2. Instructions and feedback to the voter on how to operate the Accessible Voting Station, including settings and options (e.g., volume control, repetition);
  3. Instructions and feedback for navigation of the ballot;
  4. Instructions and feedback for contest choices, including write-in candidates;
  5. Instructions and feedback on confirming and changing votes; and
  6. Instructions and feedback on final submission of ballot.

3.3.3-B.1 Equivalent functionality of ATI

The ATI of the Accessible Voting Station SHALL provide the same capabilities to vote and cast a ballot as are provided by its visual interface.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, if a visual ballot supports voting a straight party ticket and then changing the vote for a single contest, so must the ATI.

3.3.3-B.2 ATI supports repetition

The ATI SHALL allow the voter to have any information provided by the voting system repeated.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This feature may also be useful to voters with cognitive disabilities.

3.3.3-B.3 ATI supports pause and resume

The ATI SHALL allow the voter to pause and resume the audio presentation.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This feature may also be useful to voters with cognitive disabilities.

3.3.3-B.4 ATI supports transition to next or previous contest

The ATI SHALL allow the voter to skip to the next contest or return to previous contests.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This is analogous to the ability of sighted voters to move on to the next contest once they have made a selection or to abstain from voting on a contest altogether.

3.3.3-B.5 ATI can skip referendum wording

The ATI SHALL allow the voter to skip over the reading of a referendum so as to be able to vote on it immediately.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This is analogous to the ability of sighted voters to skip over the wording of a referendum on which they have already made a decision prior to the voting session (e.g., "Vote yes on proposition #123").

3.3.3-C Audio features and characteristics

Voting stations that provide audio presentation of the ballot SHALL do so in a usable way, as detailed in the following sub-requirements.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


These requirements apply to all voting system audio output, not just to the ATI of an Accessible Voting Station.

3.3.3-C.1 Standard connector

The ATI SHALL provide its audio signal through an industry standard connector for private listening using a 3.5mm stereo headphone jack to allow voters to use their own audio assistive devices.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.3.3-C.2 T-Coil coupling

When a voting system utilizes a telephone style handset or headphone to provide audio information, it SHALL provide a wireless T-Coil coupling for assistive hearing devices so as to provide access to that information for voters with partial hearing. That coupling SHALL achieve at least a category T4 rating as defined by [ANSI01] American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids, ANSI C63.19.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Note that Requirement Part 1: 3.3.6-C protects the use of hearing devices.

3.3.3-C.3 Sanitized headphone or handset

A sanitized headphone or handset SHALL be made available to each voter.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


This requirement can be achieved in various ways, including the use of "throwaway" headphones, or of sanitary coverings.

3.3.3-C.4 Initial volume

The voting system SHALL set the initial volume for each voting session between 40 and 50 dB SPL.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


A voter does not "inherit" the volume as set by the previous user of the voting station. See Requirement Part 1: 3.2.5-B.

3.3.3-C.5 Range of volume

The audio system SHALL allow the voter to control the volume throughout the voting session while preserving the current votes. The volume SHALL be adjustable from a minimum of 20dB SPL up to a maximum of 100 dB SPL, in increments no greater than 10 dB.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.3.3-C.6 Range of frequency

The audio system SHALL be able to reproduce frequencies over the audible speech range of 315 Hz to 10 KHz.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


The required frequencies include the range of normal human speech. This allows the reproduced speech to sound natural.

3.3.3-C.7 Intelligible audio

The audio presentation of verbal information SHOULD be readily comprehensible by voters who have normal hearing and are proficient in the language. This includes such characteristics as proper enunciation, normal intonation, appropriate rate of speech, and low background noise. Candidate names SHOULD be pronounced as the candidate intends.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement covers both recorded and synthetic speech. It applies to those aspects of the audio content that are inherent to the voting system or that are generated by default. To the extent that the audio presentation is determined by election officials designing the ballot, it is beyond of the scope of this requirement.

3.3.3-C.8 Control of speed

The audio system SHALL allow the voter to control the rate of speech throughout the voting session while preserving the current votes. The range of speeds supported SHALL include 75% to 200% of the nominal rate.

Applies To: VEBD-A

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Many blind voters are accustomed to interacting with accelerated speech. This feature may also be useful to voters with cognitive disabilities.

3.3.3-D Ballot activation

If the voting station supports ballot activation for non-blind voters, then it SHALL also provide features that enable voters who are blind to perform this activation.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, smart cards might provide tactile cues so as to allow correct insertion.

3.3.3-E Ballot submission and vote verification

If the voting station supports ballot submission or vote verification for non-blind voters, then it SHALL also provide features that enable voters who are blind to perform these actions.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, if voters using this station normally perform paper-based verification, or if they feed their own optical scan ballots into a reader, blind voters must also be able to do so.

3.3.3-F Tactile discernability of controls

Mechanically operated controls or keys on an Accessible Voting Station SHALL be tactilely discernible without activating those controls or keys.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Note also the more general Requirement Part 1: 3.2.5-C against accidental activation of controls.

3.3.3-G Discernability of key status

The status of all locking or toggle controls or keys (such as the "shift" key) SHALL be visually discernible, and also discernible through either touch or sound.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.3.4 Dexterity

These requirements specify the features of the Accessible Voting Station designed to assist voters who lack fine motor control or use of their hands.

3.3.4-A Usability testing by manufacturer for voters with dexterity disabilities

The manufacturer SHALL conduct summative usability tests on the voting system using individuals lacking fine motor control and SHALL report the test results, using the Common Industry Format, as part of the TDP.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”

3.3.4-B Support for non-manual input

The Accessible Voting Station SHALL provide a mechanism to enable non-manual input that is functionally equivalent to tactile input. All the functionality of the Accessible Voting Station (e.g., straight party voting, write-in candidates) that is available through the conventional forms of input, such as tactile, SHALL also be available through the non-manual input mechanism.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement ensures that the Accessible Voting Station is operable by individuals who do not have the use of their hands. Examples of non-manual controls include mouth sticks and "sip and puff" switches. While it is desirable that the voter be able to independently initiate use of the non-manual input mechanism, this requirement guarantees only that the voter can vote independently once the mechanism is enabled.

3.3.4-C Ballot submission and vote verification

If the voting station supports ballot submission or vote verification for non-disabled voters, then it SHALL also provide features that enable voters who lack fine motor control or the use of their hands to perform these actions.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For example, if voters using this station normally perform paper-based verification, or if they feed their own optical scan ballots into a reader, voters with dexterity disabilities must also be able to do so. Note that the general requirement for privacy when voting (Requirement Part1: still applies.

3.3.4-D Manipulability of controls

Keys and controls on the Accessible Voting Station SHALL be operable with one hand and SHALL NOT require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate controls and keys SHALL be no greater 5 lbs. (22.2 N).

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Controls are to be operable without excessive force.

3.3.4-E No dependence on direct bodily contact

The Accessible Voting Station controls SHALL NOT require direct bodily contact or for the body to be part of any electrical circuit.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This requirement ensures that controls are operable by individuals using prosthetic devices.

3.3.5 Mobility

These requirements specify the features of the Accessible Voting Station designed to assist voters who use mobility aids, including wheelchairs. Many of the requirements of this section are based on the ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG).

3.3.5-A Clear floor space

The Accessible Voting Station SHALL provide a clear floor space of 30 inches (760 mm) minimum by 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum for a stationary mobility aid. The clear floor space SHALL be level with no slope exceeding 1:48 and positioned for a forward approach or a parallel approach.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”

3.3.5-B Allowance for assistant

When deployed according to the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer, the voting station SHALL allow adequate room for an assistant to the voter. This includes clearance for entry to and exit from the area of the voting station.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Disabled voters sometimes prefer to have an assistant help them vote. The setup of the voting station should not preclude this.

3.3.5-C Visibility of displays and controls

Labels, displays, controls, keys, audio jacks, and any other part of the Accessible Voting Station necessary for the voter to operate the voting system SHALL be easily legible and visible to a voter in a wheelchair with normal eyesight (no worse than 20/40, corrected) who is in an appropriate position and orientation with respect to the Accessible Voting Station.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


There are a number of factors that could make relevant parts of the Accessible Voting Station difficult to see, such as: small lettering; controls and labels tilted at an awkward angle from the voter's viewpoint; and glare from overhead lighting. Controls within reach

The requirements of this section ensure that the controls, keys, audio jacks and any other part of the Accessible Voting Station necessary for its operation are within easy reach. Note that these requirements have meaningful application mainly to controls in a fixed location. A hand-held tethered control panel is another acceptable way of providing reachable controls. Forward approach, no obstruction

If the Accessible Voting Station has a forward approach with no forward reach obstruction then the high reach SHALL be 48 inches maximum and the low reach SHALL be 15 inches minimum. See Part 1: Figure 3-1.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Forward approach, with obstruction

If the Accessible Voting Station has a forward approach with a forward reach obstruction, the following sub-requirements SHALL apply (See Part 1: Figure 3-2).

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Maximum size of obstruction

The forward obstruction SHALL be no greater than 25 inches in depth, its top no higher than 34 inches and its bottom surface no lower than 27 inches.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Maximum high reach over obstruction

If the obstruction is no more than 20 inches in depth, then the maximum high reach SHALL be 48 inches, otherwise it SHALL be 44 inches.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Toe clearance under obstruction

Space under the obstruction between the finish floor or ground and 9 inches (230 mm) above the finish floor or ground SHALL be considered toe clearance and SHALL comply with the following provisions:

  1. Toe clearance depth SHALL extend 25 inches (635 mm) maximum under the obstruction;
  2. The minimum toe clearance depth under the obstruction SHALL be either 17 inches (430 mm) or the depth required to reach over the obstruction to operate the Accessible Voting Station, whichever is greater; and
  3. Toe clearance width SHALL be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Knee clearance under obstruction

Space under the obstruction between 9 inches (230 mm) and 27 inches (685 mm) above the finish floor or ground SHALL be considered knee clearance and SHALL comply with the following provisions:

  1. Knee clearance depth SHALL extend 25 inches (635 mm) maximum under the obstruction at 9 inches (230 mm) above the finish floor or ground;
  2. The minimum knee clearance depth at 9 inches (230 mm) above the finish floor or ground SHALL be either 11 inches (280 mm) or 6 inches less than the toe clearance, whichever is greater;
  3. Between 9 inches (230 mm) and 27 inches (685 mm) above the finish floor or ground, the knee clearance depth SHALL be permitted to reduce at a rate of 1 inch (25 mm) in depth for each 6 inches (150 mm) in height. (It follows that the minimum knee clearance at 27 inches above the finish floor or ground SHALL be 3 inches less than the minimum knee clearance at 9 inches above the floor.); and
  4. Knee clearance width SHALL be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Parallel approach, no obstruction

If the Accessible Voting Station has a parallel approach with no side reach obstruction then the maximum high reach SHALL be 48 inches and the minimum low reach SHALL be 15 inches. See Part 1: Figure 3-3.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Parallel approach, with obstruction

If the Accessible Voting Station has a parallel approach with a side reach obstruction, the following sub-requirements SHALL apply. See Part 1: Figure 3-4.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”


Since this is a parallel approach, no clearance under the obstruction is required. Maximum size of obstruction

The side obstruction SHALL be no greater than 24 inches in depth and its top no higher than 34 inches.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection” Maximum high reach over obstruction

If the obstruction is no more than 10 inches in depth, then the maximum high reach SHALL be 48 inches, otherwise it SHALL be 46 inches.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.1 “Inspection”

Table 3-1 Unobstructed reach measurements


Unobstructed forward reach

Obstructed forward reach (a) for an obstruction depth of up to 20 inches (508 mm) (b) for an obstruction depth of up to 25 inches (635 mm)

Figure 3-1 Unobstructed forward reach

Figure 3-2 Obstructed forward reach

(a) for an obstruction depth of up to 20 inches (508 mm)
(b) for an obstruction depth of up to 25 inches (635 mm)

Unobstructed side reach with an allowable obstruction less than 10 inches (254 mm) deep

Obstructed side reach (a) for an obstruction depth of up to 10 inches (254 mm) (b) for an obstruction depth of up to 24 inches (610 mm)

Figure 3-3 Unobstructed side reach with an allowable obstruction less than 10 inches (254 mm) deep

Figure 3-4 Obstructed side reach

(a) for an obstruction depth of up to 10 inches (254 mm)
(b) for an obstruction depth of up to 24 inches (610 mm)

3.3.6 Hearing

These requirements specify the features of the Accessible Voting Station designed to assist voters with hearing disabilities.

3.3.6-A Reference to audio requirements

The Accessible Voting Station SHALL incorporate the features listed under Requirement Part 1: 3.3.3-C for voting equipment that provides audio presentation of the ballot.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Note especially the requirements for volume initialization and control.

3.3.6-B Visual redundancy for sound cues

If the voting system provides sound cues as a method to alert the voter, the tone SHALL be accompanied by a visual cue, unless the station is in audio-only mode.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


For instance, the voting equipment might beep if the voter attempts to overvote. If so, there would have to be an equivalent visual cue, such as the appearance of an icon, or a blinking element. If the voting system has been set to audio-only mode, there would be no visual cue.

3.3.6-C No electromagnetic interference with hearing devices

No voting equipment SHALL cause electromagnetic interference with assistive hearing devices that would substantially degrade the performance of those devices. The voting equipment, considered as a wireless device, SHALL achieve at least a category T4 rating as defined by [ANSI01] American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids, ANSI C63.19.

Applies To: Voting device

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


"Hearing devices" include hearing aids and cochlear implants.

3.3.7 Cognition

These requirements specify the features of the Accessible Voting Station designed to assist voters with cognitive disabilities.

3.3.7-A General support for cognitive disabilities

The Accessible Voting Station SHOULD provide support to voters with cognitive disabilities.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


Because of the highly varied nature of disabilities falling within the "cognitive" category, there are no design features uniquely aimed at helping those with such disabilities. However, many of the features designed primarily for other disabilities and for general usability are also highly relevant to these voters:

  1. the synchronization of audio with the displayed screen information (Requirement Part 1: 3.3.2-D);
  2. the general cognitive usability requirements ( Part 1: 3.2.4) and, in particular, the use of plain language (Requirement Part 1: 3.2.4-C);
  3. large font sizes and legibility of paper (Requirement Part 1: 3.2.5-E and Part 1: 3.2.5-G); and
  4. the ability to control various aspects of the audio presentation (Requirement Part 1: 3.3.3-B and Part 1: 3.3.3-C) such as pausing, repetition, and speed.

3.3.8 English proficiency

These requirements specify the features of the Accessible Voting Station designed to assist voters who lack proficiency in reading English.

3.3.8-A Use of ATI

For voters who lack proficiency in reading English, the voting equipment SHALL provide an audio interface for instructions and ballots as described in Part 1: 3.3.3-B.

Applies To: Acc-VS

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”

3.3.9 Speech

3.3.9-A Speech not to be required by equipment

No voting equipment SHALL require voter speech for its operation.

Applies To: Voting system

Test Reference: Part 3: 3.2 “Functional Testing”


This does not preclude voting equipment from offering speech input as an option, but speech must not be the only means of input.