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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter VI  

Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor



Part 725  

Claims for Benefits Under Part C of Title IV of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, As Amended




Subpart H  

Payment of Benefits General Provisions

20 CFR 725.545 - Underpayments.

  • Section Number: 725.545
  • Section Name: Underpayments.

    (a) General. As used in this subpart, the term ``underpayment'' 
includes a payment in an amount less than the amount of the benefit due 
for such month, and nonpayment where some amount of such benefits is 
    (b) Underpaid individual is living. If an individual to whom an 
underpayment was made is living, the deficit represented by such 
underpayment shall be paid to such individual either in a single 
payment (if he or she is not entitled to a monthly benefit or if a 
single payment is requested by the claimant in writing) or by 
increasing one or more monthly benefit payments to which such 
individual becomes entitled.
    (c) Underpaid individual dies before adjustment of underpayment. If 
an individual to whom an underpayment was made dies before receiving 
payment of the deficit or negotiating the check or checks representing 
payment of the deficit, such payment shall be distributed to the living 
person (or persons) in the highest order of priority as follows:
    (1) The deceased individual's surviving spouse who was either:
    (i) Living in the same household with the deceased individual at 
the time of such individual's death; or
    (ii) In the case of a deceased miner, entitled for the month of 
death to black lung benefits as his or her surviving spouse or 
surviving divorced spouse.
    (2) In the case of a deceased miner or spouse his or her child 
entitled to benefits as the surviving child of such miner or surviving 
spouse for the month in which such miner or spouse died (if more than 
one such child, in equal shares to each such child).
    (3) In the case of a deceased miner, his parent entitled to 
benefits as the surviving parent of such miner for the month in which 
such miner died (if more than one such parent, in equal shares to each 
such parent).
    (4) The surviving spouse of the deceased individual who does not 
qualify under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
    (5) The child or children of the deceased individual who do not 
qualify under paragraph (c)(2) of this section (if more than one such 
child, in equal shares to each such child).
    (6) The parent or parents of the deceased individual who do not 
qualify under paragraph (c)(3) of this section (if more than one such 
parent, in equal shares to each such parent).
    (7) The legal representative of the estate of the deceased 
individual as defined in paragraph (e) of this section.
    (d) Deceased beneficiary. In the event that a person, who is 
otherwise qualified to receive payments as the result of a deficit 
caused by an underpayment under the provisions of paragraph (c) of this 
section, dies before receiving payment or before negotiating the check 
or checks representing such payment, his or her share of the 
underpayment shall be divided among the remaining living person(s) in 
the same order or priority. In the event that there is (are) no other 
such person(s), the underpayment shall be paid to the living person(s) 
in the next lower order of priority under paragraph (c) of this 
    (e) Definition of legal representative. The term ``legal 
representative,'' for the purpose of qualifying for receipt of an 
underpayment, generally means the executor or the administrator of the 
estate of the deceased beneficiary. However, it may also include an 
individual, institution or organization acting on behalf of an 
unadministered estate, provided the person can give the Office good 
acquittance (as defined in paragraph (f) of this section). The 
following persons may qualify as legal representative for purposes of 
this section, provided they can give the Office good acquittance:
    (1) A person who qualifies under a State's ``small estate'' 
statute; or
    (2) A person resident in a foreign country who under the laws and 
customs of that country, has the right to receive assets of the estate; 
    (3) A public administrator; or
    (4) A person who has the authority under applicable law to collect 
the assets of the estate of the deceased beneficiary.
    (f) Definition of ``good acquittance.'' A person is considered to 
give the Office ``good acquittance'' when payment to that person will 
release the Office from further liability for such payment.
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