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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Source, Age, and Description
of Some Postglacial Pyroclastic Deposits
in Mount Rainier National Park

-- Excerpt from: Dwight R. Crandell, 1971,
Postglacial Lahars From Mount Rainier Volcano, Washington U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 677

Pyroclastic Layer Source Volcano Approximate Age Description Comments
X Rainier >110-<150 Scattered pumice lapilli  
W St. Helens 450 Pumice ash Layer W is a white pumice of fine to medium sand size. It thickens from about a quarter of an inch on the west side of the park to about 3 inches near the southeast corner.
C Rainier >2,150-<2,500 Pumice lapilli and scattered blocks Mostly lapilli size and is widely distributed over most of the park east of the volcano. It is generally one to several inches thick.
Y St. Helens >3,250-<4,000 Pumice ash Light yellowish-brown pumice of medium to very coarse sand size. It thickens westward from about 1 inch near the east edge of the park to about 12 inches near the southwest corner.
B Rainier >4,000-<5,800 Pumice ash and scattered lapilli  
H Rainier >4,000-<5,800 Scattered pumice lapilli  
F Rainier 5,700 Montmorillonite-rich lithic ash  
S Rainier >5,700-<6,600 Sand-to block-sized lithic rubble The layer consists of an unsorted mixture of sand, silt, and angular rock fragments as large as 1.5 feet across.
N Rainier >5,800-<6,600 Lithic ash  
D Rainier >5,800-<6,600 Pumice lapilli  
L Rainier >5,800-<6,600 Pumice lapilli  
A Rainier >5,800-<6,600 Pumice ash and scattered lapilli  
O Mazama 6,600 Pumice ash This layer blankets the entire park and the adjoining region to a depth of 1-2 inches and is a distinctive yellowish orange.
R Rainier >8,750-<11,000? Pumice and lithic lapilli and ash  
Modified from: Crandell, 1971, USGS Professional Paper 677, p.12, p.22; table source originally from: D.R. Mullineaux (written commun., 1970)

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04/20/06, Lyn Topinka