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Meeting in the UK on Sea-Floor-Mapping Techniques

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Jane Denny presented the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Woods Hole Field Center (WHFC)'s shallow-water-mapping techniques at a 1-day workshop sponsored by the Southern Region of the Hydrographic Society of the United Kingdom (UK).

Held in Reading, UK, on November 28, 2002, the workshop was entitled "Multibeam EchosoundingÑthe Total Inshore Solution? Overcoming the Shallow Water Challenge." It had a diverse audience, among which were academics; hydrographers; representatives of the Royal Navy, the British Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Ireland, and UK government and private environmental organizations; and various vendors of multibeam echosounders, interferometric sonars, and attitude sensors.

Discussions ranged from survey operations to comparisons between swath-bathymetric systems, and the wide application of these systems. Additionally, the USGS' geologic applications of swath bathymetry were presented at SEA (Group) Ltd. in Beckington, UK, the manufacturer of the Submetrix 2000 Series interferometric sonar used by the WHFC Sea Floor Mapping Group.

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USS Arizona

Adriatic Sea Sediment-Transport Cruise

Bear Lake Sea-Floor Mapping

Assateague Island Vegetation Mapping

Field-Testing New Portable Drilling System

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Outreach Transoceanic Dust Impacts

Woods Hole Field Center Open House

St. Petersburg Field Center Open House

Great American Teach-In

Fourth-Graders Tour St. Petersburg Field Center

Girl Scouts 90th Anniversary


Meetings Effects of Fishing Activities on Benthic Habitats

Planning Gas-Hydrates Research

Science and Politics in Ecosystem Decisions

Sea-Floor Mapping Techniques

Staff & Center News GHASTLI Lab Visitors

Science Museum Board

Two New Scientists

Louisiana Coastal-Restoration Advisory Board

Air Medical Transport Center Tour

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