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Assessment of American Indian Housing Needs and Programs: Final Report (May 1996, 298 p.)

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A groundbreaking HUD study documents the severe housing needs of the American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population and calls for an increase in public and private investment to alleviate these conditions. Assessment of American Indian Housing Needs and Programs: Final Report is the most comprehensive examination of the housing needs of this group ever performed. It finds that the AIAN population faces more frequent -- and often more severe -- housing problems than the non-Indian population. The housing needs and underlying socioeconomic conditions of the more than 2 million Native Americans vary greatly across the States, cities, and the 508 federally recognized Tribal Areas where American Indians and Alaska Natives live.

The intensity of AIAN housing needs and problems, particularly in Tribal Areas, is illustrated by the following:

  • Fifteen percent of all AIAN households and 28 percent of AIAN households in Tribal Areas are either overcrowded or lack kitchen or plumbing facilities, as compared to the national average of 5 percent.

  • Twenty-nine percent of all AIAN households and 44 percent in Tribal Areas have a housing affordability problem, as compared to the national average of 23 percent.

  • If recent trends continue, the number of AIAN households in Tribal Areas that are overcrowded or have facility problems will grow by an estimated 3,700 per year in the 1990s.

Federal housing programs have been a critical source of affordable housing for the AIAN population and will continue to be so. However, Federal assistance by itself never will be able to meet all AIAN housing needs, nor will it create a self-sustaining housing system, the report concludes. Because of this disparity, the report analyzes options for fostering private-sector housing finance institutions.

Along with the files below, the data documentation is available for downloading.

INDINC.EXE Data file containing detailed housing information about Native American households in the United States
INDINC.DIC Data dictionary for the INDINC.EXE file
AIAN2.EXE Data file containing basic information about Native American households in the United States.
AIAN2.DIC Data dictionary for the AIAN2.EXE file
MIRS.EXE Management Information Retrieval Systems (MIRS) data
MIRS.DIC Data dictionary for the MIRS.EXE file
INTERVIE.DAT Data file for a survey of IHA staff
INTERVIE.XLS Excel file of the physical characteristics of INTERVIE.DAT
LEADER.DAT Data file for a survey of Tribal leaders
LEADER.XLS Excel file of the physical characteristics of LEADER.DAT
HOUSING2.DAT Data file for a survey of households
HOUSING2.XLS Excel file of the physical characteristics of HOUSING2.DAT
PHONE.DAT Data file of the telephone responses of IHA head officials
PHONE.XLS Excel file of the physical characteristics of PHONE.DAT
STAFF.DAT Data file for a survey of Tribal staff
STAFF.XLS Excel file of the physical characteristics of STAFF.DAT


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