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Enter UV Data

Hello! To submit your UV data to SunWise, fill in the fields below.

Who is reporting?

(the ID assigned by EPA for entering data)

For which day?

(mm/dd/yyyy) Calendar

UV Index

Forecast value of where you live
0-15; see lookup by ZIP code

UV intensity measurements

2.7, 11
hour:minute am/pm
10:15am, 2:05 PM

Sunrise and sunset

hour:minute am/pm 6:15am, 7:05 PM, etc.

Sky conditions

Check the picture or description that most closely matches the sky (on the date you entered):

Picture of a clear sky Picture of a few clouds Picture of lots of clouds Picture of a gray, cloudy sky
A few clouds, but still more clear sky than clouds
More clouds than clear sky, but still some holes
Totally cloudy

Action steps

Check all of the things that you should do to protect yourself from the sun (on the date you entered):

person wearing a hat person wearing sunglasses tube of sunscreen cartoon animal using an umbrella for shade sundial lamp giving light for indoor activities
if it's cool enough, also wear full-length clothing
from 10 am - 4 pm as much as possible



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