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Content Last Revised: 2/14/75

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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter I  

Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department of Labor



Part 10  

Claims for Compensation Under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, As Amended




Subpart G  

Appeals Process

20 CFR 10.616 - How does a claimant obtain a hearing?

  • Section Number: 10.616
  • Section Name: How does a claimant obtain a hearing?

    (a) A claimant, injured on or after July 4, 1966, who has received a 
final adverse decision by the district office may obtain a hearing by 
writing to the address specified in the decision. The hearing request 
must be sent within 30 days (as determined by postmark or other 
carrier's date marking) of the date of the decision for which a hearing 
is sought. The claimant must not have previously submitted a 
reconsideration request (whether or not it was granted) on the same 
    (b) The claimant may specify the type of hearing desired when making 
the original hearing request. If the request does not specify a format, 
OWCP will schedule an oral hearing. The claimant can request a change in 
the format of the hearing by making a written request to the Branch of 
Hearings and Review. OWCP will grant a request received by the Branch of 
Hearings and Review within 30 days of: The date OWCP acknowledges the 
initial hearing request, or the date OWCP issues a notice setting a date 
for an oral hearing, in cases where the initial request was for, or was 
treated as a request for, an oral hearing. A request received after 
those dates will be subject to OWCP's discretion. The decision to grant 
or deny a change of format is not reviewable.
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