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Strategic Goals of ASC

The Center will focus strategically on four areas: Customer, Program, People, and Operations

Customer Strategic Goal – Improve and enhance service to the Center's customers (users of our information) and broaden customer base with timely, innovative products and effective interaction as outlined in the Center's mission.

Customer Long-term Goals

  • Measurement framework – Better understand the Center's customer base, their needs, and their interactions with the Center's science programs.

  • Products and Services – Develop new products and services that are responsive to and reflect internal and external Center customer needs.

  • Customer Engagement – Increase involvement of multiple partners and cooperators/coalitions in contributing to mutually beneficial science program outcomes and impacts.

Program Strategic Goal – Provide science for the resource managers, policy makers, and public in Alaska and the Nation in response to present and anticipated needs.

Program Long-term Goals

  • Hazards – Ensure the continued transfer of data, risk assessments, and disaster scenarios needed by our customers before, during, and after natural disasters, and increase the delivery of real-time hazard information to minimize loss of life and property.

  • Environment and Natural Resources – Maintain, provide, and improve long-term environment and natural resource information, systematic analyses and investigations, and predictive tools for scenario building and decision making about natural systems.

  • Mix of Science Activities – Balance the mix of long term data collection and monitoring, research and development, and assessments and applications to be responsive and flexible.


People Strategic Goal - Attract and maintain a diversified, quality workforce with the skills that enhance Center science programs and serve our customers. 

People Long-term Goals

  • Skills – Enhance science and technical skills of the Center's workforce.

  • Reward Program – Reinforce strategic direction through a Center reward program.

  • Flexibility – Achieve human resources flexibility to meet changing needs.

  • Leadership – Foster visionary leadership and management professionalism.

Operations Strategic Goal – Improve and enhance the Center's infrastructure and operational processes and practices to efficiently and effectively support the Center's workforce, science programs, and customers.

Operations Long-term Goals

  • Information Infrastructure – Ensure efficient data integration and access to satisfy both the Center's internal and external customers.

  • Operational Process and Practices – Improve the efficiency of the Center's administrative and science support and programmatic activities through streamlining, quality improvements, and cost reductions.

  • Facilities Infrastructure -- Optimize facilities location, distribution, and use to reduce costs while ensuring science program effectiveness and quality of work environment.

  • Clearly communicate to all audiences consistent USGS messages about our strategic direction and science programs.

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