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New Mexico Water Science Center

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Rio Grande Compact and Pecos River Commission

Project Number: 8637-9L710; 9L720
Project Chief: Anne Marie Matherne
Cooperator: New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission; State of Colorado; Texas National; Resource Conservation Commission
Period of Project: 1940s to Present

Rio Grande Compact

Description of Project: The Rio Grande Compact Commission is composed of representatives of the states of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. The Compact is the mechanism for apportioning the waters of the Rio Grande between the three states. An employee of the USGS, New Mexico Water Science Center serves as Secretary to the Compact.

Objectives: The Secretary to the Rio Grande Compact performs duties as outlined in the rules and regulations of the Rio Grande Compact Commission. The principal duty of the Secretary is to compile streamflow and storage data used in the accounting computations performed on an annual basis by the Commission. The Secretary also compiles provisional streamflow and storage data that are distributed to interested parties on a monthly basis. In addition, the Secretary compiles and publishes an annual data report for the Commission.

Pecos River Commission

Description of Project: The Pecos River Commission is composed of representatives of the states of New Mexico and Texas. The Compact is the mechanism for apportioning the waters of the Pecos River between the two states. An employee of the USGS, New Mexico Water Science Center serves as Secretary and Treasurer to the Compact. In addition USGS personnel perform streamflow analyses as directed by the Compact.

Objectives: The Secretary and Treasurer of the Pecos River Commission perform duties as outlined in the rules and regulations of the Commission as well as by direction of the Commissioners. Duties include maintaining Commission financial records and accounts and making arrangements for periodic meetings of the Commission. Streamflow and rainfall records are studied on an annual bases using methodology documented in the Pecos River Rivermaster's Manual to determine base flow and flood flow inflow into the river. The results of these analyses are used by the Pecos River Rivermaster in order to compute required deliveries of water from New Mexico to Texas. Other surface-water computations and measurements are made as needed.

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