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Direction & Management of FPI FAQs

1. Who oversees and operates Federal Prison Industries?
2. Who currently serves on FPI's Board of Directors?
3. Are Board of Directors Meetings open to the public?
4. Is there any independent oversight or review of FPI's operations?

1. Who oversees and operates Federal Prison Industries?

Federal Prison Industries is governed by a six-member Board of Directors. The members are appointed by the President and, by statute, represent Industry, Labor, Retailers and Consumers, Agriculture, the Secretary of Defense, and the Attorney General. 

FPI is an integral component of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (Bureau or BOP), and the Director of the Bureau serves as Chief Executive Officer for FPI. The Assistant Director for the BOP’s Industries, Education and Vocational Training Division serves as Chief Operating Officer and Corporate Secretary of FPI.

2. Who currently serves on FPI's Board of Directors?

The following individuals were appointed on May 29, 2002, by President George Bush to FPI’s Board of Directors: 

David D. Spears, Chairman, is currently Director of Kansas Farm Bureau and Affiliated Services - Agriculture Solutions. Prior to that he served as Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in Washington, DC. (Agriculture Representative)

Donald R. Elliott, Vice Chairman, is the Chief Administrative Officer for Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He has also worked for the U.S. Department of Labor, the State of Maryland, and in the banking and industrial manufacturing industries. (Industry Representative)

Audrey J. Roberts, Member, is retired as President and Chief Administrative Officer, Martin Manufacturing Company, Martin, Tennessee. She has also served as Chairperson of the Government Contracts Committee, American Apparel and Footwear Association. (Retailers & Consumers Representative) 

Frank Gale, Member, has been appointed to the seat on the FPI Board representing Labor. A Sergeant and 17-year veteran of the Denver County Sheriff's Department, Mr. Gale is currently the State President for the Fraternal Order of Police in Colorado. 

Jack Bell, Member, has been appointed to the seat on the FPI Board representing the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Bell is the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Material Readiness.

Lee Lofthus, Member, has been appointed to the seat on the FPI Board representing the Attorney General. Mr. Lofthus serves as the Assistant Attorney General for Administration. Prior to joining the Justice Management Division, Mr. Lofthus served as Chief of Finance for the Bureau of Prisons. 


3. Are Board of Directors Meetings open to the public?

FPI is not covered by the Sunshine Act regarding public meeting access. However, FPI’s Board of Directors has instituted the following in an effort to afford the public increased opportunity to receive from and/or provide information to the Board concerning the corporation’s business practices and operations. 

(1) A specified amount of time is allocated during each Board meeting held in Washington, DC, to allow persons who wish to address the Board an opportunity to do so.

(2) On the third Friday of every month, senior FPI management staff are available to meet with interested parties seeking to either raise issues of concern and/or ask questions about FPI’s current operations. The meetings are held at 10:00 am at FPI’s headquarters in Washington, DC.

(3) Interested individuals may write at any time to FPI’s Chief Operating Officer, Steve Schwalb; the Chairman of the Board, David Spears; or FPI’s Constituent Relations/Ombudsman, Jan Hynson, at the following address:

Federal Prison Industries
400 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20534 

4. Is there any independent oversight or review of FPI's operations?

As a component of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, FPI is subject to regular congressional oversight by the House Judiciary Committee. Several hearings on the program have been held over the years.

The General Accounting Office (GAO) conducted three separate studies on FPI’s customer satisfaction rates, delivery performance, and product pricing during the late 1990s. The various studies contained several recommendations which have since been implemented. The reports (#GAO/GGD-98-50, #GAO/GGD-98-118, and #GAO/GGD-98-151) are available on GAO’s website at www.gao.gov.

Annually, FPI’s financial statements are reviewed by an independent audit firm, the results of which are published yearly in FPI’s Annual Report.

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