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Content Last Revised: 06/23/2004

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

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Title 29  



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Chapter XXV  

Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Department of Labor



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Part 2590  

Rules and Regulations for Group Health Plan Requirements




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Subpart A  

Continuation Coverage, Qualified Medical Child Support Orders, Coverage for Adopted Children

29 CFR 2590.606-1 - General notice of continuation coverage.

  • Section Number: 2590.606-1
  • Section Name: General notice of continuation coverage.

      (a) General. Pursuant to section 606(a)(1) of the Employee 
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (the Act), the 
administrator of a group health plan subject to the continuation 
coverage requirements of part 6 of title I of the Act shall provide, in 
accordance with this section, written notice to each covered employee 
and spouse of the covered employee (if any) of the right to continuation 
coverage provided under the plan.
    (b) Timing of notice. (1) The notice required by paragraph (a) of 
this section shall be furnished to each employee and each employee's 
spouse, not later than the earlier of:
    (i) The date that is 90 days after the date on which such 
individual's coverage under the plan commences, or, if later, the date 
that is 90 days after the date on which the plan first becomes subject 
to the continuation coverage requirements; or
    (ii) The first date on which the administrator is required, pursuant 
to Sec. 2590.606-4(b), to furnish the covered employee, spouse, or 
dependent child of such employee notice of a qualified beneficiary's 
right to elect continuation coverage.
    (2) A notice that is furnished in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) 
of this section shall, for purposes of section 606(a)(1) of the Act, be 
deemed to be provided at the time of commencement of coverage under the 
    (3) In any case in which an administrator is required to furnish a 
notice to a covered employee or spouse pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(ii) 
of this section,

[[Page 617]]

the furnishing of a notice to such individual in accordance with Sec. 
2590.606-4(b) shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this 
    (c) Content of notice. The notice required by paragraph (a) of this 
section shall be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the 
average plan participant and shall contain the following information:
    (1) The name of the plan under which continuation coverage is 
available, and the name, address and telephone number of a party or 
parties from whom additional information about the plan and continuation 
coverage can be obtained;
    (2) A general description of the continuation coverage under the 
plan, including identification of the classes of individuals who may 
become qualified beneficiaries, the types of qualifying events that may 
give rise to the right to continuation coverage, the obligation of the 
employer to notify the plan administrator of the occurrence of certain 
qualifying events, the maximum period for which continuation coverage 
may be available, when and under what circumstances continuation 
coverage may be extended beyond the applicable maximum period, and the 
plan's requirements applicable to the payment of premiums for 
continuation coverage;
    (3) An explanation of the plan's requirements regarding the 
responsibility of a qualified beneficiary to notify the administrator of 
a qualifying event that is a divorce, legal separation, or a child's 
ceasing to be a dependent under the terms of the plan, and a description 
of the plan's procedures for providing such notice;
    (4) An explanation of the plan's requirements regarding the 
responsibility of qualified beneficiaries who are receiving continuation 
coverage to provide notice to the administrator of a determination by 
the Social Security Administration, under title II or XVI of the Social 
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq. or 1381 et seq.), that a qualified 
beneficiary is disabled, and a description of the plan's procedures for 
providing such notice;
    (5) An explanation of the importance of keeping the administrator 
informed of the current addresses of all participants or beneficiaries 
under the plan who are or may become qualified beneficiaries; and
    (6) A statement that the notice does not fully describe continuation 
coverage or other rights under the plan and that more complete 
information regarding such rights is available from the plan 
administrator and in the plan's SPD.
    (d) Single notice rule. A plan administrator may satisfy the 
requirement to provide notice in accordance with this section to a 
covered employee and the covered employee's spouse by furnishing a 
single notice addressed to both the covered employee and the covered 
employee's spouse, if, on the basis of the most recent information 
available to the plan, the covered employee's spouse resides at the same 
location as the covered employee, and the spouse's coverage under the 
plan commences on or after the date on which the covered employee's 
coverage commences, but not later than the date on which the notice 
required by this section is required to be provided to the covered 
employee. Nothing in this section shall be construed to create a 
requirement to provide a separate notice to dependent children who share 
a residence with a covered employee or a covered employee's spouse to 
whom notice is provided in accordance with this section.
    (e) Notice in summary plan description. A plan administrator may 
satisfy the requirement to provide notice in accordance with this 
section by including the information described in paragraphs (c)(1), 
(2), (3), (4), and (5) of this section in a summary plan description 
meeting the requirements of Sec. 2520.102-3 of this chapter furnished 
in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
    (f) Delivery of notice. The notice required by this section shall be 
furnished in a manner consistent with the requirements of Sec. 
2520.104b-1 of this chapter, including paragraph (c) of that section 
relating to the use of electronic media.
    (g) Model notice. The appendix to this section contains a model 
notice that is intended to assist administrators in discharging the 
notice obligations of this section. Use of the model notice is not 
mandatory. The model notice reflects the requirements of this section

[[Page 618]]

as they would apply to single-employer group health plans and must be 
modified if used to provide notice with respect to other types of group 
health plans, such as multiemployer plans or plans established and 
maintained by employee organizations for their members. In order to use 
the model notice, administrators must appropriately add relevant 
information where indicated in the model notice, select among 
alternative language, and supplement the model notice to reflect 
applicable plan provisions. Items of information that are not applicable 
to a particular plan may be deleted. Use of the model notice, 
appropriately modified and supplemented, will be deemed to satisfy the 
notice content requirements of paragraph (c) of this section.
    (h) Applicability. This section shall apply to any notice obligation 
described in this section that arises on or after the first day of the 
first plan year beginning on or after November 26, 2004.

[69 FR 30097, May 26, 2004; 69 FR 34921, June 23, 2004]

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