Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain Terrestrial Wildlife Research Summaries

Section 3: The Porcupine Caribou Herd - Part 3

Habitat Selection
Effects of Insect Harassment on Habitat Use
Calf Performance in Relation to Habitat Use

Habitat Selection

Habitat selection may be assessed at several orders (Johnson 1980); selection at each order implies disproportionate use of some component(s) of the habitats that are available. For migratory barren-ground caribou, selection orders might be defined as follows from highest to lowest order:

First Order – the species distribution on earth.
Second Order – area use by herds within the species
Third Order – annual range use within herd ranges.
Fourth Order – seasonal range use within annual ranges
of herds.
Fifth Order – annual use within the aggregate extent of a
seasonal range.
Sixth Order – annual concentrated use within an annual
seasonal range.
Seventh Order – patch use within a concentrated use area.
Eighth Order – plant species use within habitat patches.
Ninth Order – plant part use within plant species.

Higher order selection may constrain the choices at lower orders (Johnson 1980). The basis of selection may or may not be consistent among orders and, when the basis of selection changes among orders, habitat selection is considered to be scale-dependent (O’Neil and King 1998). In this work, we assessed habitat selection at fifth and sixth orders as defined above. Much discussion has focused on fourth order selection (cf. Bergerud and Page 1987; Fryxell 1991, 1995), but analysis of selection at the fourth order for the Porcupine caribou herd was beyond the scope of this report.

For the purposes of the material that follows, we define fifth order selection as the comparison of use within the annual calving grounds (ACG) to availability in the extent of calving (EC), written as ACG/EC (hereafter called calving ground selection). We define sixth order selection as the comparison of use within annual concentrated calving areas (CCA) to habitat availability within the annual calving grounds (CCA/ACG, hereafter called concentrated calving selection).

Because there was spatial dependency among habitats (vegetation, NDVI estimates, snowcover; all inventoried from the same 1-km2 pixels) we present the results for each habitat attribute separately. Selection was assessed by comparing mean use/availability ratios among years with the null use/availability ratio of 1.0.

Habitat conditions within the extent of calving have been variable during 1985-2001. There was substantial snowcover throughout the extent of calving in 1986, 2000, and 2001, but greening was early in 1990, 1994, 1995, and 1998 (Fig. 3.18).

Figure 3.18 maps annual conditions of snow cover distribution and vegetation phenology (NDVI) as derived from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AHVRR) satellite imagery during the calving period (30 May - 5 June), 1985-2001.  Apparent is the high degree of annual variation in the timing of spring.  Conditions ranged from very late springs where the entire North Slope was covered in snow (eg. 1986) to very early springs where the entire North Slope is snow free and vegetation phenology was highly advanced (eg. 1998).

Figure 3.18. Annual conditions of snowcover and vegetation phenology derived from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite imagery during the calving period (30 May - 5 June), 1985-2001, for the Porcupine caribou herd. No concentrated calving was detected in 2001.

There was scale dependency in habitat selection by the Porcupine caribou herd during calving. Parturient females selected annual calving grounds with proportionately greater area of high (>median) rate of greening (NDVI_rate, 1.33x, P = 0.005) (Fig. 3.19a) and proportionately less area with high forage biomass both at calving (NDVI_calving, 0.60x, P < 0.001) (Fig. 3.19b) and during peak lactation (NDVI_621, 0.70x, P = 0.002) (Fig. 3.19c) than available in the extent of calving.

Figure 3.19 plots average percent of area in low (less than or equal median) or high (greater than median) classes of a) daily rate of increase in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, b) NDVI at calving, and c) NDVI on 21 June, for the extent of calving, annual calving grounds, and concentrated calving areas of the Porcupine caribou herd, 1985-2001.  Statistically significant selection or avoidance (P less than 0.05, experiment-wise) is presented on the figure.  The annual calving ground avoided low NDVI rate and selected high NDVI rate in comparison to availability in the extent of calving.  The annual calving ground selected low NDVI at calving and avoided high NDVI at calving compared to availability in the extent of calving.  In contrast, the concentrated calving area avoided low NDVI at calving and selected high NDVI at calving compared to availability in the annual calving ground.  The annual calving ground selected low 21 June NDVI and avoided high 21 June NDVI compared to availability in the extent of calving.  In contrast, the concentrated calving area avoided low 21 June NDVI and selected high 21 June NDVI compared to availability in the annual calving ground.

Figure 3.19. Average percent of area in low (< median) or high (> median) classes of a) daily rate of increase in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI_rate) b) NDVI at calving (NDVI_calving), and c) NDVI on 21 June (NDVI_621) for the aggregate extent of calving, annual calving grounds, and concentrated calving areas of the Porcupine caribou herd, Alaska, 1985-2001. Statistically significant selection or avoidance (P < 0.05, overall experiment) in comparison with the category to the left is indicated by "+" or "-" above the bars. For example, female caribou on the annual calving ground avoided low NDVI_rate and selected high NDVI_rate in comparison with availability in the aggregate extent of calving. No significant selection of NDVI_rate for the concentrated calving area when compared with the annual calving ground was detected.

Parturient females also selected annual calving grounds with proportionately more area in the 26-50% (1.76x, P = 0.001) and 51-75% (1.71x, P = 0.008) snowcover classes and proportionately less area in the 0-25% (0.84x, P = 0.008) snowcover class than available in the extent of calving (Fig. 3.20).

Figure 3.20 plots average percent of area in four exclusive snow coverage classes for the extent of calving, annual calving grounds, and concentrated calving areas of the Porcupine caribou herd, 1985-2001.  Statistically significant selection or avoidance (P < 0.05, experiment-wise) is presented.  The annual calving ground avoided 0-25% snow coverage and selected 26-50% and 51-75% snow coverage in comparison to availability in the extent of calving.  No significant selection of any snow coverage class was detected for the concentrated calving area in comparison to the annual calving ground.

Figure 3.20. Average percent of area in 4 exclusive snowcover classes for the aggregate extent of calving, annual calving grounds, and concentrated calving areas of the Porcupine caribou herd, 1985-2001. Statistically significant selection or avoidance (P < 0.05, overall experiment) in comparison with the category to the left is indicated by "+" or "-" above the bars. For example, female caribou on the annual calving ground avoided areas of 0-25% snowcover and selected areas of 26-50% and 51-75% snowcover when compared with availability in the aggregate extent of calving. No significant selection of any snowcover class was detected for the concentrated calving area when compared with availability in the annual calving ground.

Analysis of vegetation types in annual calving grounds showed that parturient females selected wet sedge (1.42x, P = 0.004), herbaceous tussock tundra (1.42x, P < 0.001), and riparian (1.37x, P < 0.001) vegetation types, avoided the alpine vegetation type (0.60x, P < 0.001), and did not respond (P > 0.05) to the shrub tussock tundra or moist sedge vegetation types (Fig. 3.21).

Figure 3.21 plots average percent of area in six vegetation types for the extent of calving, annual calving grounds, and concentrated calving areas of the Porcupine caribou herd, 1985-2001.  Vegetation types are: Wet Sedge, Moist Sedge, Herbaceous Tussock Tundra, Shrub Tussock Tundra, Riparian, and Alpine.  Statistically significant selection or avoidance (P < 0.05, experiment-wise) is presented.  The annual calving ground avoided the Alpine vegetation type and selected the Herb Tussock Tundra and Wet Sedge and Riparian vegetation types in comparison to availability in the extent of calving.  The concentrated calving area avoided Alpine and strongly selected Herb Tussock Tundra in comparison to availability in the annual calving ground.

Figure 3.21. Average percent of area in 6 vetetation types for the aggregate extent of calving, annual calving grounds, and concentrated calving areas of the Porcupine caribou herd, 1985-2001. Vegetation types: Wsedge = wet sedge; Msedge = moist sedge; HerbTT = herbaceous tussock tundra; ShrubTT = shrub tussock tundra, Alpine, and Riparian. Statistically significant selection or avoidance (P < 0.05, overall experiment) in comparison with the category to the left is indicated by "+" or "-" above the bars. For example, the female caribou on the annual calving ground avoided the Alpine vegetation type and selected the HerbTT vegetation type when compared with availability in the aggregate extent of calving, and on the concentrated calving area the caribou showed similar selection when compared with availability in the annual calving ground.

In contrast, at the next lower selection order (sixth), parturient females of the Porcupine caribou herd selected concentrated calving areas with proportionately greater area of high forage biomass both at calving (NDVI_calving, 2.35x, P < 0.001) (Fig. 3.19b) and during peak lactation demand (NDVI_621, 2.59x, P < 0.001) (Fig 3.19c) than available in the annual calving grounds. The females were non-selective (P > 0.05) for rate of greening (NDVI_rate) (Fig. 3.19a) and all snowcover classes (Fig. 3.20), selected herbaceous tussock tundra

(1.68x, P = 0.001), avoided alpine vegetation (0.34x, P < 0.001), and were non-responsive (P > 0.18) to the remaining vegetation types (Fig. 3.21).

Although selection of vegetation types was scale-independent, there was scale dependency in the selection of forage quantity (NDVI_calving, NDVI_621) and quality (NDVI_rate). Parturient Porcupine caribou herd females selected annual calving grounds with a high proportion of easily digestible forage (NDVI_rate), then selected concentrated calving areas with relatively high plant biomass at calving (NDVI_calving) and on 21 June (NDVI_621).

The basis of habitat selection shifted from forage quality to forage quantity between the fifth (ACG/EC) and sixth (CCA/ACG) orders. The work of White et al. (1975) and White and Trudell (1980b) at the levels of microhabitats (~seventh order, selection for biomass) and plant species within microhabitats (~eighth order, selection for digestibility) suggests that the basis of selection continues to be dynamic across successively smaller scales.

Forage quality appears to be the basis of selection at both relatively large (fifth order) and relatively small (eighth order) scales. Forage quantity appears to be the basis of selection at intermediate scales of analysis within this range. Specification of the scale of analysis is critical to developing an understanding of the basis of forage selection by ungulates, and Porcupine herd caribou demonstrated a variable functional response to forage (NDVI estimates) within the extent of calving.

There were no clear differences in patterns of selection of any types of habitats between the increase and decrease phases of the herd. This observation is tempered by the fact that habitat selection was assessed for only the last 5 years (1985-1989) of the increase phase, but has been assessed for all 12 years of the current decline (1990-2001).

The shifting location of annual calving grounds within the extent of calving was apparently a functional response to annually variable landscape patterns in the quantity of easily digestible forage (NDVI_rate). The location of concentrated calving areas within annual calving grounds was an apparent functional response to forage biomass (NDVI_calving, NDVI_621).

This functional response to habitats allowed Porcupine caribou herd females to attain substantial intakes of nitrogen (Fig. 3.22) based on estimated diet composition (Figs. 3.16a, 3.17a), estimated nitrogen content of consumed forages, and consumption rates presented by White et al (1975), White and Trudell (1980a,b), and Trudell and White (1981). Thus, the Porcupine caribou herd calving ground was clearly important to the annual nitrogen budget of lactating females and was likely important to the annual energy budget.

Figure 3.22 plots the estimated total intake of dietary nitrogen (grams) from the calving ground (25 May - 14 June) for four North American caribou herds.  Forage composition of diet and nutritional composition of forages were estimated from locally collected samples, and intake rates were estimated from White (1975).  The figure shows that that Central Arctic herd acquires just under 200 grams of nitrogen, and the Bathurst and George River herds of Canada each acquire near 300 grams.  In contrast, the Porcupine caribou herd consumed over 700 grams of dietary nitrogen.

Figure 3.22. Estimated total intake of dietary nitrogen (g) from the calving ground (25 May - 14 June) for 4 North American caribou herds. Forage composition of diet and nutritional composition of forages were estimated from locally collected samples. Intake rates were estimated from White et al. (1975).

The adjacent Central Arctic herd obtained only about one-quarter as much dietary nitrogen from its calving ground as did the Porcupine caribou herd (Fig. 3.22). It is likely that the proportion of the annual nitrogen budget obtained from a calving ground is positively correlated with the relative value of the calving ground to the nutrition of a herd within its annual range.

Effects of Insect Harassment on Habitat Use

Mosquitoes (Cuculidae) and flies of the family Oestridae are known to harass caribou, although harassment by Oestrid flies may occur primarily after Porcupine herd caribou leave the calving ground. Lactating females that are disturbed by insects may experience a negative energy balance due to increased movement rates when trying to escape harassment by insects (White et al. 1975, Russell et al. 1993). When harassment causes lactating females to substantially reduce foraging time, calf growth may be reduced (Helle and Tarvainen 1984, Fancy and White 1987, Russell et al. 1993).

During warm and calm days (mean temperature >13oC and mean wind speed <6m/sec) when conditions were such that caribou were likely harassed by insects (Nixon 1990), Porcupine herd caribou preferred dry prostrate shrub vegetation types on ridge tops in the foothills and mountains of the Brooks Range, elevated sites on the coastal plain, and areas adjacent to the Beaufort Sea coast, apparently to gain relief from mosquitoes (Walsh et al. 1992).

Porcupine herd caribou did not display as strong a tendency to move to the coastline during potential insect harassment as has been seen for the adjacent Central Arctic herd. Observations of movements of unmarked animals during survey flights, however, indicate that segments of the herd often follow the coastline while moving along the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge in July (F. J. Mauer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, personal communication).

Individual radio-collared caribou showed at least partial fidelity (i.e., caribou repeatedly returned to specific areas) to either the coastal plain, foothills, or mountain zones during the insect harassment season in different years (Walsh et al. 1992). The negative energetic consequences of insect harassment (Helle and Tarvainen 1984) suggest that free access to insect relief habitat is important to caribou (Walsh et al. 1992), but in some herds the energetic cost of insect harassment may be low (Toupin et al. 1996).

Calf Performance in Relation to Habitat Use

Mean calf weights within 1-2 days of birth were remarkably similar among years. On average, female calves caught during 1992-94 when the herd was declining weighed 6.2 kg, slightly less (P = 0.003) than <2-day-old female calves caught during 1983-85 (6.7 kg, Whitten et al. 1992) when the herd was increasing.

The increase/decrease classification, however, explained only about 9% of the variance in calf weights. The difference in female calf weights between the increase and decrease phases of the herd was due solely to a cohort of heavy calves in 1985 (7.2 kg). Female calves caught in 1983-84 weighed an average of 6.3 kg (Whitten et al. 1992).

There was a significant interaction among years and between periods (0-3 weeks and 4-5 weeks after birth) (P < 0.001) in daily weight-gain of female calves, 1992-94 (Fig. 3.23). Daily gain was particularly low during the fourth and fifth weeks of life for calves born in 1993 (Fig. 3.23).

Figure 3.23 plots the average daily weight gain of caribou calves of the Porcupine herd, 1992-1994, during two time periods (0-3 weeks post-birth and 4-5 weeks post-birth).  Gain was estimated from sequential weights of recaptured radio-collared animals.  During the first 3 weeks of life, daily weight gains were 370, 430 and 410 grams in 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively.  During the fourth and fifth weeks of life, daily weight gains were 340, 210, and 340 grams in 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively.

Figure 3.23. Daily gain (kg) of caribou calves of the Porcupine herd, 1992-1994, during 2 periods (0-3 weeks post-birth and 4-5 weeks post-birth). Gain was estimated from sequential weights of recaptured radio-collared animals. Means are listed above the appropriate bars.

Daily weight-gain of calves did not differ between calves born in the concentrated calving areas and in the peripheral calving areas (P = 0.214). Much higher relative densities of caribou (7x on average) in the concentrated calving areas compared to peripheral calving areas may have reduced forage available to individual lactating females.

Even though concentrated calving areas had a greater proportion of area with high plant biomass (both NDVI_calving and NDVI_621) than did the annual calving grounds, the differential in forage abundance was evidently not sufficient to overcome the higher densities of caribou in the concentrated calving areas and to enhance the weight-gain of calves born there.

Patterns of habitat use by calves varied significantly (P < 0.01) between periods and among years, 1992-1994 (Fig. 3.24a-c), but were generally similar to use of sites for calving (Fig. 3.21). Weight-gain of calves during calving ground use was not associated with the percent of time that calves spent in any particular vegetation type or in any class of forage at calving (NDVI_calving), rate of increase in forage during lactation (NDVI_rate), forage available at the peak of lactation (NDVI_621), or snowcover (P > 0.05).

Figure 3.24 plots availability of six vegetation types in the extent of calving for the Porcupine caribou herd and use by radio-collared calves during two time periods (0-3 weeks post-birth and 4-5 weeks post-birth) for a) 1992, b) 1993, and c) 1994.   The figure illustrates pronounced selection of Herbaceous Tussock Tundra during the first 3 weeks of life in all years.  In general, the use patterns were similar to use of sites for calving.

Figure 3.24. Availability of 6 vegetation types in the aggregate extent of calving for the Porcupine caribou herd and use by radio-collared calves during 2 periods (0-3 weeks post-birth and 4-5 weeks post-birth) for a) 1992, b) 1993, and c) 1994. Vegetation types: Wsedge = wet sedge; Msedge = moist sedge; HerbTT = herbaceous tussock tundra; ShrubTT = shrub tussock tundra, Alpine, and Riparian.

Although individual calf weight-gain was not explained by within-annual-calving-ground habitat use, several characteristics of parturient females and calves were related to habitat conditions in the annual calving grounds, 1992-1994. The rank orders of 1) NDVI_621 in the annual calving ground, 2) average parturient female weights (Fig. 3.25), 3) parturient female body condition score, and 4) average calf weights, all at 3-weeks post-calving, were all the same (1993 > 1994 > 1992).

Figure 3.25 plots median Normalized Difference Vegetation Index on 21 June within the annual calving grounds of the Porcupine caribou herd and weights of parturient female caribou when captured within the annual calving ground on 21 June, 1992-1994.  In 1992, both female weight (77 kilograms) and 21 June NDVI (0.23) were lowest among the three years.  In 1993, both female weight (83 kilograms) and 21 June NDVI (0.31) were highest among the three years.  In 1994, both female weight (81 kilograms) and 21 June NDVI (0.29) were intermediate among the three years.

Figure 3.25. Median Normalized Difference Vegetation Index on 21 June (NDVI_621) within the annual calving grounds of the Porcupine caribou herd and weights of parturient female caribou when captured within the annual calving ground on 21 June, 1992-1994.

Lack of correlation between individual calf weight-gain and use of annual calving ground habitat suggests that the location of annual calving grounds may have maximized calf weight-gain, given the conditions of the annual habitat available within the extent of calving. Once the annual calving ground was located in an area that provided a high proportion of easily digestible forage (high NDVI_rate), then variation in caribou density and forage biomass (NDVI_calving, NDVI_621) may have interacted to reduce variation in performance among the individual study animals.

(continued to Part 4)

| Home | Section 1 - Introduction | Section 2 - Land Cover | Section 3 - Porcupine Caribou Herd |
| Section 4 - Central Arctic Caribou Herd | Section 5 - Forage Quantity and Quality | Section 6 - Predators |
| Section 7 - Muskoxen | Section 8 - Polar Bears | Section 9 - Snow Geese | Acknowledgements |