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Monitoring Populations of Sage-Grouse: Proceedings of a Symposium at Idaho State University Hosted by University of Idaho and Idaho State University

The greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and the Gunnison sage-grouse (C. minimus) are species of concern because of their population declines and shrinking geographic distributions. Of continuing interest is the question of population abundance and trends. This publication answers the questions that deal with sage-grouse population, More...

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SAGEMAP: GIS Database for Sage Grouse and Shrubsteppe Management in the Intermountain West

SAGEMAP - Spatial Data for Sage Grouse and Shrubsteppe Systems is needed for research and management of sage grouse and sagebrush steppe habitats in the western United States. This website is a product of the NBII Great Basin Information Project. Find out more from this resource on sage grouse as endangered species, habitat information, More...

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California Information Node (CAIN)

The California Information Node provides access to data and information about California's environment. Among the topics covered are: invasive species, resource management, conservation, restoration, plants, animals, watersheds and policies. Images, maps and spatial data are also provided. Links to biological issues, biological disciplines, More...

  • California Information Node (CAIN) website image


The global declines in many kinds of pollinator species could potentially impact the global food supply, as many plants depend upon specific pollinators to reproduce. The Web site of the NBII Pollinators Project provides access to information about the biology, ecology, conservation status, and threats to native pollinators, pollinator-dependent More...

  • animation of a hummingbird pollinating a flower